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About BluntTalking

  • Birthday 08/30/1989


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    New Mika Fan
  1. can someone do me a really nice favour!? Some how get photos from our interview with Mika Like print screen them or grab them? thanks xxx
  2. in 20 minutes you can win a signed t-shirt by Mika on our twitter Just follow us and retweet the post https://twitter.com/BluntTalking
  3. Thanks for the feedback guys. Loyal fans, my favourite song of his is Lola. Think it will be great, I hoe he does well this time around in the UK. Seems like he has a really big international fan base thought. If you can, follow us on twitter or subscribe to us for more interviews https://www.youtube.com/BluntTalking x
  4. i think mika is genuinely a soft person. Although a couple of generic questions he has set answers for, the one's he doesn't, he seems very genuine and gives you hsi full attention. He was very well groomed his boyfriend, he was the first person who came in to have a look around and you could kind of feel his aura was protective of Mika. I'm not a tech guy either, but i understand if he moves back and forth at time the camera will go out of focus. I'm more interested in you guys, there is such a huge selection of artists to for fans to be obessesed with, im curious to how you ended up being such huge fans of Mika?
  5. He's a leo so he's naturally confident. I think a general fan would dismiss a few of his songs as very simplistic. He spoke about a very niche handbook that only very good fans would know about - songs of sorrow maybe? I wondered about his family, because being gay and from Lebanon don't sound like it would go down well...
  6. Yeah just joking around off camera. Yeah in a way he was careful because he does not want to come across as silly like some of his playful songs. He's a deep dude and i think he wants to show a more cultured side now. Because of my surname he thought i was arabic so at the end without cameras he was telling me about it and seemed happy about it.
  7. You can still enter the competition to win the signed t-shirt from Mika. Ask me questions and i'll remember stuff. x
  8. Mika has very long answers. We spoke about the short film he did for the origin of love. How he decided to do it with a small budget and go a very deep way about it. I got the feeling he wants to sure a more mature side to his music. He came in with who I think was his boyfriend. Good looking dude. We we're in the sanderson hotel and the first thing mika said was ' ahhh so many crazy nights here with amy winehouse ' so I thought, he might just be the type of celeb who names drop. But he was so down to earth and intelligent. Far away from any gimmicky songs he may have. Also, I didn't want to just discuss things you already know about him which is why I add those random questions at the end. Oh and well spotted, one the arm rests on the chair was actually broken. So he may of seemed a bit awkward. I will see what I can do about the full interview. Management might not like certain parts on youtube
  9. Hey Guys, Thanks so much for the feedback and positive or negative comments. Mika was so down to earth and articulate. We spoke for about 30 minutes so it was tough to cut it down to just 5 mins. Any questions you guys have about him? Thanks David Shellim
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