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Posts posted by SimonaG

  1. . Ma è normale o un po' offensivo che io muoia dal ridere guardando i tuoi video, quando salti dal commento del pennello o del rossetto al gatto che ti entra in borsa o l'altro che dorme nel letto o la preoccupazione della confusione della tua stanza, sempre con un fare professionalissimo e simil-serio?



    Anch'io muoio guardando i video di Valeria sono davvero un toccasana :naughty::naughty:

  2. Hello fans, got off set this morning at 4am, filming lasted for about 20 hours, the video is nothing like you would have already guessed or would expect but I can assure you it will blow you away! MIKA and Ariana give an amazing performance as well as about 9 extras and 3 actors all coming together to put "popular" into cinematic artistry! You wont be disappointed in this video! The artist were so happy at the end of the day and the crew and cast were thrilled with the outcome... popular song video is going to be... well... very very popular!


    Thank you for the info...now I'm soooo curious:fisch:

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