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Posts posted by Machoefeltje

  1. I'm still reading 'The Casual Vacancy' from JK Rowling. Because I really enjoyed reading Harry Potter (I grew up with these books :naughty:), I went and bought her new book too.


    But I must say... I'm halfway through and I'm still not sure if I like it or not. I guess it's still growing on me. But it's starting to get better now.

    It's totally different from Harry Potter, but I'm determinated to read this book untill the very last page, just because I want to finish it, eventhough I don't like it that much :teehee:

  2. Not at all? :naughty: Well I went to the doctor yesterday and then my pulse was way too high so they thought it was something wrong with my thyroid. But turns out everything was notmal. So I'm just really relived now.


    I'm just hoping it isn't that obvious that I'm curious, but I seem to fail every time :naughty:


    And that's indeed something to be relieved about! :thumb_yello: I'm happy for you.


    I feel horribly down.


    That's not good :sad: What's wrong?

  3. latest dream: So I was with some other Mika fans and we were waiting around, not for a gig but for a music video shoot or something. I think we hadn’t yet been told which of us was gonna be in the vid, but i'm pretty sure i didn't get in. ...*stuff i forget*... Then a little while later i was with Mika in front of a house. Not his current house but one he said he lived in before. He took me and my mum inside and the three of us sat down in these fancy upholstered chairs in his living room. It was kind of dark inside, colorwise, and not very Mikaish xD Mika and i were the ones talking mostly and we talked for quite awhile. A few times something I said made him laugh and I remembered feeling soooo happy he’d found me funny. Then i just mentioned something about hair and he replied about the “lamb-soft lock” of my hair i'd given to him. I couldn’t believe he'd remembered what i'd given him or that he hadconnected the gift with me, i about dream-died from elation. I asked him if he recalled whether i'd sent it to him or if i'd given it to him in NYC and he said i'd sent it. Then i woke up.


    BTW i swear i've never really given Mika any of my hair xD


    :naughty: This made me laugh really bad. Dreams can be so... Weird :aah:


    If he starts collecting his fans' hair one day we'll know who started the trend. :mf_rosetinted:


    :lmao: It's original, that's for sure.

  4. It wouldn't be Mika's super secret YouTube channel if you could just find it like that would it now? :mf_rosetinted:


    How nice of Mika to help you get a better view of him performing! :naughty:


    That's true, that's true... But it would be fun to find that Youtube channel. I'm sure we all would have a lot of fun watching it :lmfao:


    And yes, he was very nice :naughty:


    Omg i was loling the entire time i read this :lmao:i bet he read this then quickly changed the name before anyone could check it :sneaky2:


    Awwww dream Mika is so sweet!


    He probably did! :sneaky2: Now we have to start all over with searching for it.

  5. I had a dream I was casually hanging out with Mika because we were a couple. :mf_rosetinted: He had signed up for another one of those song writing camps and was panicking because he had to write one song before the camp started. He played the song for me from YouTube and it even had a video although it wasn't fully finished and there were scenes of Mika putting his face to a scanner and spreading the pictures all around the room. :aah: The song he was writing for the camp was a total copy of Blame It on the Girls and Mika couldn't understand why he couldn't make another song like that.


    The best part of the dream was that I found out Mika's secret YouTube channel for unfinished videos and songs: it was called "HangoverSounds". :floor:


    This dream made me laugh. And did you find that Youtube Channel yet? :naughty:


    My last dream with Mika was a kind of normal dream :teehee:

    I was at some sort of shop, I think it was a shop for books and I was in the back of this shop when I noticed that all the way in front was a big stage. Then I totally freaked out, because I realised Mika would be preforming there and I climbed on a shelf to see everything much better. But then some people started to argue next to me and ruined everything. So I looked really mad at them.

    But because I was in the back and couldn't see anything really good, I just decided to move to the front. So I tried to make it there, but had a struggle to get between the audience to go in front. But at some point, Mika realised what I was trying to do, so he helped me to get at the front row by jumping off stage, making his way to me and pulling me with him back to the stage.

    And when I was there, I met some people from MFC and we all enjoyed the concert together :naughty:


    And then I woke up :mf_rosetinted:

  6. I saw the show today, I had to record it because I went out yesterday.

    I was incredibly happy when I saw that 'Langs De Leeuw' would be broadcast on Ned1, it's one of the few tv channels from The Netherlands I can receive in Belgium :naughty:


    I really loved the show, although I'm not a big fan of Paul De Leeuw, but he and Mika, it's a combination that seems to work perfectly :teehee: So it was very fun to watch, and I laughed a lot. The cooking with the 'piepkuiken' he carried around with him, the Christmas diner in the end... :naughty:

    And it was also a lot of fun to see you MFC'ers in the audience, especially during Only Love You When I'm Drunk with the dance from Brussels and when Mika started to dance too. It brought back a lot of memories :teehee:


    It was great to watch. :thumb_yello:

  7. Blah, ik ben ziek wakker geworden. Neus dicht, hoesten,... Ben hete thee aan het drinken. Annemaaike heeft er blijkbaar ook van (en die woont bij Amsterdam, als ik mij niet vergis.)


    :itsok: Aw, veel beterschap voor jullie twee! (Maar houdt de microben maar bij, ik voel me niet geroepen om ze over te nemen :naughty:)


    Mika's kerstboodschap is echt wel ontzettend lief. Deze tour moet hem echt wel geraakt hebben, daar ben ik wel blij om. Zowel voor hem als voor ons.


    En Curtis :aah: daar ga ik voorlopig zelfs niet over beginnen. Zalige mens :aah:


    Ik heb de boodschap ook net gezien, ik lag echt strijk :naughty: Echt leuk om te bekijken, blij dat hij hiervoor de tijd genomen heeft. Het was gewoon lief. :teehee:

  8. Zo rond mijn dertiende-veertiende heb ik het eens gepresteerd een hele dag op hakken te gaan werken. Ik zag al mijn collega's staren, zo van: die gaat pijn hebben vanavond :bleh: - en dat was ook het geval. Sindsdien, nooit meer :aah:


    :lmfao: Ik begrijp waarom.

    Maar ja... Zoals ze zeggen, wie schoon wil zijn, moet lijden? Allez... Dat was gisteren toch wat het geval bij mij xD Mijn platte schoenen zijn allemaal zo goed als versleten :naughty: Hoewel het mij vandaag niet kon schelen, het moest plat zijn. :teehee:

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