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Posts posted by Lauramikale

  1. I'm really creative, I love drawing and doing things with my hands (I'm going on an art class next year) and i live in Luxemurg, so it's easy for me to take stuff with me so I really hope we'll create something!  :D

    I do think that Mika will sing NPIH and TAY but I'm not sure for Rio or Promiseland even if I liked to, so maybe we should do something with skylines, signs with  "heaven" and "hell" like in the video, like you said clouds and so on, it would be stupid to create something that we couldn't use... 

    The only problem is, like I said, I'm coming immediately after schoolend by bus and I already thought of taking my drawing as a present for Mika but I can put some stuff in my school bag if necessary

  2. Thanks both of you for the offer! Lauramikale, you're sure yor mum wants to wait til mika has left? :teehee: as you might know, it can take a while... :rolls_eyes: but anyway, we can decide spontaneously after the gig. Just please think of us if you're about to leave by car after mika left. ;) we can split up in 2 cars, that's no problem. ;)


    About preparing something for the gig, as lauramikele suggested, what would you think about preparing a "heaven" for npih? I'm sure he'll play that. With white clouds made of paper and/or fluffy material (dunno the english word, but i mean sth like this: http://www.conrad.de/ce/de/product/333999/Daemmwolle-30-Liter-aus-Polyestervliess-zur-Klangverbesserung-bei-Lautsprechern)? Maybe also halos and angel wings. And if he plays oh girl you're the devil, we could use devil's horns... but that idea is so obvious that i'm sure we won't be the only ones. :teehee: more ideas (if he plays those songs) would be palm trees, parrots and monkeys for rio, and crowns for promiseland. ;)

    Oh don't worry my mother already waited before and after the last concert at Den Atellier with me, 9 hours only standing in front of the hall, the same at Ronquières Festival and The Voice, so don't worry for this and I think she would drive you to the airport, we'll see then!  ;)


    I love your ideas for the surprises, last time it was really fun with the fish! :naughty:

    Whatever we'll do, I'm in!  :)

    • Like 1
  3. Just wondering, is anyone coming by car and can take us (nina, saskia and me) to the airport after the gig (after mika came out to meet fans, if he does)? If you don't have 3 places, but someone has 2 and someone else 1, it'd be ok too.

    I'm coming immediately after school's finished, by bus (My school's in the city) but my mother's coming with the car and I'm driving home with her so I could ask her if you want! But I'm not sure because maybe a friend of mine will come with me, so there wouldn't be enough space...

    • Like 1
  4. Could you make some on request? :fisch:

    I'm so sorry I just saw your message  :doh:

    Yes ,, i could but maybe in the summer hollyday because I'm really busy now, I'm so sorry  :unsure:


    I'm working on a pillow case right now  :)




    And that's not Mika but... I hope you'll recognize him  :huh:



  5. 4781659488031429291944772.jpg


    That's the latest drawing of Mika I made (it's not finished yet)




    My shoes :aah:






    I bought a normal white t-shirt and I sewed the tissu on my own (It was the same tissu I took for the Mika heart garland )


    I recently bought a pillow case to paint Mika on it :blush-anim-cl:


    I guess my other drawings are better but they aren't of Mika...

    • Like 1
  6. Ooow thank you all! :fangurl:


    Thank you Lilasko for the thread :)


    Yes, I guess you're right silver, I wanted to change the right cheek anyway


    Yang, I'm 16 years old now (I grew up a bit haha) I started becoming a fan of Mika 5 years ago!

    Yes I speak french, german, luxembourgish (yes it exists :biggrin2: ) english and now I'm learning italian and dutch on my own :bleh:


    Thank you all so much again!! :group_hug:

  7. Hello

    I wanted to show my drawing of Mika (it's not finished yet) in a drawing thread but I couldn't find any (maybe I just can"t search )

    It took me 7 hours to do this but I think there's something wrong but I just don't get it...



  8. Coucou tout le monde :)

    Je vais demander à mon papa de m'acheter des places pour le concert de Mika à l'Atelier aisni que celui à Nancy mais je voulais vous demander si vous pensez qu'il y aura encore des places dans quelques jours car je sais que je dois toujours tout rappeler 3000 fois à mon père?

    Je flippe grave de ne pas avoir de places, je vais le harceler quand il rentre on va voir mais j'ai un peu peur :unsure:


    J'espère vous voir à l'un de ces concerts :mikalove::wink2:

  9. Hello everyone :)

    I just wanted to say that I'm selling a part of my clothes of this collection and I think a lot of people would be interested

    So I'm showing you what I sell and the original price and if you like something you can make a proposition




    So the vest had cost 49,90€

    The skirt had cost 59,90€

    And the blouse 34,90€




    Here the vest had cost 79,90€

    I don't sell the blouse

    And the shorts was 44,90€


    If you want some pictures of the clotes, or if you want to see what it looks like when someone is wearing it you can ask me :)


    I hope I can be helpfull to someone :D

  10. Bonjour à toi!!!! Tu as bien fait de passer et de nous partager ces photos :thumb_yello:


    Les cadenas sont fixés à l'un des ponts de la capitale si je me souviens bien.


    Tu es entrée au bistrot 82? C'est comment l'ambiance?


    Bon week-end à toi et à toutes celles/tous ceux qui passeront dans le coin des Francophones :wink2:

    Bonjour :D:bye:

    Oui les cadenas sont fixés sur le pont des art à paris, qui est connu pour ça, il est quelque part derrière la cathédrale Notre Dame, et il y a pleins de couples qui mettent des cadenas pour leur chéri et moi... pour Mika :teehee:


    Sinon oui je suis rentré dans le bistrot, et le vendredi soir il y a toujours quelqu'un qui vient chanter et il y avait une super bonne ambiance! C'était un bel endroit pour passer sa soirée d'anniversaire! :)


    Voici quelque photos:






    Et sinon j'avais une petite question, est-ce que vous savez peut être d'ou viennent ces photos svp? :)




    Celle du millieu je sais qu'il rendait visite à des enfant dans un hôpital en Italie mais les deux autres je sais pas, si vous savez ça serais gentil c'est pour mon exposé en anglais et je voulais montrer que Mika ne pense pas qu'à lui :P


    Et puis merci et bon week-end à tout le monde :D

  11. J'ai une semaine de vacances, alors je me suis pris le temps de passer faire un petit coucou :)

    Donc... Coucou tout le monde :bye:


    Je vais aller à Paris en mars pour mon anniversaire je suis contente vu que je n'y ai jamais été ; je vaiw aller voir le bistro 82, peut être le musée grévin aussi et une fan de Mika :D

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