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Posts posted by charlie20

  1. On 10/9/2021 at 12:16 AM, Hero said:

    That was fun. I have some questions... 


    What was the deal with Westphalia, why couldn't they do their bootcamp at the studio with everyone else? 




    To comply with the anti-Covid protocols, which means that one or more members of the band had tested positive for the covid or they had a contact with a positive, so, respecting the quarantine, could not be together with the others for the Bootcamp.

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  2. On 5/18/2018 at 11:00 PM, Loo said:

    Maybe something to do with the June 2nd concert?




    Thanks to Maxime Lafranceschina for this beautiful ball! It is true that it was a beautiful poster that this Usap vs FcG. Thanks to the players for signing the ball on Saturday before this magnificent match against Oyonnax which opened the doors to the Top 14!





    7 hours ago, carafon said:

    I'd rather thought about something related to the UNHCR ,or maybe with the "day against homophobia "even if it was the day before

    M-O Fogiel is not working for Canal+ ;neither is (or was) Claire Chazal and the gig at Stade de France has more to do with the FFR (French rugby fédération ) than with the French Président


    Well, last year Macron was at the final, and if I understood correctly it's the pre-match protocol ceremony, during which each player of both teams is presented to the president:



    Perhaps Mika was there for that, or maybe there's also some other reason.

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  3. On 5/16/2018 at 3:49 PM, Siri said:



    I would have loved Frédéric to win, both because he was very good (I loved him) and mostly to prove you don't have to be young and good looking to succeed. It would have been such a strong message in a society where appearance seem to be more important than everything (speaking general, not referring to France or any particular place). Anyway I was happy for Casanova, he needed Mika's help more than Fred and took advantage of it :thumb_yello:


    I agree with you, I LOVED their duet, I did not know the song nor the film before but it was so funny and well done!

    And loved Mika dancing on that and on Kendji's duet :das:


    How sweet from that guy to tell those things not being fan. He hit the spot, and I think we all love Mika fot that too :wub2:


    Bonus: Mika dancing moment :teehee: (vid because I can't make good gifs)







    Sorry, I know, I'm late for this, but I don't think Frédéric would have won anyway, it was already decided that it was Maelle the winner, especially after the duel with Gulaan (another great professional singer. I liked him a lot) and the pressure for a girl to win. 

    And I don’t think it's a problem of  appearance,  in fact the week before the public had voted for him,  but it was for the choice of the songs and the very good interpretation and performance of Casanova on “Kid” by Eddy de Pretto, with a modern and deep meaning text, remarked by Mika and all the coaches. In my opinion Casanova absolutely deserved to go to the final. He already had the talent and the voice, a great potential to bring out, and Mika was able to make sure that he could express this capability interpreting the songs in the right way, leaving aside his shyness. Mika had confidence in Casanova and he followed all his advice and improved in every live show, working very hard. An excellent job.

    I liked and like very much Frédéric, but he is already a great and amazing artist, a  professional with 40 years of career: he’s a singing teacher in a school of musical comedy in Paris, he is an actor in numerous TV series and films, and a lyrical and operetta singer. In addition, after the broadcasting of the blind auditions, he was shooting a film (http://www.lunion.fr/75187/article/2018-02-11/un-candidat-de-voice-en-tournage-reims# ) and, as Nikos said in the final, he was already offered a record contract, so he didn’t need to go to the final. Now, thanks also to Mika who brought him to The Voice's live shows, showing his huge talent, he's much more popular with the average public and that's very, very good for him :thumb_yello:.  I hope that even Casanova has some record company that take an interest in him, because he deserves it.

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  4. On 12/11/2017 at 10:23 PM, Kumazzz said:


    Radio Norba


    It's the MIKA part ( 6 minuets phone interview ) from the original file  Mika on Radionorba 2017♡


    MP3 (8.5MB): 2017.11.10 Mika on Radio-Norba phone interview.mp3



    Mika: “La mia casa è dove mi sento libero “


    Il cantante libanese su Radionorba si racconta tra musica e show


    In diretta telefonica su Radionorba, Mika ha voluto presentare il suo più recente progetto musicale.

    Il nuovo singolo si chiama “It’s my house” e parla proprio di casa, così come il suo show in onda su Raidue “Stasera casa Mika”.

    “Con il mio show – racconta Mika – ho voluto costruire una idea di casa dove tutti sono i benvenuti e da lì mi muovo per un viaggio sù e giù per l’Italia che ho fatto negli ultimi due anni. E’ un’esperienza molto intensa. Nello spettacolo abbiamo costruito un posto che sembra una casa, dove ognuno può sentirsi libero di esprimersi. La casa è questo, è un posto dove ti senti senza vergogna, dove non devi chiedere il permesso di far qualcosa, ma puoi farlo senza preoccuparti delle conseguenze. Io sono uno zingaro ma fortunato, perché ho girato il mondo anche con i miei genitori che mi hanno educato al meglio e hanno sempre cercato di darmi le migliori chances di crescita e penso che mi sento a casa dove mi sento libero. Puoi abitare anche in una casa grande come un palazzo, ma se non sei libero ti sentirai in carcere.”

    Qual è la stanza della casa che a Mika piace di più?

    “La cucina e l’entrata. Quando sono stressato mi siedo a terra sul pavimento dell’entrata principale, dove ci sono i letti dei miei cani che sono curiosi di sapere chi entra e chi esce da casa mia. Se sono triste o stressato mi accoccolo nei loro letti. Ma non vi preoccupate, perché se venite a trovarmi ho anche dei bellissimi divani!”.


    Il singolo “It’s my house” farà parte del nuovo album che vedrà la luce il prossimo anno.

    “Ora sono concentrato sullo show con cui mi prendo seri rischi – racconta Mika – perché oggi abbiamo ovunque una televisione pop e io ho cercato di creare una tv romantica che allo stesso tempo faccia ridere ma che lasci spazio a contenuti che sono come un pugno nello stomaco. E’ una cosa diversa da quello a cui siamo abituati, ma quando riguarderò questo show tra dieci anni voglio esserne orgoglioso perché sto facendo una cosa molto bella”.


    Google translator

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    Mika: "My home where I feel free"


    The Lebanese singer on Radionorba talks about music and shows

    Live on Radionorba, Mika wanted to present his latest musical project.

    The new single is called "It's my house" and speaks at home, as is its show on Raidue "Stasera Casa Mika".

    "With my show - Mika tells - I wanted to build a house idea where everyone is welcome and from there I move for a trip up and down for Italy I have done in the last two years. It's a very intense experience. In the show we have built a place that looks like a home where everyone can feel free to express themselves.

    The home is this, it is a place where you feel without shame, where you do not have to ask for permission to do something, but you can do it without worrying about the consequences. I'm a gypsy but lucky because I've spotted the world even with my parents who have educated me the best and have always tried to give me the best growth opportunities and I think I feel at home where I feel free. You can also live in a big house like a palace, but if you're not free, you'll be in jail. "

    What is the house room that Mika likes most?

    "The kitchen and the entrance. When I'm stressed I sit down on the floor of the main entrance, where there are the beds of my dogs who are curious to know who goes in and who comes out of my house. If I'm sad or stressed, I'll sit in their beds. But do not worry, because if you come to see me I also have beautiful sofas! ".

    The single "It's my house" will be part of the new album that will see light next year.

    "Now I'm focused on the show with which I take serious risks - Mika tells - because today we have everywhere a pop television and I have tried to create a romantic TV that at the same time laugh but leave space to content that is like a punch in stomach. It's a different thing from what we're used to, but when I'm about to show this show in ten years I want to be proud of it because I'm doing a very nice thing. "






    Thank you very much Gabi and Eriko! :flowers2:

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  5. If anyone is interested there is also a phone interview with Mika on Radio Norba of this morning at 12.15. To listen to it you need to download Radionorba's app (that you find on their site http://radionorba.it/ ) on the phone  or tablet. On the screen that opens, scroll up and look for "il Mezzogiorno". Click on the play,  go over a little more than half of the audio and you will find the phone call. I hope it can be downloaded.


    Screenshot rn.png

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  6. 5 hours ago, zia Giovi said:

    No, unfortunately the show is not doing well from a quantative point of view. The first episode had a 9% share, the second one a 7%. I can't explain why, the show is lovely and Mika is much more confident this year. 

    I reckon that Tuesday is not the right day for a variety show, and that the episodes are really long and last until late at night (at least it's late if you wake up at 6 a.m. 😂), but I don't think these are the real reasons of such a drop of the audience 


    This is one of the reasons. Tuesday's positioning of such a show, which is about 3 hours or so long, is definitely wrong, as is the channel on which it is aired, it would have been much better on Friday or Saturday on Rai Uno, where these shows are usually broadcast, to have more audiences. But the main reason for this, I think, was that it was a shared project proposed by the former director of Rai Due, Ilaria Dallatana, who had immense confidence in Mika and his great talent. He had the freedom to do the show, his show, as he wanted. This would certainly be much more difficult on Rai Uno. And then it has had a lot of competition from the other channels, including Rai itself. It's not easy to make a lot of audience having against the broadcasting of fictions, football matches, other very popular shows here in Italy, and movies. The average viewer here is conservative and unwilling to try new things, and honestly not used to seeing a show like Mika's, which is definitely out of the box, and of such quality, today people prefer trash tv and reality shows. The level here has dropped quite low. For example, last tuesday many viewers have preferred to watch Fifty Shades Darker and a fiction on Rai Uno. Mika is not like anyone here (actually, not just here), he is completely atypical and not for everyone, we know it, neither musically, nor as a showman, nor in the current television scene. Mika would not have made this show again here anyway, I think, but he will surely bring it to other countries, even more so with these low audience results for RAI. Without the support of Ilaria Dallatana, I don't know what his future relationships will be with Rai and the new executives. We'll see. It's unpleasant, but the quality doesn't always pay off. Mika is an exceptional 360-degree artist and I hope someone with enough power to do so can still collaborate with him, giving him the right space and freedom to express himself, like in Casa Mika.

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  7. http://www.corriere.it/spettacoli/17_luglio_16/racconterei-beirut-un-filmsanremo-solo-mio-stile-7159afc0-6990-11e7-8ca5-a296e06be357.shtml


    «Racconterei Beirut in un film.
    Sanremo? Solo nel mio stile»

    Mika tra i ragazzi al Giffoni Festival: »Nel mio prossimo show televisivo
    anche una minifiction diretta da Ivan Cotroneo»

    Mika come uno di loro: come uno delle centinaia di ragazzini che popolano il Giffoni Festival, i ferretti ai denti e le mani alzate per interrogare l’idolo pop. La testa piena di idee e di progetti. Proprio come uno di loro. Anticipa prima del bagno di folla: «Mi piace contaminare, provocare storie e cambiare le regole del gioco. Il prossimo autunno tornerò in tv con Stasera casa Mika. La domanda che mi sono posto è come mescolare fiction e varietà. Grazie a una folta squadra di autori stiamo riuscendo ad alternare l’improvvisazione in studio con una minifiction scritta da Ivan Cotroneo. Aggiungi la presenza di ospiti pronti a raccontarsi, ed ecco un laboratorio in quattro puntate di cui poco m’importa quali ascolti otterrà. Mi sento libero di osare».


    Mika pure al festival di Sanremo? I social lo fanno già salire sul palco. Lui però chiarisce: «Per me sarebbe un vero onore, ma condurre non è il mio mestiere. C’è chi lo sa fare molto meglio di me. Potrei provarci solo nel mio stile, ma i tempi si dilaterebbero in una maniera che non posso permettermi, tanto ho da fare». «Sto scrivendo un nuovo album con una persona di cui non rivelo per ora il nome — spiega l’anglo-libanese —. Sarà un disco superpop, dal sound pieno di follia e fantasia. I talent? Li vivo ormai da spettatore. Mi sono serviti a rimuovere certe mie paranoie rispetto alla tv. Ho partecipato ai migliori su piazza, dal punto di vista estetico. Ora passo ad altro. Voglio provare la paura, perché è la paura a dirti quando stai tentando qualcosa di veramente nuovo».


    Il Peter Pan giramondo si dice ossessionato dalle contaminazioni: «Qui il cinema incontra la gioventù. Mi hanno persino proposto di girare un film, un lavoro superserio. Troppo serio», sorride. Il cinema che ama è quello del «realismo magico di Tim Burton. Da ragazzino quando andavo a vedere i suoi film immaginavo di precipitare in quel mondo meraviglioso. I Goonies di Donner: semplicemente fantastici. Avrei voluto essere Natalie Portman in Leon. Harry Potter no. La magia fine a se stessa non mi interessa». Le città che ama e che lo ispirano di più? Napoli e Beirut: «In entrambe ci sono individui che rovinano la vita delle persone, ed è l'aspetto più facile da presentare. Come all’estero, di Beirut molti hanno ancora solo l’immagine degli Hezbollah, così è più facile vendere la versione Gomorra di Napoli, che comunque è una serie fatta benissimo, non ne ho persa una puntata». E a proposito del Paese in cui è nato, Mika ha un sogno: «Mi piacerebbe fare una serie o un film che raccontasse il Libano da una prospettiva diversa, come ha fatto Nadine Labaki con Caramel. L’idea mi è venuta un anno e mezzo fa. Lo vediamo anche in Siria, la guerra ha cancellato almeno tre generazioni. Io racconterei le storie di persone che hanno vissuto il Libano dopo quella lunga guerra».


    Così parla Mika ai ragazzi di Giffoni: «Sono cresciuto in una famiglia super severa, dove però non è mai mancato l’amore, che è alla base di tutto. Senza non esiste creatività. Fate tesoro della famiglia, della lettura». Prosegue: «Da ragazzino ero tondo e basso, poi d’improvviso, a 14 anni, mi sono ritrovato alto e magro: scioccante. Tutti in cortile giocavano a calcio. Io schivando le pallonate mi rintanavo nelle stanzette dei pianoforti. La musica mi ha salvato e aiutato a costruire un’identità».



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  8. http://tv.fanpage.it/mika-non-presentero-il-festival-di-sanremo-2018-non-sono-un-conduttore/


    Mika: “Non presenterò il Festival di Sanremo 2018, non sono un conduttore”

    Ospite del ‘Giffoni Film Festival’, Mika ha chiarito che non presenterà il ‘Festival di Sanremo 2018’. Ha smentito, così, un’indiscrezione che circolava ormai da mesi.



    15 luglio 2017 20:00
    di Daniela Seclì

    Mika: "Non presenterò il Festival di Sanremo 2018, non sono un conduttore"


    Mika conduttore del Festival di Sanremo 2018? A quanto pare, è un sogno che per il momento i fan dell'artista non vedranno realizzarsi. Ospite del ‘Giffoni Film Festival', il cantante ha chiarito che le indiscrezioni che lo vedono al timone della kermesse canora sono infondate.


         "Condurre Sanremo? Sarebbe un enorme onore ma non lo farò. Non riesco a immaginare con le mie tempistiche come riuscirei a farlo. Io non sono un conduttore, quello è un mestiere che altri fanno molto meglio di me, potrei farlo solo nel mio stile, e richiederebbe tempo per prepararlo".


    Continua, dunque, il toto nomi partito prima ancora che l'ultima edizione della kermesse canora giungesse al termine. Nel corso della conferenza stampa relativa alla quarta puntata del Festival di Sanremo 2017, infatti, i giornalisti chiesero ai dirigenti Rai se il 2018 sarebbe stato l'anno di Mika. La loro risposta fu molto cauta:


        "Ci rendiamo conto che sia stimolante ed intrigante però vi garantiamo che tutti noi siamo concentrati ancora su questo Festival. Dopo la fine di questo, inizieremo a lavorare sul Festival del 2018".


    Alla luce delle parole di Mika, decadono anche i rumour che parlavano di una conduzione a tre, con il cantante, Pippo Baudo e Virginia Raffaele. Tra i nomi che sono circolati con più insistenza ci sono anche Fabio Fazio, Amadeus e Fabrizio Frizzi. Colui che condurrà il Festival di Sanremo 2018 potrebbe essere svelato in via definitiva, già entro la fine di questo mese.


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  9. http://m.bresciaoggi.it/home/spettacoli/giffoni-mika-sanremo-non-lo-condurrò-1.5836539


    Giffoni: Mika, Sanremo? Non lo condurrò





    (ANSA) - GIFFONI VALLE PIANA, 15 LUG - Condurre il Festival di Sanremo? ''Sarebbe un enorme onore ma non lo farò. Non riesco a immaginare con le mie tempistiche come riuscirei a farlo. Io non sono un conduttore, quello è un mestiere che altri fanno molto meglio di me''. Così Mika, oggi protagonista di due incontri con i ragazzi al Giffoni Film festival, risponde a chi gli chiede notizie su un suo possibile ritorno all'Ariston stavolta in veste di presentatore. Il cantante libanese, intanto, si prepara al ritorno su Rai2 in autunno, tra fine ottobre e inizio novembre con la seconda edizione dello show Stasera Casa Mika in quattro puntate: ''Siamo al lavoro da due mesi, inizieremo a registrare questo weekend - spiega -. Quest'anno ci sarà anche una minifiction, scritta da Ivan Cotroneo'' In questo momento, ''sto dividendo il mio tempo fra la musica e gli altri progetti. Sono a metà della scrittura, con un'altra persona, che non posso ancora dire, del mio nuovo album. Lo sto componendo per ora tutto al pianoforte, sarà super pop''. 

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  10. http://www.non-stop-hanouna.fr/tpmp/actu/tpmp-vincent-vinel-chante-live-emotion-ambiance-sur-plateau-19171




    Sur le plateau de "Touche pas à Mon Poste" le lundi 12 juin, Vincent Vinel finaliste de "The Voice" était l'invité de Cyril Hanouna. Du coup, il en a profité pour réaliser un medley magnifique créant ambiance, applaudissement et émotion. Une séquence incroyable à retrouver sur notre site Non Stop Hanouna.

    Lors de la finale de "The Voice" sur TF1, c'est Lisandro qui a gagné le trophée de chanteur de l'année le samedi 10 juin. A seulement 17 ans, le petit protégé de M. Pokora est bourré de talents et il a impressionné par ses performances en majuscule. De son côté, Vincent Vinel est arrivé comme un véritable ovni. Agé de 21 ans, le chanteur est malvoyant de naissance, mais il est capable de jouer au piano, de faire des voix aigües comme graves. Lors de son passage dans le programme, le jeune homme s'est fait connaître grâce à un medley mélangeant le rap, le R&B, et les musiques plus classiques.

    Vincent Vinel impressionne le public de TPMP

    Vincent Vinel a été un artiste impressionnant. Dans l'équipe de Mika, il a longtemps été le favori pour remporter le programme de "The Voice" sur TF1. Du coup, Cyril Hanouna lui a offert quelques minutes pour réaliser une chanson en live. Et dès les premières notes, l'émotion est devenue intense sur le plateau de "Touche pas à Mon Poste" le lundi 12 juin. Puis d'un coup, il s'est lancé dans un rap d'Eminem avant d'embrayer sur une chanson de Sia "Chandelier". Très fier de la prestation du jeune chanteur, Cyril Hanouna a tenu à le féliciter personnellement pour son talent et sa voix. Il lui a aussi souhaité bonne chance pour les échéances à venir du point de vue musical : "Vincent Vinel, c'est exceptionnel. Je te fais un bisou mon chéri, je t'adore. Merci." Une séquence à retrouver sur notre site Non Stop Hanouna.



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  11. On 4/6/2017 at 4:39 PM, cathouzouf said:


    I'm feeling a bit alone in what I'm about to say but I think Vincent has been just OK for a few weeks... Yesterday's performance was missing sparkles. And somehow, I have a feeling that he might be a bit reluctant in following Mika's advices. Nonetheless, I'm sure Mika will be 100% behind him for the final, he is up against very strong contestants


    I understand the Mika’s choice of the points towards Audrey, because she has had a more consistent and coherent path/journey in the competition, and also because Mika probably thought (risking a bit) that in the end the audience would have chosen Vincent for the final. Audrey was very good from the beginning, in her peculiar way of singing and of present herself to the public, with her fan and done very well stagings. But the thing is that she is already a professional, especially on stage. With her band, Audrey et les Faces B, she has been performing in jazz and rhythm-and-blues music venues and festivals of France for many years, and they released several albums, with a good success in their region. So she already had her own style of singing, of making performances, personality, and her own artistic path and career. Mika helped her to express this and her emotions in a television context, which is not her usual musical context. In the performance of last week (the song's choice was of the production, obviously approved by Mika), the dance scene with Mika was a lovely and emotional moment in the tv show, but precisely for this reason in a competition with two young, inexperienced and non-professional guys, it was a bit unbalanced in her favor. All this has created a connection and a sympathy between her and the public that there has not been with the others of the Mika’s team. She said that she isn't in the television landscape but she was very happy of the experience made in the show and her objective was to do the Voice tour and was not so important to her to be in the final. I'm happy she had the chance to show her talent to a wide audience.

    Vincent is not a professional, he has no experience on a stage, he is certainly not sure of himself (he sometimes hides himself behind a forced cheerfulness to not show himself as a victim) and to be on the stage of a TV show like The Voice, without being able to move on it as others do, it can not be easy for him, in addition the fear and the fact that he chose difficult and risky songs, with the pressure of being indicated as one of the big favorites to win by press / media, made the difference. Mika himself said that Vincent was not quite ready and that he wanted to help him. So far this has been complicated by the rapidity of the competition and the circumstances. But he has a lot of talent and a great voice, it’s just that he was not able to express it and to express himself at his very best in the last 2 weeks (anyway, fo me, he did well and has found again himself at the end of “Earth Song”), as he and Mika wanted.

    So I'm glad he is in the final and have the chance to prove/show his talent again and also sing in duet with Mika (there's still the duet with the coach, right?). The important thing is that he is offered the opportunity to make his music and find his artistic way.

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  12. 14 hours ago, tiibet said:


    Totally agree with you and I wonder what will happen tomorrow. Like you said, last time the audience saved Audrey and not Vincent who (also in my opinion) is the one who deserves to be in the finale. I like him, he's very special. 


    9 hours ago, krysady said:


    I had no idea.... this guy Lisandro is a good dancer, but his voice is not so special,imo.  I also agree with you, Audrey is funny but this contest it's about the voice after all :rolleyes:  Vincent is different and I really hope he'll be on the final. 



    Yes, we'll see what will happen tomorrow.

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  13. On 30/5/2017 at 11:33 AM, krysady said:


    Thanks for posting :flowers2: I am glad he's the favorite for winning the competition this year, he really deserves it! And what a life story, he definitely chose the best coach who can totally understand his personality :thumb_yello:


    The article was written before the live shows and until the first live Vincent was definitely considered by the press/media and many viewers the big favorite, but after the second live the big favorite is now Lisandro Cuxi, also for his many young fans (moreover, Lisandro Cuxi has already been the finalist of the second season of The Voice Kids so he's already known), because Vincent was not saved by the public, but by Mika. And since public likes Audrey a lot, it's not sure Vincent will be the finalist.
    I like Audrey, but honestly I think he deserves more of being in the finale of "The Voice". My opinion, obviously.

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  14. On 30/5/2017 at 1:27 AM, charlie20 said:

    An article about Vincent Vinel that has not yet been posted here:


    EXCLU – Vincent Vinel (The Voice) malvoyant et maltraité à l'école : « Quand t’es diffé­rent c’est diffi­cile »






    Au jeu des pronos­tics sur le vainqueur de la sixième édition du télé­cro­chet de TF1, il remporte tous les suffrages. À 21 ans, Vincent Vinel, jeune homme né malvoyant et adopté en Bulga­rie à l'âge de trois ans, prend un belle revanche sur le destin. Rencontre.

    À la gare Saint-Lazare, il connaît tout le monde. Les agents de sécu­rité, les femmes de ménage, les travailleurs pres­sés et les badauds du réseau ferro­viaire d’Île-de-France. Vincent Vinel est un peu comme chez lui. C’est ici, sur le piano mis à dispo­si­tion des gens de passage dans la salle des pas perdus, que le jeune homme de 21 ans a été repéré par une casteuse de The Voice qui atten­dait une amie. Depuis, il a fait pivo­ter les fauteuils rouges de Florent Pagny, Mika et Matt Pokora et séduit les six millions de fidèles du télé­cro­chet de TF1 qui en ont fait leur favori.

    Lui n’a rien vu venir. Et pour cause : « Je suis né mal-voyant. Ce qui, ironie de la vie, ne m’em­pêche pas d’avoir une très claire vision de ma situa­tion. Je suis atypique », lance-t-il. "Enfin, disons que je suis diffé­rent…« . Il est précis, Vincent. Vif et poin­tilleux. »Je concep­tua­lise en perma­nence. Je suis un peu menta­liste. Dans ma tête, ça va très vite… ». Comme ses doigts sur le piano, le saxo, le yuku­lélé ou la batte­rie.

    Surdoué de la mélo­die, Vincent a compensé son handi­cap par une oreille abso­lue et un sens aigu de la compo­si­tion. L’aty­pique recon­naît aisé­ment avoir eu du mal à se faire des amis. « Dans le système scolaire, quand t’es diffé­rent c’est diffi­cile. J’ai souf­fert de discri­mi­na­tion envers les handi­ca­pés, de moque­ries. Mais je suis quelqu’un d’émi­nem­ment posi­tif, je suis dans un élan vital de dépas­se­ment, je vais toujours de l’avant ». A une époque de sa vie, "aller de l’avant« a signi­fié quit­ter l’école. En troi­sième, Vincent Vinel n’est plus allé au collège. »Ce n’était pas mon truc, ça ne m’in­té­res­sait pas. Je n’étais pas mauvais mais… » Ses parents, Brigitte – insti­tu­trice pour les enfants malades de l’hô­pi­tal Necker – et Jean-Michel – profes­seur d’art plas­tique – tous les deux retrai­tés, ont compris.

    S’ils l’ont adopté dans un orphe­li­nat bulgare il y a de cela dix huit ans, s’ils l’ont accueilli, aimé, choyé, consolé, ce n’est pas pour le contraindre à une voie qui ne serait pas la sienne. Jean-Michel et Brigitte lui ont d’abord trouvé des profs parti­cu­liers pour « faire l’école à la maison », puis, comme il aimait chan­ter, et qu’il connais­sait le solfège, l’ont inscrit en CAP accor­deur de piano, à Lille. « Ça non plus, je n’ai pas terminé. Comme j’étais un grand fan de la bande FM – je connais­sais toute la program­ma­tion de Fun Radio, d’NRJ, de Virgin -, j’ai enchaîné avec une école de radio… ». L’his­toire dure à nouveau deux ans avant que le jeune homme « déçu par le milieu de la radio » de son propre aveu, ne plaque tout.

    Depuis, Vincent n’a plus vécu que pour sa musique. Logé et nourri par ses parents en région pari­sienne, bibe­ronné à la pop anglaise – passion de son père -, et à la variété française des années 1970, lubie de sa mère, le jeune homme partage ses jour­nées entre le studio de musique aménagé face à sa cham­brette et les gares où il peut jouer pour « son » public – à savoir, tout le monde.

    Là, il s’est enfin fait des amis. Des origi­naux passion­nés de musique qui, comme lui, font réson­ner leur passion dans les halls de gares. Un petit réseau qui l’a soutenu lorsqu’il a décidé de tenter sa chance face aux coachs de The Voice. Avec succès ! Favori de la team Mika, Vincent ne tarit pas d’éloges sur son coach : « Ce mec a un univers dingue et très poétique. On est pareils lui et moi, on a été des enfants un peu ‘à part’, on se ressemble »… Vincent nour­ri­rait-il un désir de revanche sur le destin ? Le pianiste n’hé­site pas. « Forcé­ment ! Il y a dans ma démarche un côté toi, Michel, toi Laurent, toi, Pascal, toi et toi aussi : vous vous êtes bien moqués de moi et ben voilà, je suis dans votre télé ! Ce n’est pas un leit­mo­tiv mais je suis heureux de montrer enfin ce dont je suis capable. Et si tout ceux qui ne m’ont pas soutenu peuvent réali­ser que j’ai un peu de talent, c’est encore mieux ». Un brin revan­chard, Vincent, et parti­cu­liè­re­ment clair­voyant…




    Here is the translation 



    EXCLUSIVE - Vincent Vinel (The Voice) partially-sighted (/visually impaired) and mistreated/bullied in school: "When you're different it's difficult"



    In the game of predictions on the winner of the sixth edition of the TF1's show, he wins all the votes. At the age of 21, Vincent Vinel, a young man born partially-sighted and adopted in Bulgaria at the age of three, takes a beautiful revenge on destiny. Interview



    At the station (Gare) Saint-Lazare, he knows everybody. Security guards, cleaning ladies, hurried workers and the curious onlookers of the railroad network of Ile-de-France. Vincent Vinel is a bit like (at his) home. It’s here, on the piano put at the disposal of the people passing through the waiting-room/concourse, that the young man of 21 years was spotted by a lady responsible for the casting of The Voice who waited for a friend. Since then, he made turn the red armchairs of Florent Pagny, Mika and Matt Pokora and has seduced the six million faithful viewers of the TF1’s show who made him their favorite.


    He did not see it coming. And for good reason: "I was born partially-sighted. Which, irony of life, does not prevent me from having a very clear vision of my situation. I'm atypical, "he says. "Well , let's say I'm different ...". He is precise, Vincent. Quick-witted and meticulous. "I constantly conceptualize. I'm a bit mentalistic. In my head, it goes very fast ... ". Like his fingers on the piano, the sax, the yukulele or the drums.


    Gifted of the melody, Vincent compensated his handicap by an absolute ear and a strong sense of composition. The atypical easily recognizes that it has been difficult to make friends. "In the school system, when you're different it's difficult. I suffered of discrimination against the handicapped, of mockeries. But I am someone of eminently positive, I am in a vital Impetus(/impulse) to surpass myself/ to go beyond my limits. I always go ahead. " At one point in his life, "going ahead" meant leaving school, and Vincent Vinel did not go to the high school anymore. "That was not my thing, it did not interest me. I was not bad but ... " His parents, Brigitte - teacher for the sick children of the hospital Necker - and Jean-Michel - professor of plastic art - both retired, understood.


    If they adopted him in a Bulgarian orphanage eighteen years ago, if they have welcomed him, loved, cherished, consoled him it’s not to force him into a path that would not be his. Jean-Michel and Brigitte first found him special teachers to "home-school" him, then, as he liked to sing, and he knew the (solfège/solfeggio) sight singing have enrolled him in professional qualification for piano tuner, in Lille. "I did not finish it, either. Since I was a big fan of the FM band - I knew all the programming of Fun Radio, NRJ, Virgin - , I moved on with a school of radio ". The story lasts again two years before the young man "disappointed by the environment of the radio" by his own admission, leaves everything behind.


    Since then, Vincent has lived only for his music. Housed and nurtured by his parents in the Parisian region, fooded with English pop - his father's passion - and the French variety/chanson of the 1970s, his mother's fancy, the young man shares his days between the music studio arranged in front of his small bedroom and the stations where he can play for "his" audience - namely, everyone.



    There, he finally made some friends. Original passionate with music which, as him, make their passion resound in station halls. A small network which supported him when he decided to try his luck in front of coaches of The Voice. Successfully! The favorite of the Mika team, Vincent is full of praise for his coach: "This guy has a crazy/ incredible and very poetic universe. We are alike, him and I, we were children a little 'apart', we resemble each other ...” Did Vincent have a desire for revenge on fate/destiny? The pianist does not hesitate. "Inevitably! There is in my approach a side: you, Michel, you Laurent, you, Pascal, you and you too: you have mocked me and well, here I am in your TV! This is not a leitmotiv but I am happy to finally show what I am capable of. And if all those who have not supported me can realize that I have a little of talent, it's even better. " A bit of a revenge, Vincent, and particularly clairvoyant ...



    • Like 2
  15. On 30/5/2017 at 1:03 AM, charlie20 said:

    Some articles about the second live show:




    The Voice 6 : Audrey éblouissante sur scène, le résumé du prime


    " L’équipe de Mika surpasse les autres coachs par leurs talents et leur performance. Le chanteur célèbre pour son titre "Relax" a séduit les internautes avec ses commentaires justes et ses nombreux conseils. "


    Ariana Grande – Attaques à Manchester : Mika et Nikos Aliagas rendent hommage aux victimes dans The Voice 6


    Les jeunes artistes étaient de retour dans "The Voice 6" pour une nouvelle semaine de compétition. Nikos Aliagas et Mika ont tout de même voulu rendre hommage aux familles victimes des attentats à Manchester.

    Ce samedi 27 mai, "The Voice 6" revenait avec son deuxième prime.

    Même si l’heure était à la fête, Nikos Aliagas et Mika ont tenu à rendre hommage aux victimes des attentats à Manchester.

    Cet événement touche les Français qui connaissent que trop bien ces drames. En direct de "The Voice 6", Nikos Aliagas a décidé de dire quelques mots aux familles des victimes. "Nos pensées sont avec Manchester. On est tous avec Manchester à Paris", explique-t-il face à un public ému. De son côté, Mika portait une veste en hommage à la ville. Les couleurs faisaient ainsi référence au club de football et les téléspectateurs ont remarqué cette tendre attention.


    Here is the translation of the other two articles :uk: :


    The Voice 6: Audrey (was) dazzling on stage, the summary of the (second) live show


    "Mika’s team surpasses the other coaches by their talents and their performance. The singer famous for his hit "Relax" has seduced the Internet users with his right/accurate comments and his numerous advice. Mika made discover/ has introduced Kendji Girac in a previous edition and both stars follow their respective careers closely.

    Non Stop People will give you a small recap/summary of the evening.

    This week again, TF1 put all the necessary means in the decorations and lighting effects. The performances of the candidates were real shows and these artists became for the time of a few minutes real stars. Audrey shone with her tender cover "Ce soir je serai la plus belle" ("Tonight I will be the most beautiful").

    Every week, there are departures and even if Vincent Vinel retains his place in his team, Marius, Marvin Dupré, Hélène and Imane have had to bid farewell to the program/ TV channel. It will be possible to find all the other talents next Saturday.


    Ariana Grande – Attacks in Manchester: Mika and Nikos Aliagas pay tribute to the victims in The Voice 6


    The young artists were back in "The Voice 6" for a new week of competition. Nikos Aliagas and Mika wanted all the same to pay tribute to the families victims of the attacks in Manchester.

    This Saturday, May 27th, "The Voice 6" returned with its second live show.

    Even though it was a joyful situation, Nikos Aliagas and Mika wanted to pay tribute to the victims of the attacks in Manchester.

    This event touches the French who know all too well these dramas. Live from "The Voice 6", Nikos Aliagas decided to say a few words to the families of the victims. "Our thoughts are with Manchester. We're all with Manchester in Paris," he said to an emotional audience. For his part, Mika wore a jacket as a tribute/in homage to the city. The colors like that referred to the football club and the viewers noticed this tender attention.



    • Like 4
  16. On 30/5/2017 at 1:03 AM, charlie20 said:

    Some articles about the second live show:




    "The Voice" 2017, épisode 14 : Le résumé du deuxième prime en direct


    " 23h00. C'est à la dernière équipe de s'affronter, celle de Mika ! L'étonnante Audrey reprend, à sa manière, "La plus belle pour aller danser" de Sylvie Vartan. "C'était beau. Je t'ai demandé de t'exprimer, d'avoir le courage de faire quelque chose de beau. A ta manière, ce soir, tu étais très belle. Tu es sortie de la compétition. Tu m'as ému", avoue Mika.

    23h07. Imane enchaîne sur le plateau de "The Voice", en chantant - avec beaucoup d'entrain -,"Get Lucky" de Daft Punk. "Ce soir, on s'engage. On explique qui on est, avec cette ambition d'aller jusqu'à la finale. Ca fait sortir des choses qui étonnent. Cela montre que même si tu as 17 ans, tu as compris qu'il faut travailler comme une folle et que c'est ça que tu veux faire. L'intensité de ton intention, c'est ça qu'on a vu", lâche Mika. "A chaque fois qu'elle chante, qu'elle pose sa voix, elle a son groove à elle. Elle a un groove en rapport avec sa culture, avec ses origines. On ressent ça dans sa manière de chanter. Elle aura toujours ses racines avec elle. Quand elle chante, j'ai l'impression de sentir l'histoire de sa famille", ajoute Pokora.

    23h14. Vincent Vinel conclut avec brio cette soirée en chantant le tube de Robbie Williams, "Feel". "J'avais un peu peur cette semaine. Se mettre derrière le piano avec juste une chemise blanche et te demander de te montrer aussi simple, j'avais peur que tu ne communiques pas l'émotion. Mais tu l'as fait. C'était le test. Tu l'as fait vachement bien. J'ai reconnu la personne qui chante dans la gare", convient Mika. "On a vu chez toi beaucoup de joie. On n'avait pas vu cette espèce d'intime sobriété. J'avais l'impression de voir des bonnes chansons des années 90 d'Elton John. Rester sobre, c'est bien pour un talent", adore Zazie.

    23h30. C'est parti pour le dernier scrutin ! Le public a choisi dans l'équipe de Mika, Audrey. Certainement pour sa superbe mise en scène, dans un registre plus intimiste. Mika va devoir désigner qui de Vincent Vinel et Imane poursuivra l'aventure : "Je sais que c'est pénible pour tout le monde d'entendre que c'est dur. Nous on demande beaucoup. On les casse. On leur demande de se livrer. Nous, on doit se séparer de l'un et l'autre. Ils nous font confiance et on leur casse le coeur. J'ai eu deux moments de grâce avec Imane et Vincent. Si j'avais eu une fille, ça aurait été un honneur d'avoir une fille comme Imane. Elle porte toute sa culture. Vincent, toi, tu as ton parcours, ton histoire. Vous êtes deux gens très forts. Ca peut etre difficile à gérer. Je vais continuer avec Vincent."

    Les candidats encore en compétition : 
    - Florent Pagny : Lucie, Shaby
    - Zazie : Matthieu, Nicola Cavallaro
    - Mika : Vincent Vinel, Audrey
    - M. Pokora : Lisandro Cuxi, Ann-Shirley

    Le debrief de l'épisode 14 de "The Voice" 2017 : 

    - Comme la semaine dernière, les décors, les musiciens, les accords et les effets de plateau étaient réussis et dignes d'un grand spectacle ! 
    - Démarrer la soirée avec l'équipe de M. Pokora, plus faible que les autres, a au moins permis d'avoir une fin plus agréable, avec notamment la team de Mika.

    - Une prestation a particulièrement marqué. Audrey a été hallucinante avec sa reprise de "Ce soir je serai la plus belle" et une mise en scène très touchante.
    - Joli message de soutien de Nikos aux victimes de l'attentat de Manchester. 
    - Pas trop de surprises au niveau du choix du public et des jurés. Les meilleurs restent.
    - Lors de pas mal de prestations, les talents sont accompagnés par des choristes ou une voix enregistrée. On est loin des voix uniques des castings à l'aveugle...
    - De nouveau, Mika a dominé les autres coachs concernant la pertinence des commentaires et des conseils aux talents. "



    "The Voice 2017" : Audrey émue, Vincent Vinel acclamé... revivez le second live
    Pour ce second live, les 12 talents en compétition ont le fait le show avec beaucoup d'émotions dans "The Voice 2017".


    Le second live de The Voice 2017 a été riche en émotions. Pour cette soirée, 12 talents étaient en compétition pour gagner leur place en demi-finale et pour la tournée de The Voice qui débutera le 18 juin prochain. Vincent Vinel et Lisandro Cuxi ont de nouveau fait le show et séduit le public avec leurs performances. Audrey n'est pas en reste, tout comme Shaby. Mais, l'aventure s'est aussi arrêtée pour Marvin Dupré et Hélène, entre autres.

    La compétition continue en effet de se resserrer pour la sixième édition de The Voice. Un candidat de chaque équipe a été sauvé par le public, le second par leur coach. Les gagnants du second live seront donc présents pour la demi-finale.

    Florent Pagny a lui aussi fait une prestation dans la soirée, il a interprété Le présent d'abord, extrait de son prochain album. Mika a ému les internautes après son discours d'encouragement pour Audrey, l'une des favorites de la compétition : "Ce soir tu étais très belle, tu as fait un geste qui a touché le public. Ce soir tu m'as ému".



    Here is the full translation of the first article and that of the second article :uk::


    "The Voice" 2017, episode 14: the summary of the second live


    " 23h00. It's the last team to face each other, that of Mika! The astonishing Audrey covers, in her own way "La plus belle pour aller danser"("The most beautiful to go dancing") by Sylvie Vartan. "It was lovely. I asked you to express yourself, to have the courage to do something beautiful. In your way, tonight, you were very beautiful. You went out of the competition. You moved me ", admits Mika.

    23h07. Imane came after on the stage of "The Voice", singing - with great energy - "Get Lucky" of Daft Punk. "Tonight, we commit ourselves, we explain who we are, with this ambition to go to the final. It brings out things that surprise.. This shows that even if you are 17 years old, you understood that you have to work like crazy and that's what you want to do. The intensity of your intention is what we saw, "Mika let drop/remarks. "Every time that she sings, that she controls (/places) her voice, she has her own groove. She has a groove related to her culture, with her origins.We feel that in her way of singing. She will always have her roots with her. When she sings, I have the impression to feel the history of her family, "adds Pokora.


    23h14 (11:14 p.m.). Vincent Vinel concludes this evening brilliantly by singing the tube of Robbie Williams, "Feel". "I was a little scared this week. Put yourself behind the piano with just a white shirt and ask you to show yourself so simple, I was afraid you would not communicate the emotion. But you did. That was the test. You did it pretty well. I recognized the person who sings in the station, "Mika admits." We saw a lot of joy in you. We had not seen this kind of intimate sobriety. I had the impression of seeing (/listen to) the great songs of the 90s of Elton John. Staying sober/simple is good for a talent, "Zazie adores.

    23h30. It's time for the last ballot/vote! The public has chosen in the team of Mika: Audrey. Certainly for her superb staging, in a more intimate register. Mika will have to designate who, between Vincent and Imane, will continue the adventure: "I know it's painful for everyone to hear that it's hard, we ask a lot, we break them, we ask them to engage themselves, we have to separate from one. They trust us and we break them the heart. I had two moments of grace with Imane and Vincent. If I had had a daughter, it would have been an honor to have a girl like Imane. She carries all her culture. Vincent, you have your path, your story. You are two very strong people. It can be difficult to manage. I will continue with Vincent.


    The candidates still in competition:

    - Florent Pagny : Lucie, Shaby
    - Zazie : Matthieu, Nicola Cavallaro
    - Mika : Vincent Vinel, Audrey
    - M. Pokora : Lisandro Cuxi, Ann-Shirley

    The debrief of episode 14 of "The Voice" 2017:

    - Like last week, the sets, the musicians, the chords and the effects of the stage were successful and worthy of a great spectacle/show!

    - Starting the evening with Mr. Pokora's team, weaker than the others, at least allowed to have a more pleasant ending, in particular with the team of Mika.

    - A performance particularly stood out. Audrey was amazing with her cover of "Ce soir je serai la plus belle" ("Tonight I will be the most beautiful") and a very touching staging.

    - Nice message of support of Nikos for the victims of the attack of

    - Not too many surprises in terms of the choice of the public and the jury. The best ones remain.
    - During quite a lot of performances, the talents are accompanied by chorus singers or a recorded voice. We are far from the unique voices of the blind castings ...
    - Again, Mika dominated the other coaches regarding the relevance of the comments and advice to the talents. "


    "The Voice 2017": Audrey (was) moved, Vincent Vinel acclaimed ... relive the second live
    For this second live, the 12 talents in competition have made the show with many emotions in "The Voice 2017".


    The second live of The Voice 2017 was full of emotions. For this evening, 12 talents were competing to win their place in the semifinals and for the tour of The Voice which will start on June 18th. Vincent Vinel and Lisandro Cuxi once again made the show and seduced the audience with their performances. Audrey is not outdone, just like Shaby. But, the adventure also stopped for Marvin Dupré and Hélène, among others.

    The competition continues to tighten for the sixth edition of The Voice. One candidate from each team was saved by the public, the second by their coach. The winners of the second live will be present for the semi-final.

    Even Florent Pagny made a performance during the evening, he interpreted "Le présent d'abord" (" The present at first”), extracted from his next album.

    Mika moved the internet users after his speech of encouragement for Audrey, one of the favorites of the competition: "Tonight you were very beautiful, you made a gesture that touched the public. Tonight you moved me" .


    • Like 5
  17. On 30/5/2017 at 1:03 AM, charlie20 said:

    Some articles about the second live show:




    "The Voice" 2017, épisode 14 : Le résumé du deuxième prime en direct


    " 23h00. C'est à la dernière équipe de s'affronter, celle de Mika ! L'étonnante Audrey reprend, à sa manière, "La plus belle pour aller danser" de Sylvie Vartan. "C'était beau. Je t'ai demandé de t'exprimer, d'avoir le courage de faire quelque chose de beau. A ta manière, ce soir, tu étais très belle. Tu es sortie de la compétition. Tu m'as ému", avoue Mika.

    23h07. Imane enchaîne sur le plateau de "The Voice", en chantant - avec beaucoup d'entrain -,"Get Lucky" de Daft Punk. "Ce soir, on s'engage. On explique qui on est, avec cette ambition d'aller jusqu'à la finale. Ca fait sortir des choses qui étonnent. Cela montre que même si tu as 17 ans, tu as compris qu'il faut travailler comme une folle et que c'est ça que tu veux faire. L'intensité de ton intention, c'est ça qu'on a vu", lâche Mika. "A chaque fois qu'elle chante, qu'elle pose sa voix, elle a son groove à elle. Elle a un groove en rapport avec sa culture, avec ses origines. On ressent ça dans sa manière de chanter. Elle aura toujours ses racines avec elle. Quand elle chante, j'ai l'impression de sentir l'histoire de sa famille", ajoute Pokora.

    23h14. Vincent Vinel conclut avec brio cette soirée en chantant le tube de Robbie Williams, "Feel". "J'avais un peu peur cette semaine. Se mettre derrière le piano avec juste une chemise blanche et te demander de te montrer aussi simple, j'avais peur que tu ne communiques pas l'émotion. Mais tu l'as fait. C'était le test. Tu l'as fait vachement bien. J'ai reconnu la personne qui chante dans la gare", convient Mika. "On a vu chez toi beaucoup de joie. On n'avait pas vu cette espèce d'intime sobriété. J'avais l'impression de voir des bonnes chansons des années 90 d'Elton John. Rester sobre, c'est bien pour un talent", adore Zazie.

    23h30. C'est parti pour le dernier scrutin ! Le public a choisi dans l'équipe de Mika, Audrey. Certainement pour sa superbe mise en scène, dans un registre plus intimiste. Mika va devoir désigner qui de Vincent Vinel et Imane poursuivra l'aventure : "Je sais que c'est pénible pour tout le monde d'entendre que c'est dur. Nous on demande beaucoup. On les casse. On leur demande de se livrer. Nous, on doit se séparer de l'un et l'autre. Ils nous font confiance et on leur casse le coeur. J'ai eu deux moments de grâce avec Imane et Vincent. Si j'avais eu une fille, ça aurait été un honneur d'avoir une fille comme Imane. Elle porte toute sa culture. Vincent, toi, tu as ton parcours, ton histoire. Vous êtes deux gens très forts. Ca peut etre difficile à gérer. Je vais continuer avec Vincent."

    Les candidats encore en compétition : 
    - Florent Pagny : Lucie, Shaby
    - Zazie : Matthieu, Nicola Cavallaro
    - Mika : Vincent Vinel, Audrey
    - M. Pokora : Lisandro Cuxi, Ann-Shirley

    Le debrief de l'épisode 14 de "The Voice" 2017 : 

    - Comme la semaine dernière, les décors, les musiciens, les accords et les effets de plateau étaient réussis et dignes d'un grand spectacle ! 
    - Démarrer la soirée avec l'équipe de M. Pokora, plus faible que les autres, a au moins permis d'avoir une fin plus agréable, avec notamment la team de Mika.

    - Une prestation a particulièrement marqué. Audrey a été hallucinante avec sa reprise de "Ce soir je serai la plus belle" et une mise en scène très touchante.
    - Joli message de soutien de Nikos aux victimes de l'attentat de Manchester. 
    - Pas trop de surprises au niveau du choix du public et des jurés. Les meilleurs restent.
    - Lors de pas mal de prestations, les talents sont accompagnés par des choristes ou une voix enregistrée. On est loin des voix uniques des castings à l'aveugle...
    - De nouveau, Mika a dominé les autres coachs concernant la pertinence des commentaires et des conseils aux talents. "



    "The Voice 2017" : Audrey émue, Vincent Vinel acclamé... revivez le second live
    Pour ce second live, les 12 talents en compétition ont le fait le show avec beaucoup d'émotions dans "The Voice 2017".


    Le second live de The Voice 2017 a été riche en émotions. Pour cette soirée, 12 talents étaient en compétition pour gagner leur place en demi-finale et pour la tournée de The Voice qui débutera le 18 juin prochain. Vincent Vinel et Lisandro Cuxi ont de nouveau fait le show et séduit le public avec leurs performances. Audrey n'est pas en reste, tout comme Shaby. Mais, l'aventure s'est aussi arrêtée pour Marvin Dupré et Hélène, entre autres.

    La compétition continue en effet de se resserrer pour la sixième édition de The Voice. Un candidat de chaque équipe a été sauvé par le public, le second par leur coach. Les gagnants du second live seront donc présents pour la demi-finale.

    Florent Pagny a lui aussi fait une prestation dans la soirée, il a interprété Le présent d'abord, extrait de son prochain album. Mika a ému les internautes après son discours d'encouragement pour Audrey, l'une des favorites de la compétition : "Ce soir tu étais très belle, tu as fait un geste qui a touché le public. Ce soir tu m'as ému".


    The Voice 6 : Audrey éblouissante sur scène, le résumé du prime


    " L’équipe de Mika surpasse les autres coachs par leurs talents et leur performance. Le chanteur célèbre pour son titre "Relax" a séduit les internautes avec ses commentaires justes et ses nombreux conseils. "



    Ariana Grande – Attaques à Manchester : Mika et Nikos Aliagas rendent hommage aux victimes dans The Voice 6


    Les jeunes artistes étaient de retour dans "The Voice 6" pour une nouvelle semaine de compétition. Nikos Aliagas et Mika ont tout de même voulu rendre hommage aux familles victimes des attentats à Manchester.

    Ce samedi 27 mai, "The Voice 6" revenait avec son deuxième prime.

    Même si l’heure était à la fête, Nikos Aliagas et Mika ont tenu à rendre hommage aux victimes des attentats à Manchester.

    Cet événement touche les Français qui connaissent que trop bien ces drames. En direct de "The Voice 6", Nikos Aliagas a décidé de dire quelques mots aux familles des victimes. "Nos pensées sont avec Manchester. On est tous avec Manchester à Paris", explique-t-il face à un public ému. De son côté, Mika portait une veste en hommage à la ville. Les couleurs faisaient ainsi référence au club de football et les téléspectateurs ont remarqué cette tendre attention.


    I started doing the translation of these articles too, but I'll finish them tomorrow. Here is the first part:


    "The Voice" 2017, episode 14: the summary of the second live

    " 23h00. It's the last team to face each other, that of Mika! The astonishing Audrey covers, in her own way "La plus belle pour aller danser"("The most beautiful to go dancing") by Sylvie Vartan. "It was lovely. I asked you to express yourself, to have the courage to do something beautiful. In your way, tonight, you were very beautiful. You went out of the competition. You moved me ", admits Mika.

    23h07. Imane came after on the stage of "The Voice", singing - with great energy - "Get Lucky" of Daft Punk. "Tonight, we commit ourselves, we explain who we are, with this ambition to go to the final. It brings out things that surprise.. This shows that even if you are 17 years old, you understood that you have to work like crazy and that's what you want to do. The intensity of your intention is what we saw, "Mika let drop/remarks. "Every time that she sings, that she controls (/places) her voice, she has her own groove. She has a groove related to her culture, with her origins.We feel that in her way of singing. She will always have her roots with her. When she sings, I have the impression to feel the history of her family, "adds Pokora.

    • Like 5
  18. 23 hours ago, charlie20 said:




    The Voice : La veste hommage à Manchester de Mika tape dans l'oeil de Twitter


    Mika est venu sur le deuxième prime de "The Voice" vêtu d'une veste aux couleurs de Manchester, discret hommage aux victimes de l'attentat du 22 mai.

    "Nos pensées sont avec Manchester", "On est tous Manchester à Paris". Bien sûr, pour cette émission de The Voice,Nikos Aliagas a eu quelques mots pour les victimes de l'attentat qui a touché la ville anglaise, il y a quelques jours. Pour mémoire, alors que le concert d'Ariana Grande touchait à sa fin, une bombe explose à la Manchester Arena et tue 22 personnes, dont des adolescents et des enfants.

    Une nouvelle fois, la musique a été touchée et la musique, c'est l'âme de The Voice, c'est pour cela que Nikos Aliagas a eu quelques mots pour les victimes, pour l'Angleterre. Mika a tenu également à rendre hommage à la ville endeuillée. D'une manière subtile et visuelle. C'est avec sa veste au couleur du club de Manchester United que le coach britannico-libanais a rendu hommage au pays qui l'a vu grandir. La veste aux rayures rouges et blanches ont évidemment attiré l’œil des téléspectateurs. Et beaucoup ont reconnu les couleurs du club et de la ville.

    Bel hommage de Mika aux victimes. Jolie veste @mikasounds#manchesterattack #TheVoice


    Mais Mika c'est pas une veste en hommage à #Manchester qu'il a ? #thevoice


    La veste de Mika est magnifique


    La veste de Mika ❤️❤️❤️❤️



    Translation      :uk: :


    The Voice: Mika's jacket tribute to Manchester catches the eye of Twitter


    Mika came on the second direct of "The Voice" dressed in a jacket with the colors of Manchester, discreet tribute to the victims of the attack of May 22nd.


    "Our thoughts are with Manchester", "We're all Manchester in Paris". Of course, for this broadcast of The Voice, Nikos Aliagas had a few words for the victims of the attack that affected the English city, a few days ago.

    For memory/As a reminder, while the concert of Ariana Grande was coming to an end, a bomb exploded at the Manchester Arena and killed 22 people, including teenagers and children.


    Once again, the music was affected/touched and the music is the soul of The Voice, that's why Nikos Aliagas had a few words for the victims, for England. Mika also paid tribute to the grieving city. In a subtle and visual way. Itìs with his jacket in the color of the club of Manchester United that the British-Lebanese coach paid tribute to the country that saw him grow. The jacket with red and white stripes obviously attracted the eye of the viewers. And many have recognized the colors of the club and the city.


    Lilly9 @am_ionescu

    Beautiful tribute of Mika to the victims. Nice jacket #TheVoice #manchesterattack@mikasounds 


    #MAINTENANT.??? @Becostafan

    But Mika is not a jacket in homage to #Manchester that he has? #thevoice


    Steph'n? @Stephen_Guisse

    Mika's jacket is wonderful


    Damon ?? @holiders

    The jacket of Mika ❤️❤️❤️❤️






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