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Posts posted by Machoefeltje

  1. Concerning the song "Un soleil mal luné", this song is beautiful live :wub2: but Mika still needs to read the lyrics :teehee: (he had the lyrics on the 1st show in Paris, I don't know for the second gig ?)


    He did it in Belgium too (3th nov), so he still doesn't know them? :naughty:


    I never heard the song before untill his gig in Brussels, I must say that I really loved it since then. Although my French isn't that good, I understand most of the lyrics.

    It was a surprise that he started his show with this song because it is a slow one, but I have to say, it was a very special moment. The whole venue was quiet all the way through the song.


    It too bad that this song isn't on the deluxe version I bought here. I love his songs in French too. I know I'm going to listen to this song a lot more from now on.

  2. Ik ben mijn baan kwijt, ja. Media Markt heeft parttimers in dienst, maar tijdens de opstart van de winkel, de opleiding en de kerstperiodes moeten ook de parttimers 40 uur per week werken. En let op, die periode loopt elk jaar van zowat 6 december tot 6 januari. Dat waren ze wel even vergeten vermelden! Ik ga zo al dood van die verhuis, laat staan als ik in volle kerst moet werken.



    Ik hoop ook dat je snel iets anders vindt. Je werk verliezen is nooit leuk :/

    Ik duim voor je! Ben je naar iets specifieks op zoek?

  3. The first time I listened to Mika was when a former friend of mine introduced me to 'Grace Kelly' when it came on the radio in Belgium. She loved his song much more then I did at that moment :naughty:. I just 'liked' it. But when I heard more and more songs of him, I truely fell in love with him and his songs. And now, all those years later, I'm still very in love with Mika and his music (and my former friend doesn't like his music anymore, boooo!)

  4. I love Stardust, it's just a fun song and I like the lyrics too.

    But I must say, I only did really fell in love with the song when he played the acoustic version at his gig in Brussels. I loved that version so much, it really took my breath away. So I secretly love the acoustic version just a little bit more than the one on the cd.

  5. Nog iemand nieuw uit België ^^ Leuk!


    You were early in Brussels then :P When I got there, I had to go around the corner to find the end of the line. But, still on the 4th row during the show. So I can't complain ^^

  6. I got a new kitten today! He doesn't even have a name yet.







    Aaw, he looks so cute! :wub2:

    Does he have a name already now?


    I'm also a cat-lover. I have two cats running around here.

    One is called Musti, she is the silent and gentle one of the two. She got her name from a cat in a cartoon here in Belgium. You can find it on google :P

    The other one is called Diego. He's named after Diego, the tiger from Ice Age. And a little bit after Zorro, because he's mischievous... He tries to escape every time!


    I'll find some pictures later... I don't think I have them on my laptop.

  7. Ik heb ook de NL deluxe versie denk ik... Daar staan buiten 'Elle me dit' geen franse liedjes op... Wel spijtig :( Misschien eens voorstellen als kerstkado :naughty:


    Over kerstkado's gesproken... Mijn mama maakte gisteren een geniale opmerking. Ik was bezig over Mika en dat ze iets via zijn website kon bestellen als kerstkado.

    Ik: 'Ja, op mikasounds.com!

    Mama: Wat, Mikasaus? :blink:

    Ik: ... MikaSOUNDS, mama.


    Ouders. :naughty: Ik drijf mijn moeder nog gek met mijn Mika-obsessie.

  8. First of all, thank you for all the warm welcomes :D It's fun to read.

    I already know I'll have fun here ^^


    Hier sie, nog een sociaal werker! :wink2:

    Het was een super concert he, in Brussel! Van mij mag hij al zijn concerten in het koninklijk circus doen :naughty:


    In ieder geval: Welkom, Daniëlle! En veel plezier! Als je nog vragen hebt, stel ze gerust :thumb_yello:


    Jij ook een sociaal werker? Dat is toevallig :D

    En ja, Brussel was echt super, als hij daar opnieuw een concert geeft, ben ik er zeker opnieuw bij :naughty:


    Hej, welkom op het forum! Welcome to MFC! Yes, Brussels was a blast :-D I was on stage there ^_^ I hope you enjoyed it as much as we did. And of course, enjoy this forum and all the nice bits it has to offer ^_^


    If you were in the choir, I was almost standing right beside you. You did a great job, I did enjoyed it! :thumb_yello:


    Hallo Daniëlle,:bye:


    welkom bij het MFC! ik hoop dat je hier een leuke tijd zal hebben, als je vragen hebt ofzo, laat je't maar weten! :wink2:


    Zal ik zeker doen, bedankt! :)

  9. I believe I'm also suffering from PMD after the gig in Brussels :(

    It already started after the show, I was so happy I saw him but at the same time I was so sad it was already over :(


    I'm trying to cure myself by listening to his music and cherish the memories I have of him (But it doesn't work al the time ;) )

  10. Hi everyone


    I'm Daniëlle and I live in Belgium (Antwerp), 24 years old and working as a social assistant.


    I learned about Mika after a friend introduced me to the song 'Grace Kelly' when it was on the radio in Belgium. Ever since that moment I liked every song that I heard from him. So it didn't last very long until I knew every song by heart after I bought his album.

    A few years back, Mika came to the Sportpaleis in Antwerp. When I discovered this, I was so happy and bought tickets the moment they went on sale. If I already wasn't hooked to Mika before that show, I was definitly hooked after it.

    This made it very obvious that I also attended Suikerrock this year and after that I couldn't wait until his new cd came out.

    A few days after Suikerrock I heard that Mika would come back to Belgium, this time in Brussels. I was... ecstatic. At this point, I have to thank my mum because she ordered the tickets to see the show in Brussels (I had to work when the tickets went on sale).

    I'm still enjoying the memories to this show. It was just amazing, awesome and words can't describe all the feelings I had. Afterwards I was so happy because I saw him, but at the same time so sad because it was over again. So I hope he will come back soon.


    So Mika is in my life for quite a while now. His music makes me smile everytime and gets me through every difficult situation in my life. I love his music so much, that I start singing along with his songs, even when I'm at work and Mika is on the radio (my colleague laughed... I didn't care ;) ).


    Next to Mika I also like dancing (I'm taking danceclasses - in wich we also danced to Mika a few times!) and reading (mostly fantasy). Currently I'm reading JK Rowlings new book.

    Maybe just a funny fact to close this post... I'm left-handed ;)


    If you want to know more things about me, just ask them. I won't bite :)

    I hope I'll have fun here.



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