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About Ma.Kot.

  • Birthday August 26


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    ...looking up at the stars

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    Czech Republic

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  1. Hi! I have one extra standing ticket for this weekend in London 😊 I will also be at the concert, so if someone is interested, we can figure out the exchange. Martina
  2. Hello! I just wanted to ask, are there still 6 places left as the last post says, or they were already filled?
  3. Thank you so much! I will look into it! And i already got tickets, got them as soon as it was possible, didnt wanna risk it thank you
  4. Hello! I didnt write to MFC for a long time i missed it. Now i really want to go to the London gig, I may be traveling alone so, if anyone would have reccomendation for a hotel by any chance, i would greatly appreciate it (i really hope all hotels are not already full...) I didnt got the chance to see mika in years, so I really cant wait to see al the people from MFC there and feel the amazing atmosphere again
  5. I came back to MFC after a while. And its so great to see all the new Mika content Iam so excited for him hosting eurovision, I watched it almost every year since i was a kid, so, i cant wait to actually see him on my TV screen and know that its in real time Also all the promo and pictures we are getting - just amazing. I really hope this could help him get to be more known in other coutries in europe.
  6. Zdravím! Je pravda, že je nás tu na MFC celkem málo ale, jinak je nás od Coloursu čím dál víc, což mě hrozně těší. A, snad se to ještě zlepší já se o Mikovi budu bavit moc ráda, stačí napsat! toho není nikdy dost. A tohle mi udělalo hroznou radost číst, je vždycky strašně fajn vidět, že má u nás fanoušky!
  7. Ano!! Těší a moc když jsem sem přišla, skoro nikdo tu nebyl...a po colorsech a teď před koncertem náš začlo přibývat jsem neskutečně vděčná lidem co organizujou Colorsy, že ho sem přitáhli a to že jsi na Colorsech nebyla je sice škoda, ale nevadí...bylas teď v Praze!! Jo...ale, ono tohle překládání je sice zábavné, ale...podlě mě ho prostě neslyšel přes ten hluk a vsadím se, že ten kluk byl tak hotový z toho, že si ho mika vytáhnul na pódium, že ani nevěděl co mu říká, což se mu vůbec nedivím Jo, to je fakt! Ahoj...já jsem Martina, nebo Marťa, klidně jak můžu říkat tobě? No...dostala jsem se k němu by se dalo říct díky colorsům, ikdyž né úplně, ale mají velký podíl na tom, že jsem ho začla mít tak ráda já ho znala od malička a měla ráda je ho písničky už když mi bylo 12, ale byla jsem ještě moc malá na to, abych poznala přímo jeho, milovala jsem jen písničky a vždycky jsem pro ně měla slabost. Když jsem byla malá, představovala jsem si, že jednou budu na jeho koncertě a všechno bude úžasné!! :naughty: no...pak sem na něj na pár let zapoměla a vždy si jen občas připoměla písničky...nikdy mě nenapadlo dívat se na něco jiného (jako záznamy z koncertů, rozhovory a tak...). No...a když jsem zjistila, že příjede na colorsy, okamžitě jsem věděla, že tam musím jít (ikdyž jsem třeba nekolik let jeho písničky neslyšela...). Začla jsem se dívat na záznamy z koncertů, rozhovory a už to se mnou šlo z kopce :naughty: jak ty?
  8. Thank you so much!! :wub: yeah! Right? Its so nice to hear about everything! And know, that he is just the good old Mika who loves his fans and is so kind and happy to have them
  9. haha!! OMG! Yeah!! I remember that i saw here your banner before the show and i loved it! Its brilliant idea!! So...when he took it i was really so happy for you...and then the upside down thing - i was laughing so hard! Everybody tried to tell him that, laughing...but he was so enjoying the music, singing and was so concentrating that he didnt notice at all!! omg...how much i love this man! btw. i was the one who said hi after the show, dont know if you remember me! It was in such a hurry...but i was happy to find you! So nice to see you and so nice to know that you enjoyed the gig!
  10. Thank you both so much for reports! Its soo nice to read it! It seems like amazing gig! Iam so happy that he came out and talk to all fans waiting for him! Its so amazing...i cant even imagine! It had to be like heaven! I was at gig in Prague this week but, it was two days before Bercy so he was busy and couldnt came out. But, iam happy to hear that now he could!! It had to be so magical, iam so happy for all these people there
  11. Iam watching!!! Iam totally excited! Its soo awesome!! So grateful for the periscope...thanks sooo much! :wub:
  12. Jééé!! Konečně trošku života se vdechlo tady :wub: :wub: Anoo!! Musíme to zkusit znovu oživit :) Jak se vám líbil koncert???? Pro mě byl úžasný...prostě dokonalost sama :) byla jsem aj na colorsech a...úplně jiné oba dva, ale oba úplně skvělé. A u obou dvou mě Mika dostal hned na začátku - v Ostravě češtinou, v Praze tím - že zničehonic přišel na podium ve tmě jako první, když jsem to vůbec nečekala a...trošku mě mrzelo, že nemluvil česky...ale, je fakt, že v Ostravě si nasadil tak vysokou laťku, že by ju těžko překonával, tak se asi rozhodl to ani nezkoušet
  13. aaaaaaaaaaw!!! I think it was me and my friend who took the photo of you guys! :wub: so happy to see it here!!! wormed my heart :) About concert - it was unbelievable! I think it will take me a loong time to get over this day and live normally absolutely amazing! It was my second mikas gig...and, thats what i love about mika - both of the concert totally different, both of them totally amazing!! Totally different atmosphere, but both incredible! i guess i enjoyed this one a little bit more, because i didnt have to overcome the phase that i see mika for the first time and try to get over it, witch in the first one took me whole gig, so ...now i could concentrate on the songs, that i see him and that iam there in the best place on earth i have to say - the way he came to the stage totally got me...i though that they show the stage - give away the curtain that hide it...and suddenly in the dark somebody walked on stage like nothings going on...totally calm like - im just going for a walk guess who it was... it was so unexpected that i almost got a heart attack and, my favorite part was when he sang happy ending a capella he couldnt make the people be quiet, so he got o his knees and say "Thank you...but ssh!" He was just unbelievable So, amazing concert, the best two hours of my life that i will never, ever forget. And thank you mika...and thanks everybody who was there making such an amazing atmosphere!
  14. I love this!!!! :wub: i cant wait for the concert!! Its coming!! I cant even tell how fast...it was like yesterday it was couple of month, and now - not even two weeks??? I hope i will meet you guys there!! Cant wait!!!!! :)
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