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Everything posted by YoMute2

  1. Thanks for the advice. Everyone I know has told me the exact same thing - that Mica isn't genuine, they're just songs, he used me and I need to get over it, etc... I just won't believe it until he tells me to my face that he doesn't love me any more. After 14 years, I think I deserve that.
  2. I'm sorry for what I said. I told you that. I came to London to see you. I waited where I told you I would. I'm here until Friday. You know how to reach me. I'll wait outside your parents' house every night from 9pm to 10pm. If you want to talk please come and see me. You can't expect to have treated me the way you did and for me to go through all the hell I did and not be upset. You know I have my own issues. I accept you unconditionally. That's love. If you love me, or even if you once loved me, please meet me and let's at least have a conversation. I can't do more to prove I love you. I waited for you for a year. You strung me along all year. It isn't fair. Love is action, and I'm here. Phoebe
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