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Everything posted by CaRoLiNa

  1. Now that I have a little time, after a caotic morning full of emotions, I want to say THANK YOU to MFC and in particolar to those persons that have spent their time, patience and energy to help us to make real our dream to see Mika on concert. As I've already wrote on twitter, it's not easy and very stressfull to answer to the milions of questions that we've done, and to mantein the "Relax, take it easy" spirit in front of the anxiety to not be able to get the tickets, so thank you so much to you and all Mika's staff, you're great! Now I know "when will I see you again" And now, full of joy, I've to concentrate only on the books and the study for the University, but soon as possible I wanna write something about myself and how Mika joined in my life, and read about your fantastic experiences! Buona giornata a tutti! Carolina
  2. Oooh thank you Robertina! I've made the same mistake of Cispina by translating "exclusive members" in an italian sense ^^' Thank you all, now it's clear!
  3. Sorry Deb, you are so kind and probably I'm so stupid Who are the "Members Only Exclusives"? Only who have received the e-mail with the link of the ticket's page is an exclusive member? Because in this case I've not received any e-mail so I supposed that or something went wrong with my inscription or I'm not consider an exclusive member...is it right? Perhaps it's an idiot question, forgive me
  4. Sorry, I did not understand :/ Have you received this link by e-mail?
  5. Me too!!!! Mika you wanna make us crazy! I'm so excited!! I have a lot of questions! 1) How many tickets any member of the MFC can buy? 2) Are there differences between the concert of 10 June in Milan and the others that have annunced today? Or they're all part of the same tour? Only one certain: IT WILL BE GREAT!!!!!!
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