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Everything posted by Eleenka

  1. Tak about you mám ráda, klip se mi líbí, co se týče barevnosti a tech obleků, vypadá v tom šik. Ale vadí mi, ze mu pusa jde jinak než zvuková stopa, je to dost nápadné. A taky reklama na hodinky by mohla být kratší, ale chápu, ze Swatch je asi sponzor. Takže víc se mi v tomto ohledu líbí last party, která je komerce prostá;-)
  2. Hi nenartus, I spent six years in Ostrava and I know Havířov a bit too. If you've got questions, I'll try to answer them.
  3. Eleenka


    Hi, Im his Czech fan and Im waiting from 2010 when his first show in our country was cancelled:-D and now 5 years after I ve got tickets for the next one in july and hope it will be realised:- D if not i probably would have to wait for years newly... hope it wont be necessary:-D enjoy it and enjoy this club toho.
  4. Hi everyone, I love Mika's music for many years but I am brand new member in his fanclub. If you write you dont like the Swatch and BMW in the video I have to agree because its too long and the car seems to je ugly. But I can imagine he needs things like this to keep his management going, if you understand. As he was young he was knew, unknown and it maybe was simple to sell such a beautiful CD as Life. But if you get chance like he got, I think you get a lot of responsibility to the people that actuelly started to love you and to give you theirs money. You need a management and you need to pay it, you may need to pay to keep your security and privacy, if you want to make new record you need to pay it first an then you will sell something, but not so much as in the beginning because there are another new stars. And somebody has to pay the flights around the world, hotels, technics, musicians, studios, all stuff and all staff you need. I didnt want to do it ( and I did my own little business for few years and now i am really happy i dont have to do it, it was one big stress for me - the more you earn, the more you have to pay "back", so you have to earn more and more if you want to grow and keep your customers). I also think his music is deeper than in the begining when it was funny, but now ther e is something that there wasnt before, although the musical structure is more simple. I think Mika and his personality has grown and become older, and its alright. One person cant think in the same way and do the same things in age 20 as in 30 and I expected this development, because I am similar age as Mika is and I know what I am thinking about and how I am thinking now and its really different as eight or ten years before:-) And I love the Valentino suits, hes looking gorgeous in it. But I dont need such a clothes because I dont have any occasions in my life when i could wear it - and if somebody else does, its great, isnt it? The elegant but young and colourful style is big inspiration for me.
  5. Welcome and enjoy Mika in here:-)
  6. A jak jsi přišel na Miku? Já jen, že teď ho u nás ani moc nehrajou, pokud vím, a když, tak jenom ty staré písničky - tak by mě to zajímalo:-)
  7. Ahoj, já už mám lístek na Colours a mám radost, že se Mika konečně objeví v ČR:-) fanoušek jsem dlouholetý dá se říct, ale zde do klubu jsem se registrovala až dnes a je fajn, že je tady i česká skupinka.
  8. Je tu někdo, kdo už na Colours byl? Vyplatí se VIP lístek?
  9. Eleenka


    Hi everybody, greetings from Prague. I discovered Mika few years ago in radio and in a music TV. I absolutely love his songs, I´m touched by the lyrics - like it was all about me, I often think I could write exactly the same and I never did such an experience like this, though I listen to another music too, of course And I´m looking forward his summer show in Ostrava in CZ and hope it wont be cancelled:-)
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