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Log lady

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Everything posted by Log lady

  1. Al prossimo sicuramente! Io sono siciliana e nella bella Terronia certi concerti ce li sogniamo, ma ora che sto a Milano è tutta un'altra storia :)

  2. Ciao a tutte! Anche io la penso così, ma sono sicura che ci riuscirà, con i tempi adeguati magari... Se lo merita davvero
  3. Ciao Marina! Io sono Iole, vivo a Milano.

    Grazie mille!! :D

  4. Ciao Marina! Io sono Iole, vivo a Milano :)

    Grazie mille!! :D

  5. Grazie mille per il benvenuto vado a dare un'occhiata!
  6. I'm glad you understand me nice to meet you I'm struggling a lot and I'm aware my language it's pretty basic, but I manage to make it understandable, so yeah, I guess it's fine
  7. Oh yes, it's slightly disturbing in a way I love
  8. You got me! I have an obsession for TV series in general
  9. Hello! I've been a Mika fan since "Grace Kelly" was released and I was struck by his music Now I'm older and I've changed but that never changed. I've recently joined you because I am a newbie to concerts (sigh) and now that I can finally attend them I am desperate for news about Mika's shows! This was my reason in the first place, but since I've joined I've spent hours on MFC reading your brilliant threads and laughing so hard (sometimes gushing actually )! So many nice people here, you made me want to introduce myself. I'm an extremely introvert person and it just got me a while Forgive my awkward English, I am not a native English speaker X
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