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Posts posted by Tuittu

  1. Wanted: Stonehenge general manager to meet with Druids

    For the first time in its 5,000-year history, the owners of Stonehenge are seeking a general manager, whose responsibilities will include liaising with Druid leaders and maintaining the "dignity of the stones".


    So anyone interested? :naughty:


    Well, I'm actually looking for a summer job... :naughty:

  2. My thoughts exactly! :wub2:


    I started watching the show in January, I think, and I'm ~almost~ caught up with all the episodes. :teehee: The last one I watched was 8x13.


    Kiva nähdä lisää suomalaisia täällä Tuittu! :biggrin2:


    Ja vielä suomalaisia jotka tykkää Criminal Mindsista ja Reidistä...:naughty: Mikäs sen parempaa...:wink2:

  3. Hamster comes back from dead on Good Friday

    A hamster has come back from the dead 24 hours after being buried alive in a garden.


    Lisa Kilbourne-Smith and boyfriend James Davis were looking after the pet hamster, called Tink, for friends when they found her lying lifeless in her cage.


    They thought she was dead and wrapped her body in kitchen roll, dug a 1ft deep grave in their flower bed and laid her to rest.


    The pair then phoned Tink's owners Nicki Gamble and Jamie Wynn to break the news that the two-and-a-half-year-old had passed away.


    But the next day - Good Friday - Mr Davies called back to announce that the hamster had been 'resurrected' after going into hibernation.


    She had eaten her way out of her paper shroud, dug her way out of her grave, edged along a narrow wall and then climbed a waste pipe to land in a recycling box.


    SEE! MIRACLES DO HAPPEN! sometimes....


    Poor hamster!!!:shocked: I'm glad she woke up but it must have been awful... But yes, miracles DO happen:thumb_yello:


    Disappointed woman offers lessons in how to propose

    A woman is offering lessons in how to propose after being disappointed by her boyfriend’s attempt at asking the question.


    Sam Sheppard, 34, claimed she did not even realise her lover was popping the question and the experience was more like “being asked out for pizza” - so she set up a company to train other men in the art of proposing.


    She has started her own company, The Proposal Expert, and has already helped couples all over Britain to take the first step toward tying the knot. Although most of her customers have kept secret the fact that they paid her for help.


    Well....err.....I'm not really sure what to say about this xD


    I don't know what to say...People could do some things theirselves.:doh:

  4. I may have created the thread but It's people like you who keep it alive :thumb_yello:


    Feeling a little better thanks for keeping it open for meeeeeeeeeeeeee




    International Pillow Fight Day in London's Trafalgar Square

    Thousands of people battered each other until feathers flew in London's Trafalgar Square on Saturday for International Pillow Fight Day.





    I'd like to be there! I love when childish people!:thumb_yello:

  5. I'm not selling them...at least not yet...:naughty:


    I make some to have at home (children are sick of cake by now):teehee:, others i make for friends on their bdays, others i just give to my neighbours...


    I just enjoy doing them...:naughty:


    Why can't I be your neighbour!!!??? Your cakes look reeeally delicious1:licks_lips:

  6. Sorry won't be posting for maybe a week, don't know how long yet just till I'm feeling less complete and utterly down, ironic huh? Please keep this thread going for me could you till I come back, I'm sure other people who are down might like to browse this and cheer up thanks :)


    You've done so much for this thread, thanks! Sorry that you're feeling down, I hope it gets better soon:thumb_yello:


    I just saw a video of one of the weirdest flashmobs ever. It's about Rembrandt's painting and it's great:naughty:. Watch it here:


    Also, I found this:naughty::

    New York police responding to an emergency call about a ‘man screaming for help’ this week were surprised to discover an angry goat named Charcoal tied to a fence.A worried resident in Putnam County made the call after hearing the screams of what she believed was a man trapped under a car shouting for ‘help’.A dispatcher also heard the screams that witnesses say ‘sounded like a chimpanzee’ before sending a team to the scene.

  7. Here's a second one to make up for me being very late with replying :thumb_yello:


    Three ton rhino meets its match - a camel

    A three-ton rhino met an unlikely match when it got too close to a camel’s calf and was bitten on the behind by the disgruntled father.


    :naughty:Poor Rhino!


    Women make better bosses than men because they are fairer and have more scruples, according to a new study.

    Companies with female board members are more likely to make decisions that benefit everyone from investors to staff and not just themselves and other directors, the study added.


    Take that men! (Yes I know I'm a man but shh! )


    Well, I'm glad that I'm a woman:wink2:

  8. You're welcome. I was surprised no one responded to this thread.:teehee: I thought they were well known since their video for Smooth Criminal has more than 8 mil views.




    But maybe people just don't recognise the name. They may have heard them playing but they just don't know the name. And also I think that Smooth Criminal has so many views because it was the song they played in Glee:wink2:

  9. Have you heard about these guys?


    It's a Croatian cello duo consisting of Luka Šulić and Stjepan Hauser. They are discovered worldwide when they uploaded a cover of Michael Jackson's "Smooth Criminal" to YouTube.


    This one is fresh, uploaded today, and I really like it!






    That youtube clip was so cool! (And I love Coldplay):thumb_yello: I've never heard of the group before but they looked familiar... And then I realized that they were on Glee!:naughty: Now I have spent like an hour watching their youtube videos... So thanks for letting us know about the group, I love them already!

  10. But it doesn't.

    I wouldn' throw all English teached in shools or training courses away but the real deal doesn't begin untill you start to read books and papers, watching films and TV series without subtexts and most of all have conversations where you have to express your own thoughts and ideas in English.

    The Internet has been the most valuable source for me in learning and training my English! Of course I had the basics from school but that is nothing compared to what I've learned those Internet years!:blush-anim-cl:


    I totally agree! My English is not perfect but it's waaaay better than my Swedish. I've studied English since I was 9 years old and Swedish since I was 10 so not that much of a difference there. It's just that I don't hear Swedish that much and I only use it at school.

  11. Hi everyone :)


    I've been a member since May and since then, all I do with the forum is to post birthday wishes and welcome new members to our community. I'm happy with what I do, however, I want to do more than that. I started participating in threads but always end up feeling left out. So I guess what I wanna ask from our MIKA Fan Club is someone who will volunteer to be my friend up here.


    We can just post stuff on each other's profiles, talk about MIKA and chat about random things in life.


    So what do you say? Would you do it with me, please? It would mean the world :blush-anim-cl:


    By the way, I hope everyone's having a great day :thumb_yello:



    I can volunteer! :thumb_yello: Sent PM or whatever you want anytime :wink2:

  12. This wasn't today but last night,I managed to prove my father wrong with something and if anyone else has managed to do that with their friends/family they know how good it feels.


    I LOVE the feeling!:naughty: Especially with my mom 'cos she's usually always right...


    Today we were thinking about my friend's birthday present. She loves chocolate so we're gonna get her lots of it and then kidnap her:naughty: I love birthdays! (Althougt for some reason I don't like them when they're mine...)

  13. Army bomb squad called to defuse laminate shelving

    A Surrey town centre was cordoned off for four hours after a bomb squad was called to a chemists to dispose of a "suspicious package" – which turned out to be laminate shelves.


    Well.....they can be quite dangerous......ish.....


    Yes, no overreacting at all... :naughty: Good that they check those "suspicious packages" but seriously...:rolls_eyes:


    I'm all stressed out 'cos I have my final exams going...:nervous: So good to read something that makes me think something else for a change:thumb_yello: And of course this is great practise for English!:naughty:

  14. The worlds smallest book!

    Costing an enormous $15,000 (around £10,000), the smallest book yet made is a 30 micro-tablet book carved on a pure crystalline silicon page, measuring just 70 micrometres by 100 micrometres. Etched using an ion beam at the Simon Fraser University, Canada, the book is called Teeny Ted from Turnip Town. The author of the book is Malcolm Douglas Chaplin and it was published by Robert Chaplin. The book even has its own ISBN reference, ISBN-978-1-894897-17-4, though you will need a scanning electron microscope to read a copy.


    Quite expensive for a little book...


    I love those oh-so-useful inventions!:thumb_yello: And the name:naughty: Teeny Ted from Turnip Town... I would really like to read the book with a name like that but first I should win the lottery or something:wink2:

  15. So far this is one of my favorites of this year. I think I like her more than the song, she has something haunting, but even the song is good and not average like so many others of this year.


    My personal favorite by far for now is Hungary:




    It has such a lightness and is at the same time not monotonous and has a lot of playful soundeffects. And it's somehow hypnotic. And it's individual. And most of all it feels total honest and intimate to me.


    And I love the pictures in the background :D


    Hopefully it will reach the final!


    Okay, now I've found my favourite too:thumb_yello: That backround is great and the song is cute (and yes I have to admit that the boys are cute too...:wink2:). I don't understand a word but it doesn't matter! I just hope that they make it to the final and I wouldn't mind if they won the whole thing:naughty:

  16. We read our old friend's books today with my friends:naughty: (you know those books where you ask your friends to write about their favourite bands and what they wanna do when they grow up and so on). We had written those when we were around 8 years old. It was so cute because everyone wanted to be a princess or a granma:blink:...

  17. It's not my kind of thing either. But Krista stands out all right- a teenage girl demanding to be married and a queen bee? Is this the 50s? (Feel free to insult the UK entry when we decide on one- unless it's Mika)


    Actually Krista is something like 27 years old...:wink2: Her boyfriend kind of promised to marry her if she wins the competition in Finland so now we are waiting for the proposal:naughty:


    And there are many songs here that are not in English, great:thumb_yello: And because Estonian sounds so funny when I understand it a little bit but not totally, I actually like when the girl sings in Estonian.

  18. Our entry this year:




    I don't think it's an outstanding song, to be honest. The band has been quite well-known in Spain for a while already.


    Bagpipes? Interesting:blink: But I like that they sing in Spanish not always in English (and I can understand some Spanish too). Do they just look they same or is it the same band that was in Los Serranos?

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