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Posts posted by Ma.Kot.


    Iam so happy you will go!!!

    Iam going also...it was like dream when i find it out!!! I never believe this could happen, i dreamed about it but it was like "Ou...maybe someday in the future...or i will go to another country someday" so...i couldnt believe!!! But, yeah...we have exam week too :( its so shame!!! Every week would be good...just this week is the final week when we had all exams. But...i said myself - no matter what...iam going!!! I just have to menage it somehow :D:) so i believe...i have my tickets already!! Standing under the stage...iam so exctied!! I just hope the stupid school will not ruin this for me...


    I really hope I could go. :) I have to wait a bit, becauze it's a bit before my exams, but there is a chanse :D

    I still believe you will go!!!!!!!!!!! :wub: :wub: :wub:  you are smart girl...you will do great at all exams before, and you will be able to go!!!! I just feel it!! :wub:


    very very bad news: I realized I have my finish exams exactly in that week :'''''''''''''''''''''''( 

    And you too...it just have to be monday and tuesday!!!!!! It will be!! :) :)  :wub: 

  2. My pleasure! My exact sentiments when I watched especially because whole world has seen her grow up. So it's great seeing her do so well, plus Grace Kelly as THE song!

    yeah!! First i didnt know who she was...and, she looks way much older then she is in this video!!

    And...later i found out who is she and how old is she and i got totally excited!! :) :)

    iam now so excited about watching every episode of this - now iam going on 5.! I really hope that shes gonna win, she is absolutely perfect! :) really thanks for this!! I would never find out about this show without you :wub:

    btw. did you notice that usually every song is played and singed by the band in the back...but, nobody dared to sing mika!!!! :naughty: :naughty: :naughty: :naughty: :naughty: :naughty: :naughty:

    • Like 2
  3. Yesss  :wub:  That channel has got something right ;) Do you know which concert? 


    Hello! Congratulation on your test!  I feel the same... this week i had 3 tests! And it's just as busy the next week... I somehow manage to scrape together some time for mfc though  :naughty:

    Despite from than, I'm fine :) What about you? 

    I saw the page :teehee:  love love love all the pictures on there  :mikalove:

    OO...congratulation to you too!! :wub: yeah! I always find a time to look here...but, in this threat - there are always so many posts so i had to time to answer :(  but i hope now i will have! :)

    yeah! I love the page...i guess it was worth for the waiting :)


    Hi, it's a shame everyone's busy.  Chat has been extremely quiet recently.  But I'm really glad you passed, well done! :D

    I'm okay, just been going to college as usual.  And I am on Twitter now, so I've been hanging out on there a lot of the time.

    I've seen Mika's new website and it's so cool, but I haven't checked it out properly.  Everyone says the photos are really nice. :wub:

    ooo...i tell me your twitter so i can follow you :)

    well...yeah, such a shame :( i miss chat so much!!


    Welcome back and congratulations! :D:hug:



    yo people I reached the emoji limit with this message xD

    thanks :wub: :wub: 

    what do you mean about the emojis???? :naughty:

  4. thank you so much for this :wub: this dance is so amazing!! I mean...the choreography is totally unbelievable! Funny and so wonderful at the same time!! My favorite part is the end!! When she said "...we´re leaving" and then disappeared :naughty: :naughty: :naughty: :naughty:
    Iam considering that i will watch all episodes...because its looks so great! Thank you so much for this amazing video! It gave me so warm feeling :wub:

    • Like 2
  5. I'm fine, but I have to catch up on work from college.  It drives me mad sometimes. :(

    How are you?

    yeah! All i do these days is study :( i will loos my mind after a while!! :D :D


    I have sooo much school work at the moment too! So many evaluations... But I'm fine :) I'm actually in Munich at the moment and I'm going to see Dave Matthews band tomorrow!

    yeaah...school is horrible :( :( enjoy the concert!!! :)


    well...i hope all of you will do great at scholl!!!! :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:  wish you big luck

  6. The woman is Mara Maionchi. She is an Italian record producer and a TV personality. She is considered the most prominent female figure in the Italian record/music industry, producing both on behalf of the majors such as Sony and Warner, who as a producer through her independent label. She was judge of X Factor in the first four editions, broadcasted on Rai 2, the Italian public television company (in the first two editions with Simona Ventura and Morgan, with Morgan in the third and with Elio in the fourth). Last year she was the host of "Xtra Factor". She is also well-known (and many people in the public/audience like her for this) because she says what she thinks and doesn't mince her words, with rather explicit/strong expressions. This year too she will be the host of "Xtra Factor" and, if I haven't got it wrong, maybe she will participate in the Live Shows with her comments on the contestants.






    "Hiii...i just watched 4. episode! And...the end - OMG????? It was the most beautiful and the most petrifying moment it the same time!! i mean - what the women did was awesome!!! She is totally gorgeous...but, see Elio without wig??  whaaaaat??

    but...i love the part when mika came to her, and say something really nice (it seems to me like he was saying that this was the bravest and generous thing he ever seen...) and then he hugged her!! It was so nice  :)"


    About it there's the translation a few posts above on this page.


    And yes, Mika really didn't like the guy for his way of singing and his attitude on stage. :teehee:  If you are interested, in the previous page there is also the translation of the first audition of this guy, Andrea.


    The ginger lady is the host of “Extra Factor”, her name is Mara Maionchi.

    She worked as a producer in the past, and was a XF judge for a few editions. Her main feature is that she looks like a granny but her language is less than informal, I’d say smutty, and she is fully aware of it. :naughty: 

    Just to say, yesterday she pointed at Eleonora as a troglodyte :shocked: , and a few minutes later they showed a clip where she was saying “How come I cannot swear? It’s almost midnight, those fu..ing kids must be sleeping now, mustn't they?”

    Of course it all sounds funny, until the target of her jokes is someone else  :wink2:

    Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!! :) you are so kind!!! Now i finally will have a peace :), it was bothering me for whole 4 episodes! :D

    i just watched the 5 episode - and its awesome!!!

    One moment totally get me - when mika sent home the young boy...he was sad and Skin said to him "Are you ok?" she was soo sorry, i would never said she can be so sensitive. And mikas reaction "Yeah...iam ok!" like - of course...why shoudlnt i be? :D

    And ow was mika amazed from the girl he liked so much and Skin didnt like her...i laugh so much when skin said "Interesting!" and mika "Interesting?? PERFECT"" :D :D, that at one point he jumped from his seat!! :D :D :D and he did a standing ovation at the end!

    And...did i think right...that when one girl - i cant remember which one...ended the song,she was great, mika turned at skin and said "Skin...sei nella merda!!!" :D :D like "You fu*ked??" less rude version "You are screwed??" :D i couldnt stop laughing :D

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  7. Hi guys...lots of lots of new posts...iam lost :D
    i was busy studying...i cant check this threat so often as i wish :(, so...how are you guys??? :)
    Thanks Urška for amazing story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) when i read that i felt like i was there :wub:


    Just for you guys to know... I might not be online for talking for a while as I am with my family. My uncle died yesterday... :(


    ouu...iam so so sorry!! :( i hope you are ok!!

  8. Hi, this seems like a fun thread. I'm new to the MFC and would really like to get to know some people on here  :cheer:

    My life has been getting so much better after I started listening to Mika. I have discovered who I am, and dare to be myself :) It's really cool to hear how he has helped you too! 

    Hii!! Welcome here!! Nice to meet you! :)


    Oh no! Don't stop studying because of me.. I will have to blame myself if you won't be happy with your grades :) 

    I hope he does. I don't know why he didn't say it untill now. I mean, he could have told me that 2 years ago ahah :D Weird creatures are those boys. ^^

    I wish you gooooood luck on your exams! I believe in you!!! :D

    I see you all as my friends. And it is very interesting that with you I can talk about more personal things than with some people around me.

    Emojjis are the best! The only thing that botheres me, is that I have no idea how to use them on my pphone :(

    Christmas!!! My favourite holliday! Are you guys joining the MFC christmas cards this year? I did it last year and it was so sweet! :D

    Maybe you just remembered the feelings you had for him... I have no idea. I am certanly not good with giving advices about relationship... ^^  

    Uuuu enjoy your hollidays! I start them on october 24. I miss those evnings on chat... it was so fun! Now all I do is study. Ew.

    Wooo! Do you like it? ;)

    Grades???? :D oh...nooo!!! I totally dont care about grades, i just wanna pass!! :D :D thank you, you are so nice :)

    Yeaaaaaaah! Stupid boys! Who can understand them??? :D well...i always saying stupid boys, idiots :D but...when they give you a smile, you forget everything!!! :D :D how they do that?? :D

    Ooou...i miss chating too! So much...it was the best thing happened me in a long time...these evening when i chatted with you was just magical...but, now almost noone has a time to go there :(, even me :( its so sad

  9. Hiii...i just watched 4. episode! And...the end - OMG????? It was the most beautiful and the most petrifying moment it the same time!! :D i mean - what the women did was awesome!!! She is totally gorgeous...but, see Elio without wig?? :D whaaaaat?? :D
    but...i love the part when mika came to her, and say something really nice (it seems to me like he was saying that this was the bravest and generous thing he ever seen...) and then he hugged her!! It was so nice :)
    I like this episode - when there was the guy witch mika dont like (before he had glasses and yellow pans) ...Mikas reaction really get me...i mean, did you ever seen him so upset???? :D :D He really dont like the guy...and he was very tough. And...i also notice, that when Elio change him later for another singer...mika started smiling :D
    And...please, can anybody, anybody tell me...who is the old women????? She is everywhere in every episode...she dont sing, she does nothing. She sometimes speak with the guy in the backstage. And...i would really like to now...who the hell is this women! :D :D :)

  10. I got a hoodie ona concet.... :dunno:

    It is good, that your friend understands you. I have a friend like that too now. We know eacother for I think about 5 years and she is one of the lightest perosns in my life  :yes: . I got told today, that we will be on TV in something like 2 weeks. Yeah, my crush will be there too  :das:  We are actually talking a lot there days, and today something incredibe happened in the morning. I was sitting on the hallway before the school starten with one more classmate, when he came and sat down next to me. In a while he started whistling a mellody, which cought my attention emediately and then he started singing LOVE TODAY!!! :cheer: ! And I looked at him in shock and he told me, that he used to listen to Mika back in 2009/10. So yeah! Awesome! He said, he always thought he is cool and used to scream and try to reach the high notes  :mikacool:


    My parents like his music too. Specially my dad. He said, that now finally he is able to listen to good music when  I put it on.  :facepalm:

    I don't get, why people get drunk. Drunk means your stomach hurts and then usually they have to puke. And this makes them weak and its gross and then they go to sleep. Next day they have a bad headache.... so on... What is the point of this? Why would I wan't to suffer, if I can have fun ? :loco:


    Hahah, I did sit infront of her  :clap:

    Introverts are cool. People just have a wrong oppinion about us. They think we are anti social, or that I have a hard time making friends. But no! I make friends very easily, just not by getting drunk with them or fool around. I know people that think they are friends, but all they do is fight. Real drama queens. Ofcourse they feel close- there are rumors they all kissed eacother. And as far as I know them, I'd say it could be true.  :blink:

    You guys are the best! 

    When do you have hollidays? I have them last week of october and will be able to go on chat then  :wub2:  By the way, am I the only one who thinks that those emojis here are the most epic things ever?!

    Iam studying now and i just wanted to read your post and answer later...but, i have to answer!! :D

    are you fuc*ing kidding me????? :D thats totally awesome!!!!!!!!!! He started to sing Mika just out of the blue??? OMG! When i read this i almost faint...i tried to imagine how would it be, if this happened to me!! Its unbelievable...and, you know what...i think its really possible that he like you a lot - because - why would he do that?? I think he saw your picture from the concert and he wanted to bring him to your attention! :) omg...i really wish you happy ending in this!!!!

    Yeah...i always think the same about drinking - i mean - you waste lots of money, dont enjoy the party (you forget everything) and then you feel horrible...all you get is hangover and shame (because god knows what you did last night)!! :D whats the point??????? I can have fun without an alcohol! And its a lot better :)

    Ooo! Yes...she got what she deserved! :D

    Right! And...i mean - we just dont want to be friends with everyone - we dont need this...we just need a few real friend - not lots of friends - for example on facebook who barely know you, or - worse, they know each other, give on facebook the post like "I lovee you! The BFF!!!"...and then gossip behind their back. We just need real friends who really like us...and we just became friend with people which worth for it :)

    I dont have holiday...until end of January i will not be able to get out of my room - i have the hardest exam and iam studying for it now...but, iam not sure it will be enough...iam really scared :(


  11. o...so many posts!! :D i cant quote them....it would be total mess...so, i will write without quoting, i hope you dont mind :(
    Urška - ou...i hate peoples who just have to be in center of the attention! Iam right opposite too...i never get why people get drunk and high - witch leads to the other things...and, so, i always felt like i dont belong here, like iam some kind of an alien :D ...i was always totally different than other people my age. And yes...i think i can call my self an introvert...and,  iam so proud of who iam. The people just saying "You dont go with people to parties...you dont drink, you are lame...why are so shy to talk to somebody, its bad..." and iam like - so iam different, so what??
    Good move! you should sit in front of her with the hoodie!!! :D she can die of jealousy!!! :)
    ooo...ok! I cant wait for the snaps and video!!!! :wub:
    :D ooo...your mum should be so happy for it! :D i always said the same to my mom when she is angry when i didnt go out!!! something like this
    http://weknowmemes.com/2012/04/my-parents-should-be-proud-of-me/ :D
    Yeah...here i found the people witch really undertand me, not like in my real life :)
    Fiona - yeah...some kids are really bad :( the world would better without people like this :( but...what we can do? Its horrible...
    You was bullied too? Ou..iam so sorry :( this stuffs shouldnt happen...i was kind of lucky about that i see - i mean, the kids didnt like me, and sometimes said horrible things, but...in that time i didnt care so much, i had some protective system in my head, and they wasnt so bad as you´re saying, so...it was enogh :(
    The people who jugde people just for stupid reason are stupid, stupid, stupid!! And...iam always appreciate when i found person who dont do that...its almoust like miracle :/
    Starlight - yeah...my life get so better since i join here! I finally feel like i belong somewhere :)
    Yeah, look isnt important at all - i devided people into two groups - the ones who hurts people on purpose and the one who doesnt...in the first case, i dont wanna talk to them at all...and in the other case - you could be brown, you could be blue, you could be violet sky!...i dont care, even we are not the same, i would never say anything bad about these people - for example "Omg...look at her hair!" or "She is so stupid...she dont know the answer what the teacher asked her!" so what?? Everybody is different...but, the only reason to hate people is, when they hurts someone on purpose - that you can tell they are bad...but, nothing else :)



    One girl at my school that we were once best friends started making fun of me, when I started listening to Mika. That was almost 4 years ago. And she made me cry many times and she didn't stop controling my life.. and I was very shy back then. Then I joined MFC as an active member and met you guys and my kife literally chainged. I became more cinfident and Mika tgought me that it'd okay to be who you are. So I told her what bothered me and now we don't speak much anymore. She also said to me once, that I will never see him live. Because I don't deserve it and that I'm crazy to think that. Guess what :D


    Aww thank you! I hope Mika will get better soon!

    The thing is: do you know escape rooms? A group of people gets locked into a room and they have to find a way out, solving different clues and riddles. Our history professor choce 5 people from my class, and we will be locked into one. Its also the first one in our city and we will be filmen and on TV :) I can't wait! But it will be a big fail, if we don't get out in time haha :D

      We always have eacother! That's the moat important thing. I wish I will be able to meet all of you one day!

    ooooou...she was kind of a stalker!?! :( iam so sorry for that!! But remember...that has nothing to do with you or Mika...its just that the stupid girl, who didnt have such a beautiful thing in her like like you (i mean mika! :D ) so, she was jealous that you have something to be happy about...she wanted to hurt you :( and...its so evil and gross! :( iam so sorry you had this kind of person in your life :( but...remember - we devide people into two groups - the ones who hate mika and the ones who like him - and...every great person just have to like mika - they may have different style, so they dont have to love him totally...but, they just have to like him - his personality...but, the people who hate him are stupid and they cant like anybody, they just want to hurt people :(

    But...you find us and we love you!!! And...iam totally different then my friends too...but, iam proud of it! :) mika tough me this!!

    So...as would mika said to her "Fu*k you!" :D

    OOOOO! She said that??? Wow...how much evil she had to have in her heart...thats unbelievable!

    :D :D :D  but...you win! :D :D i want see her face when she saw your pictures from the gig!!!!!! :D

    oooo...his is in your class? Omg this sounds so amazing! I want to see you in tv!!

    but...you teacher choose you! thats such a honour! You have to be really smart!

    Yeah!! I wanna met you all! I hope this dream will came true one day :)

  13. He saved all ours lives! :wub2: He would really need to know it!


    By the way... I'm so sorry he's not good at the moment and he had to cancel the gig... :tears:


    Yeh...he really did!! :) i hope i will be able to tell him that why day :)

    yeah!!! Iam so sorry for him...i hope hi will be ok soon! And...iam so sorry for the fans who had tickets to the contert... :( i would die if i had a tickets and now the concert was cancled!! :( i hope he will be ok!!!! :)


    Aw thanks! :hug:

    Yes, I hate people who judge him just because he is gay.  Like, what is wrong with that?  He can't choose his own sexuality, it just happens.  I think the main reason homophobics hate gays is because they are different.  Well, the most important lesson that Mika has taught me is to always be proud of your differences and stand up for being yourself.  As for Mika haters - well, of course I don't like them.  The worst was when that man drew graffiti over Mika's tour posters in Italy and insulted him.  That is the stupidest and most immature thing to do.

    Sometimes I feel like the only Scottish girl that likes him.  Some of my friends like a few of his songs, but they are not crazily obsessed like me.  I wish I could have a friend in real life who likes Mika as much as me.  I feel like the only people who understand my feelings are my online friends.

    Yeah!!! Like i said...the people who hate gays have some problem, they are evil inside and they have to find somebody to hate... :( i read some comments on one forum in my country...and, the reason what they said was so stupid!! I wrote there a few comments and i made them to look like idiots - i said that their reasons are so weak and just totally craps because they dont have any good reason, so they have to made up this weak stuffs...

    They have problems with themself...and they try to compensate their ego on this...its smallminded and this people really dont worth to even look at them :(

    Yes! But...it turns out to be good eventually, because mika made this into soooo good thing!!! :) i think the person who did this had to be so surprised! :D

    Well...i have the same feeling!! I have two friends who really like him...i made them to love him :), so iam kind of lucky in this thing...but, they dont like him so much as me...so, the only people wich really loves him i meet only here :(...i wish you to meet person in your real life who loves mika!!

    But...dont worry, you will always have us!!!! :wub: :wub:


  14. Yeah I have a similar experience... It's so terrible... Boys always say we're complicated, but in fact it's them! It will never understand their behaviour! :dunno: Thank you! I hope that for you, too! :hug:

    Mika will never leave us alone! :biggrin2::mikalove:





    Don't be sorry! ;) I got over that quite easily to be honest... With the help of Mika's music. :D He's always there when no one else is! His music helped me through so many difficult things that happened to me...


    Same here! I would never really dare to ask a person I like of he knows Mika... Nobody does... And if people do they judge him because he's gay. It's so unfair! What's that got to do with his musical talent??? I could get angry about those people...

    You are right!! Boy are so complicated! I dont even try to understand them :naughty:

    Yeah...mikas music is just unbelievable! He helped me so much...when i was totally down...he made me believe there is a reason to live  :)  i can say he safe my life :wub:

    same here...how you can somebody judge only for this???????


    True. They don't even look at his talent. And the worst thing is, they sometimes make fun of you because of it. It's not fair. :/

      I get over many things with Mika's mzsic. I wish one day I could tell him, how he helped me. I think he has no idea how much he helped us or made our lives better :D

    I hate Mikahaters, and I always stand up to them ahah :D

    yeah...my big dream is to tell him how much helped me :)

    you now someone ho hates mika?? And make fun on you because of it? Well...i think i would cream at them and i would be not able to talk them for the rest of my life...these people are selfish, intolerant and angry - so they have to find somebody to hate - gays...but, they dont see the right people to hate are them!


    Exactly. Mika's personality is my goal. If I will be half loke him when I am 30, I will be happy. This world need more Mika and people are just too selfish and judging to see it. :(

    Okay. Now this will sound really weird, but I am going to be locked in a room with my cursh next week, not able to get out. I can't tel you the details yet, but I promisse I will!! And no. Its not creepy. :D

    Yeah...i agree...sometimes i say - well, why can everybody be like mika?? But...then i realized - if there was, mika wouldnt be special. But...its enough for me to have just one friend like mika!! Just one god...please! :(

    really?? Omg!!! :D iam so curious :D this is exciting! :D





  15. I know, I told people whom I thought I trusted but my school was really small so the rumour got out.  It doesn't matter now though; I don't even know why I liked him so much, anyway.  Chat has been so quiet recently, everyone has disappeared!  When are your next holidays?



    I'll try to find another crush, although I'm mostly devoted to Mika at the moment (obviously). :D I don't think any boy will ever like me though, because I'm not pretty and I'm too shy. :( Maybe you should ask your crush if he likes Mika? :)



    You've had a similar experience as me with your crush.  Boys seem to be a little creeped out if they find out a girl likes them.  Don't know why, they are difficult to understand... :dunno: I hope you find someone soon, but at least you will always have Mika! :yes:

    Dont think like that!!...iam sure you are pretty :) ...and, the shy thing - iam the same, so...i totally understand you :(

    boys are stupid! :D they are so scared of girls!!! :D


    Hey... I'm shy too and there's nothing wrong with that. And I'm sure you are pretty :)

    There's no need if asking if he knows Mika. Because he doesn't. Noone here does. I feel lik I'm the only person in this toen that even knows who he is. Even when you tell people, they are like "isn't he gay?" And I'm like, so what? He is an amazing artist! I hate when people judge him. But sadly, most of my friends do :/

    yeah! How people cant like him????? i mean...he is perfect!

    And...i hate peoples who hate gays. Its sooo smallminded. I think the person who hate gays totally dont worth for talking to him :( is better to avoid this people...because, they have such a evil intolerance inside :(


    Few weeks? Ahah oh my poor friends :D I'm good otherwise. Actually I'm very confused. Have a huge crush on my friend, he is also my classmate and I have no idea what to do. I'm too scared to tell him :(


    It is bearable ;) I absolutely agree with you. Mika is the best language teacher. I learned a lot of english pronounciation from him and I love the way he talks. No matter what language. Just his voice. :)

    ooou...i know that feeling too ...well, its really tough :(, you are scared that you wont be friends anymore, arnt you? well...its your final year, maybe you should take a risk...but its really hard, i really wish you to it turns good for you :wub:

    yeeeah...he is! I learn a little bit Italian because of him!, and i wanna learn this language and French...ou, what mika can do with people is unbelievable


    Oh I know the feeling; I used to have a crush on one of my friends.  It was actually quite embarrassing because rumour spread that I liked him and he found out and it all got a bit awkward.  We didn't stay such good friends after that. :( But maybe you will have better luck with your crush!  If he likes you and you trust him, you should tell him, but not in front of lots of people.  Oh, by the way, does he look like Mika? :wink2:



    Of course!  I come here more often now because no one seems to use Chat anymore.  Don't know why... :dunno:

    Ooooo...i hate when people cant keep a secrets, even you directly tell them to keep!!!!!! :( 

    and good point with mika :wink2:

    Thanks!! :wub:  well...yes! Exactly...but, i have to confess...i dont go th either, dont have much time like i use to had at holidays :( , but, i really miss this!


  17. His stage outfits are so much like his early days ones..... I love that  :)

    Yes!! Right?? I dont know exactly when...but, he wears only suits on the concerts this year...and suddenly, he turn his outfit and wears jackets and i notice - scarf on his hip like he used to :) , iam so glad for this outfits...

    iam so excited about this gig...the arrangement of stage was different, i liked the old one - it was colourful and happy :) , but...this one has its own magic too

    i cant wait to see the videos

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