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Posts posted by Alireine

  1. Je veux... sniff


    J'ai une place libre pour t'héberger si tu veux :wink2: mais pas d'avion privé, désolée :mf_rosetinted:


    Bonjour à tous !

    Concernant le rassemblement entre fans le 28, je vais faire mon possible pour pouvoir y aller.


    Ca serait bien! N'hésite pas à me contacter sur Twitter pour plus d'infos ou le jour J

  2. (suite)


    And the gig was the most beautiful I ever attended. As others already said, Mika's voice was beautiful, he was really playing with it during the songs, and he was obvisously loving to be on stage AND singing. He changed a bit of almost every songs so it was really nice to hear.

    And we had Toyboy as opening, that was the first time I was hearing it live, I love it :wub2:


    I also loved how he jocked with the audience, and his "how THIS (showing at himself) could be for rental" during Toyboy, with him laughing then, was priceless :naughty: He is obviously aware of what some people think he is doing :wink2:

    AND Boum Boum Boum :wub2::wub2: It's actually really great live :wub2::wub2:


    As there is the recording of the show thanks to Lara (:huglove:) I won't tell you more how this gig was incredible, you saw / will see it by yourself.

    I'm just very glad and thankful I could be here.


    We then waited for him to leave the venue, and then I went to the hotel room of a kind fan who hosted me, for sleeping 2 hours, and took my coach for return at 6 am :aah:


    And I'm now here with such nice memories in my head :wub2::wub2:

    Very happy that there was the streaming (and recording now) so that everybody can enjoy this gig in a way :huglove:

    I hope we will have soon real gigs open for everyone :thumb_yello:

  3. So, my report of this amazing day :wub2:


    I arrived very early in Brussels on Thursday morning because I came with night coach so I was at 6:30 am there :aah: I decided to take directly a train to Liege as I was not sure how much time it would take, so arrived at Liege around 8:30 am. Went directly to the mobistar shop to have a look, hoping for some breakfast after this "look", but there were actually already barriers and some people queuing so I went a bit worried and decided to start queuing too :blush-anim-cl: (that's the reason why I didn't eat during 20 hours, how hard is the life of a fan :teehee:)


    It was actually nice to queue, I was with some fans I knew and also with 2 young fans who would be meeting Mika for the first time and were very excited / stressed about it. So we shared some stories, advices and so, I told them to be prepared that it goes very fast (in order not to be disappointed as I was at Swatch last year), so they were absolutely ready for the worst to happen :naughty:

    But it actually went as perfectly as it could :wub2: Mobistar had organized it very well (they gave LICM CD to make signed for the first 50 people, that is really kind), we went upstairs in a huge room fully decorated in this, well... "mobistar-green-that-I-don't-like", with 3 chairs and a table in the midlle of the room, cameramen, photographers and so on. I must say that all this started to let me feel nervous a bit (I let you imagine how the young girls were feeling :aah:).


    Then Mika arrived, the first guy went to talk with him and Mika really took his time with him, exactly like he did with all the other fans after. He was especially lovely to one of the young girl who was so happy to meet him that she was almost fainting, he brought her a chair, asked her questions to let her feel at ease,... ok, I was so proud of him :wub2::blush-anim-cl:


    Then it was my turn and it was really nice, he did something amazingly kind: I asked him for a supporting message for a fan who is running at a race for raising founds for Imagine for Margo, and in the written message he spontaneously pledged to sponsor her! I was so surprised I hardly had any words :aah: but it shows (once again) how kind he is :wub2:



    He told me he had thought of coming to the race himself, but that he would be in LA for the album at that time (end of September).


    Then I went with other fans waiting at the venue in Brussel (thanks for the car ride Isa!), joined the so kind fan thanks to who I had a ticket, and we chatted all together waiting at the opening of the door. Some fans were not sure to enter because of problems of names on the tickets, but finally thanks to very helpful people (:huglove:) everybody could enter.


    (I need a second post, sorry)

  4. :shocked: so many vids to watch!!!


    I'm wondering which ones are worthy.....



    Interviews from X Factor press conference:



    http://video.repubblica.it/spettacoli-e-cultura/matrimoni-gay-mika-non-un-pericolo-ma-una-cosa-ovvia/177417/176140 Some bits of his reply to the interviewer asking whether Italy has the X Factor to get to gay marriage legal approvement:

    "It's a matter of time. A part of the society wants to be acknowledged and protected by the system, how can we say no?"

    "It's an important matter that must be discussed with clarity and positivity. This pressure to progress can't be ignored. Because it is something obvious."


    Well, I liked the second one, with the long interview by many journalists (even if going a bit to fast for me to be able to understand everything :aah:). And the one about gay mariage in Italy is interesting :thumb_yello:


    Mobistar seems to want everybody to be able to watch the streaming so they gave a public link:


    click on the link inside from 21h (Belgium time)


    They just said on Twitter that the streaming will be geolocalised and not viewable outside Belgium, I'm sorry


    Maybe someone knows how to do with proxy?

    Dear fan who managed to do it for Mawazin, if you read me... :teehee:


    Edit: it was not for Mawazin, it was for Vodaphone, and I contacted him ;-) hope he will answer and find a solution!

  6. Bonjour!


    We are doing a fans meeting on the 28th of September (Sunday), near Paris.

    A fan will be running at the race organized by Imagine for Margo and we will be supporting her, and then having lunch all together.

    If the weather is nice it will be a picnic (you can buy food at the race), if not we will be going to La Défense and eat in a restaurant.


    The place of the race is "parc de Saint-Cloud", it is easily reachable by tramway T2 or subway M9 from Paris.


    Please contact me if you are interested in coming or for more informations.


    Hope to meet you there :thumb_yello:

  7. Bonjour à tous!


    Il y aura une rencontre entre fans sur Paris (plus précisément au parc de Saint-Cloud, proche banlieue accessible en métro et tram) le dimanche 28 septembre.

    C'est à l'occasion de la course de soutien à Imagine for Margo, une fan va courir et nous allons l'encourager et en profiter pour déjeuner ensemble.


    Nous partons plutôt sur un pique-nique dans le parc (il y aura des stands pour acheter de la nourriture), sauf si il pleut, dans ce cas nous irons à La Défense manger au restaurant.


    N'hésitez pas à me contacter si vous voulez nous rejoindre :thumb_yello:

    Si vous voulez assister à la course elle commence à 10h mais mieux vaut être là avant. J'ai 3 places libres pour héberger quelqu'un dans la nuit de samedi à dimanche

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