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Posts posted by Alexandre

  1. http://www.scoop.it/t/office-de-tourisme-du-pays-de-chinon/p/4065951540/2016/07/03/la-tornade-mika-attendue-ce-dimanche?utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter


    Article from Scoop it and translation in English

    Indre-et-Loire - Tours, Avoine, Chinon -
    La tornade Mika attendue ce dimanche
    03/07/2016 05:31
    La-tornade-Mika-attendue-ce-dimanche_ima zoom_in.png

    Pour sa dernière journée, Avoine Zone Groove - La Nouvelle République offre un final entraînant en diable. Le programme débutera dès 11 h 30, au Rest'O Groove, avec Rock Box, suivi à 12 h 30, des Swing Shouters, accompagnant le déjeuner des festivaliers. A 14 h, sur le car-podium NR, concert du Valley Harps Steel Orchestra, suivi à 16 h 30, des filles de Ladies Ballbreaker. Tous ces concerts étant gratuits. Puis, c'est à 18 h, sur la scène principale cette fois, que Mika est attendu par la foule des fans de la jeune idole, à la cool pop revigorante, connue par ailleurs comme coach de The Voice sur TF1.



    Translation in English  MIKA the hurricane is waiting for sunday

    For its  last day, Oats Zone Groove - The New Republic offers a leading end in hell. The program will start at 11: 30 pm, at Rest'O Groove with Rock Box, followed at 12 h 30, Swing Shouters accompanying lunch festivalgoers. At 14 pm, the truck tour NR concert Valley Harps Steel Orchestra, followed at 16 h 30, girls of Ladies Ballbreaker. All concerts are free. Then it is 18 pm on the main stage this time that Mika is awaited by the crowd of young fans of the idol, the cool invigorating pop, otherwise known as The Voice ' s  coach on TF1.

  2. Quest-France


    Armor à Sons à Bobital [VIDEO]. Les tubes de Mika font un carton !

    Armor à Sons - Publié le

    02/07/2016 à 04:08



    Le show de Mika, la principale tête d'affiche de la première soirée à Bobital, a tenu ses promesses devant plus de 10 000 personnes.


    Des dizaines de jeunes filles l'attendaient de pied ferme au premier rang devant la scène A. Mika a fait son apparition vers 23 h. « Vous êtes prêts ? », répète-t-il deux fois, avant de lancer le show avec son titre « Big girl ».


    Une grande partie des titres du répertoire de Mika sont des tubes qui parlent aux plus jeunes générations. Ils font « boum boum boum » dans le coeur des jeunes ados.

    ( Big Girl / Talk About You / Rain / BBB )

    Translation in English :

    Mika's show, the main headliner of the first evening in Bobital, has delivered before more than 10,000 people.




    Dozens of young girls waiting to firm up in the first row to the scene A. Mika first appeared around 23 am. " Are you ready ? "He repeated twice, before starting the show with his song" Big Girl ".


    Many titles of MIKA's repertoy are tubes that speak to younger generations. They  make "boom boom boom" in the hearts of young teens.



    Le Télégramme




    Bobital. Le prince Mika enflamme la plaine du Louvre
    Bottes de pluie et vêtements imperméables de toutes les couleurs, vers 18 h hier, les festivaliers avaient sorti leur tenue de combat amphibie pour affronter cette huitième édition de L'Armor à sons. Las ! Le soleil s'est finalement levé très vite sur la plaine du Louvre. Sans regret, les festivaliers ont rangé leurs vêtements de pluie et levé haut leurs bras pour saluer la ribambelle d'artistes venus les faire bouger. Pré-ados, étudiants, parents, grands-parents, comme toujours, une foule bigarrée et intergénérationnelle est venue à Bobital. 10.000 personnes hier soir, une jauge pleine à craquer, un record ! Peu avant 23 h, la tête d'affiche du soir, Mika, a fait son entrée devant un public chauffé à blanc. Le prince de la pop a fait une petite prière pour lancer son concert, en réclamant plus de « beat boys » et de « beat girls » sur cette terre. Il a été exaucé !


    Translation in English

    Bobital. Le prince Mika enflamme la plaine du Louvre
    Bottes de pluie et vêtements imperméables de toutes les couleurs, vers 18 h hier, les festivaliers avaient sorti leur tenue de combat amphibie pour affronter cette huitième édition de L'Armor à sons. Las ! Le soleil s'est finalement levé très vite sur la plaine du Louvre. Sans regret, les festivaliers ont rangé leurs vêtements de pluie et levé haut leurs bras pour saluer la ribambelle d'artistes venus les faire bouger. Pré-ados, étudiants, parents, grands-parents, comme toujours, une foule bigarrée et intergénérationnelle est venue à Bobital. 10.000 personnes hier soir, une jauge pleine à craquer, un record ! Peu avant 23 h, la tête d'affiche du soir, Mika, a fait son entrée devant un public chauffé à blanc. Le prince de la pop a fait une petite prière pour lancer son concert, en réclamant plus de « beat boys » et de « beat girls » sur cette terre. Il a été exaucé !


    Translation in English :



    Bobital. The Prince MIKA inflames the Louvre plain


    Rain boots and waterproof clothing in every color, about 18 am yesterday, the festival had released their amphibious combat gear to face this eighth edition of Armor sounds. Las! The sun has finally risen very fast on the Louvre plain. Without regret, the festival put away their rain gear and lifted up their arms to greet the flock of artists from move them. Pre-teens, students, parents, grandparents, as always, a colorful and intergenerational crowd came to Bobital. 10,000 people last night, a full gauge to crack, a record! Shortly before 23 pm, the headliner of the evening, Mika, made his debut before an audience at white heat. The Prince of Pop said a little prayer to start his concert, urging more "beat boys" and "girls beat" on this earth. It has been granted!


  4. Thanks for the translation!

    I can't decide which feeling is the strongest right now: the anger against those people who hurt Camille or the joy about Mika's lovely reaction!

    You're welcome, I wanted to help Eriko by posting this article in fact......You know , I Believe it's the MIKA ' sweet heart which is the origin of all and I'm pround to be his fan :thumb_yello:

  5. Translation in English of the aricle from OM OptiMagazine:


    #ProudOfMika Is among the most tweeted hashtag of the moment. Mika fans have come together to tweet the pride they feel for him, after the incidents of last night.

    Friday July 1, Mika was in concert at the Bobital Festival Armor à Sons (Maison du Louvre), in France, when he gave further proof of his good nature and his willingness to fans.

    The Anglo-Lebanese artist has interrupted the concert to accommodate a supporter on stage after some unpleasant events that occurred while he was singing his most famous hits. Web witnesses tell of drunken people that bothered a group of fans of the artist up to force them to go away, in despair and inability to further endure insults and shoving.

    Mika has not been made aware of the situation until it has not seen a player leave the place of the concert and invited him to tread the stage.

    The image of the embrace emotion have been around the world through social networks: the hit was immortalized in the arms of his star heart who did not hesitate to turn an unpleasant situation in an exciting unique souvenir.

    Together they sang and danced to a song and, to reassure her, Mika did in a tight embrace assuring her that everything would soon be past.
    The fan in question is called Camille and today is the protagonist of a thought that the artist expresses in a tweet

    • Like 4
  6. http://www.optimaitalia.com/blog/2016/07/02/mika-interrompe-il-concerto-per-invitare-una-fan-sul-palco-le-foto-dellabbraccio-commosso/327807


    OM OptiMagazine


    #ProudOfMika è tra gli hashtag più twittati del momento. I fan di Mika si sono uniti per twittare l’orgoglio che provano nei suoi confronti, dopo gli episodi di ieri sera.

    Venerdì 1° luglio, Mika era in concerto al Festival Bobital l’Armor à Sons (Maison du Louvre), in Francia, quando ha dato l’ennesima prova della sua bontà d’animo e della sua disponibilità con i fan.


    L’artista anglo-libanese ha interrotto il concerto per accogliere una sostenitrice sul palco in seguito ad alcuni fatti spiacevoli avvenuti mentre stava cantando i suoi successi più celebri. Sul web testimoni raccontano di persone ubriache che infastidivano un gruppo di fan dell’artista fino a costringerle ad andare via, in preda alla disperazione e all’impossibilità di sopportare ulteriormente insulti e spintoni.


    Mika non si è reso conto della situazione fino a quando non ha visto una fan abbandonare il luogo del concerto e l’ha invitata a calcare con lui il palco.

    Le immagini dell’abbraccio commosso hanno fatto il giro del mondo attraverso i social network: la fortunata è stata immortalata tra le braccia della sua star del cuore che non ha esitato a trasformare una spiacevole situazione in un emozionante ricordo unico.

    xmika-200x200.jpg.pagespeed.ic.mdf8IYKyW xmika2-200x200.jpg.pagespeed.ic.h2PGSJV0

    Insieme hanno cantato e ballato un brano e, per rassicurarla, Mika l’ha stretta in un abbraccio assicurandole che tutto sarebbe passato presto.
    La fan in questione si chiama Camille e oggi è la protagonista di un pensiero che l’artista esprime in un tweet: https://twitter.com/mikasounds/status/749224035779809281


    • Like 1
  7. Hi all,


    I married a Mika fan a few years ago and she has finally got me hooked!


    This is for her!


    Hope you are all having a great week!

    Welcome among us , I hope you'll enjoyed the MFC , The best site dedicated to MIKA in the world :thumb_yello:

  8. :thumb_yello:  Merci Alexandre!  :hug: This sounds good!  :teehee: I'm sure our Italien friends will translate,  and give us the most important things,  that happens in the MIKAs show  :wub:  Maybe also the Subtitle Team will get to work again... :das:


    Love, love


    I Hope so, I'm very pround of MIKA , He  is more fulfilled now and He dares to take position in difficult subjects, nothing escapes him, He really has a global vision, and here appeals to teenagers of all countries

    • Like 1
  9.  "The program, whose title will be revealed in the coming weeks, will be the occasion a discourse on sensitive issues especially for the younger generations, in a guided tour by the artist who more than any other represents the complexity of contemporaneity and at the same time the possibility of finding a universal language " and it's true that MIKA has a language that affects many young people, He can advances the mentality on that show. Too bad I do not understand Italian :das:

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