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Posts posted by Jonc

  1. Hi Mika! (if you are out there!)

    I know, there's small chance you will read that, as your career keep you busy all the time - however, it doesn't matter that much, as I just found this thread and seeing all of those people, being so inspired and happy because of you - that's quite a reward itself! 

    I want to chip in - thank you for keeping me inspired as well! You had a great influence on me since the beggining - because of you (but not only, I want to thank my family and friends, the most beautiful people I know), I am studying Illustration in London, even though I am a Polish Potato from Potato Town. You were always a hero - you followed your dreams, you were stubborn, you were convinced and confident, you found your place in the World - and this is what has always kept me pushed forward, although life is so difficult sometimes, when your parents don't earn much, when the anxiety followed your footsteps all your life.
    And my biggest enemy - myself, the shy, lazy, scared and hopeless part of me wanted to give up so many times. To give up the dream about living, studying and hopefully one day being the illustrator in London, but you are just the confimation, that we can, that we are Golden, we just need to work, to dream, to hope and show the World that we are beautiful inside. 
    I know you have your heroes too. Then you probably know exactly how we feel, when you are there for us, keeping us creative. 
    Thank you. 

    • Like 1
  2. I am so so so sorry for late reply and lack of commitment, they increased my hours for a week at work and it was hard to find some free time!

    Okay, guys - should we do the lists then? 
    I think we might need three:
    1. People who want to design the pieces (for printing or copying by hand)
    2. People who want to make the spare pieces.
    3. People who want to print some spare pieces or chip in.

    I think, if you want, you can be on all of the lists, because this is what I want to do - I want to design, to make some spare pieces and print some as well, to make the biggest amount as I can. 

    You can message me or sign here, all take care of managing the lists. ;)

  3. I love those pictures, I need to check who made them, the photographer has quite good eye for colours and composition! :) I need to beg my French friend to bring me the magazine from France, she's just about to come back for Holidays.

    Is that the only video that you could find from the photoshoot? I wonder if there's proper behind-the-scene video. :)

  4. Cześć! 
    W najśmielszych marzeniach nie sądziłam, że znajdę polski wątek na MFC (jakoś mało pewności siebie najwyraźniej).

    Widzę, co prawda, że trochę umarł, ale może uda mi się go nieco wskrzesić? 

    Jacyś Polscy fani mieszkający w Londynie?


  5. Just wondering, before you print a huge number of houses, which then will all look pretty similar, maybe we should check whether we find some mfcers who'd be able and willing to prepare a bunch of houses etc? Like, if we find 15 mfcers who'd each prepare 20 houses until october, we'd also have 300. :dunno: and it'd be more individual, handmade. I could certainly do 20, plus some cactuses or stars or sth like that.

    Yes, this would be amazing - 'cause I've started checking the printing services. I just had the first response.

    And with the issue of buildings/stars/props looking similiar, I wanted to print different designes in bunches, sooo they wouldn't look the same. I definitely want this to look as creative as possible, I want everybody to participate and have fun - that is my main dream about this action. 




    So this is actually quite expensive, but this is only service that replied to me so far. My fellow illustration students sent me couple of services to check as well - they might be discount-for-a-poor-student friendly. 


    So, actually, what we could do is either collect a team in which everybody would be obliged to make 20+ copies of their own beautiful buildings/stars/props or if someone want to volunteer as well but feel not very confident as an artist, then go way much cheaper and print 10/20 copies of A3 buildings/stars/props and help a lot anyway. 


    For I second I thought that the more quantity you wanna print the cheaper it is and I kind of wanted to fund the action myself, but I won't be able to afford it (sorry! :C) 'cause I'm a foreign student without parents' support so, you know. BUT! Still not losing hope, 'cause I have loads of printing services to chceck. Gonna keep you updated. 

  6. Yes, I think that we will be more or less visible from the stage and I can't imagine Mika not asking people to put a light on us to see the action better - he would definitely want to see that! :) 

    What if we print the whole thing and then paint the windows of the buildings, the stars and the other things which are good to see aglow, with luminous paint? It'll make it less expensive and easier....

    That is a good idea. Get a bucket and paint the significant parts. :D I'll check on that too! 

  7. A3 paper is quite big.  How do you intend to make the buildings etc rigid enough to hold up?

    A3 is just one size bigger than A4, which I find quite small - but I do understand the concern. I think A3 is not that huge, and A4 could be not very visible further in the back :) 

    About how rigid they'll be, it depends on a paper on which they are gonna be printed - and that is to be researched. But I believe that maybe the thickness of paper which they use for a good flyer could be alright? If not, there's always a way to support them from the back with a piece of cardboard of thin wood panel. 


    Luminous paint would be the way to go, I would think, on A3 card, not sure what the thickest you can get is.

    Luminous paint would be amazing, but we were thinking about printing 300 pieces at least, and I am afraid that we'll never be able to make as much with our own hands :C I am not sure if they print with luminous paints or anything similiar but that'll probably cost zillions of pounds. :C 



    Wow, this idea really has taken off, hasn't it? I think it's great, the original idea of the buildings, but as Mika himself has said, the simpler you can keep things the better.



    Jonc, I'm not sure what you mean by "the main site of MFC"? This whole site is the Mika Fan Club. :dunno: Do you mean posting something on the front page? I don't think that will help much. The people you want to reach are the people going to the show - so you might want to post about this in the gig thread and send people over here to this one. But just once, please don't spam the thread. :wink2:


    Also, I know you're fairly new to MFC, so maybe you don't realize that MFC is actually owned by Mika and that we work closely with Mika's management -- so getting them to post about it on Mika's Facebook page is not a problem, if everyone decides that we ought to do that. I wouldn't worry about it spoiling the surprise for Mika.  I don't know about getting other fan pages involved. I think a lot of fans who belong to other fan sites also belong here, so they could probably help spread the word that way.


    There are already 70 MFCers who have RSVP'd to this show, and I'm sure there are many others who haven't yet. I'd expect there to be at least 100 of us, so the cityscape should have quite an impact just with us alone. :thumb_yello:




    I have to be honest -- I'm not keen on the idea of a flashmob. For it to be really effective you need lots of people and lots of rehearsal. I don't think you're going to have enough of either to make any kind of an effect. I think it would be better to concentrate your time and energies on your original idea. Just my opinion.



    Yes, I agree with that. That's the only song it will make sense on. :original:





    If the theater has a problem with the banners or buildings, I can ask Mika's team if they can sort something out.


    I may also have some other things that will help you out with this plan, but I'll know more for sure after this weekend. :thumb_yello:

    Thank you very much for your post, now I see that I was a bit silly ^^'' I think, yes, if we all agree, because as you said, I'm new and lowest in the rank, probably, then if you could kindly ask the Mika's fanpage managment to help us spread the word, this is, I think, the best way to get to most of the fans and help us a lot :) 

    But we still need to clarify what we're gonna do and how we're gonna do it, so it is probably too early. Thank you for all the advices, the expierence you have helps us a lot! c:

    Also, asking the theatre would take off a lot of stress with risking failing the action from the very beggining, and that means just not being able to come in with the buildings and etc. ^^


    And in general - yes - we should keep that as simple as possible, because the more details are possible to fail, the more we have the risk to fail all the action. 

    • Like 1
  8. So, to do list so far:

    -Check out Adelphi theatre for possible banner hanging, and to see what it might look like from the stage.

    -Email theatre to ask if big buildings etc would be ok to take in.

    Possible flash mob/meet up organisation.

    -Preliminary designs for shapes to hold up.

    -Check how much printing off 300-500 sheets of coloured A3 to hand out would cost.

    Any more?

    Yes, this is exactly the to do list for now, thank you for writing that down. I'll start doing things soon, just The next two weeks are busy for me at work.

    Basically can't wait to grab a pencil and start designing.

  9. Congratz Jonc - with a great idea for the Adelphi Theatre 18th Oct.   :thumb_yello:  I think MIKA will love it :wub: He recently said, in an interview, that the creativety of his fans is what he likes the most! :teehee:  Just make sure that the security don't destroy your plans, and all your efforts to make this happen!  I don't know how strict they are in the UK,  about what you bring with you/use  in such an intime arena, but you surely do  :wink2: Good luck with everything!!  :)

    Btw, you have a really sweet drawing of MIKA & Mel - suppose you made it yourself?  :)




    Congratulations should go to NeverMakeNoSense as well, we're definitely together in this 'crime'! :) But thank you, thank  you, thank you. 

    Yes, I did it myself, ages ago :) Thank you again! 

    Security shouldn't ne too strict, hopefully - as it's not gonna be glass or anything. But surely, writing an e-mail or going there and asking if that'll be fine for the venue is a great idea. Definitely on the 'to-do' list. 


  10. I totally understand people travelling from abroad or people who don't feel confident with making their piece themselves (however I do believe everybody can make a beautiful one!) so yeah - mass production will have to happen! 
    When I'll be off from work, I'll research the printing services and look for the prices. 

    Also - are we all alright with the buildings looking similiarly to the ones from the cover and the stars or any other parts from Talk About You video? They're amazing, I suppose, but I wouldn't mind taking them as inspiration, not only copying them exactly :) 

    I would love to design some - I am an illustrator-to-be, so it's just so much my field and probably good thing for my portfolio! But I would love other people to patricipate if they want, I am sure NeverMakeNoSense will want to design some as well, and if anyone wants to help, pleaaaase, just do it! I mean, I just want people to do whatever they want, making this fun for everyone, I am honoured to be part of this.
    Good we still have like 4 months to go, lots of things to handle! :D 


    About the size - something fitting the A3 size or A2 should be fine - no bigger than that, I don't want to block people view too much or not at all, 'cause i am sure everone's want to see Mika's reaction and they have to be easy to hide, putting them on your knees or leaning on the seat in front of you. They can't be too heavy too - anyway, the thinner paper will be cheaper to print on. But not too thin. 

    What is also good - we don't have to queue in case to get good seats - therefore we can be early and just stand next to the entrance and hand them in. Or walk around the people sitting, once we're gonna get in. We'll need some help with this too, I suppose! 

  11. Coming back to some previous topics:
    Well, we definitely have to go out of this topic and MFC to spread the word - we'll need to ask some fanpages, maybe the main site of MFC could help us to spread the word as well? If we could reach the mother fanpage on facebook, that would probably help very much but I am afraid it would spoil the surprise for Mika as well.
    And making extra props is... Well, probably essential. The thing is, the easiest way would be to print like 500 copies or something, but there's a cost. I study at UAL, I think they do that, massive printing, but I have to check the prices! :)

    What do you guys think? Should we collect the money or just rather make extra ourselves?


    I would suggest bringing extras and handing them out to people sitting in the seats and include instructions ("hold this paper up during Talk About You" or whatever). Also print out the MFC logo and web address onto the instruction pages. We handed out something like this at a Quebec festival and people thought it was coming directly from Mika so they were very enthusiastic about participating. At least 1000 people followed the instructions and it worked really well.

    That is a very good idea! Thank you for the advice! 



    Way to go fans!!!!!

    I've been thinking myself. How can we show Mika that the UK still loves him. This is a wonderful idea and even though I won't be there myself, I'd love to share my ideas!!

    Here's some suggestions for the city-scape.

    Yes, by all means, bring extras, for random fans to hold, with info about MFC printed on them.

    As for iconic sights of London. I would definitely include, The London Eye, and what about The Shard? That is big and bold, or would that be too ambitious, as it is so big?

    Don't forget the river. Maybe one row in the stalls, could hold a long blue piece of material along the row (sort of of like the fake sea in the Underwater video)

    What I think you need to do, and since there is time, it's doable, is for someone really artistic to draw a plan of the theatre, as it would look from Mika's perspective, with the circles and stalls, how he would see them, and then everyone could see where they, themselves, would fit in to the land-and-sky scape. Then (although I don't know about technology so I don't know if it could be done) But if it was possible to add your own self and your building, river or sky, and anything extra. Because you really need to see how it's all going to look, when Mika claps his eyes on it.

    But yes, this is a brilliant way to show random fans how much we all love Mika, and how we're willing to show him, with this wonderful gesture.


    Another thought. Since you are all going to be walking about in London. Why not wear something with Mika's name on it. A T-shirt if you have one, or get one printed, or something which says his name, like a big name-badge. Just to let people in the street see that you are here for Mika.

    Maybe, if this is not too ambitious. What about trying to organise a flash mob before the concert. It could also be advertised on Twitter and fb, as it would need more fans than we have here, but it's another way to Mika-blitz the city.

    That's all for now. I'd love to join the discussions on this thread, even though I won't be there. Maybe my input will be of help.

    This sounds beautiful as well! I wouldn't mind doing the plan, to be honest, I was thinking about going to Adelphi and begging them just to show me how the venue looks like, but I don't think they'll let me c: So, yeah - I can draw the plan more or less, however, I think it'll all happen randomly - I mean, I don't know how many fans we can drag into the action so it could be as organised to follow the plan - and the river, I love it so much, this idea, but I don't know how to make a whole row into this, it would need to find all of the fans from one row and make someone to bring the blue fabric (costs ;c). I am also afraid, that there might people who want to quietly enjoy Mika's music and maybe they'll feel insecure or annoyed with the fabric? I am always being paranoid about making someone feel offended. 

    About walking around the city and the flashmobs - why not! What do you guys think? 

  12. I have no artistic ability at all but I love the idea & think if done well (which I'm sure it will be) it could look fantastic :)

    I believe that everybody has artistic ability, but I can help with anything, if you want! :)) Thank you for your support!

    I also believe that all of the fans can do something beautiful and it's not about this being the masterpieces, which in my opinion they will be anyway, 'cause made with a heart and just for fun! 

  13. Hello!
    I know it's a bit early, but...
    Me and NeverMakeNoSense went through a brainstorm today and we just realised, that we couldn't imagine the Adelphi Theatre gig without showing Mika a little bit of love from his UK fans and making a special fan action for the concert - as we know, some of the fans did that before and it's not only an amazing tribute to Mika but also fun and it binds the fandom together! 

    We also came up with an idea - as it is a theatre, with sitting sections on different levels, the visual potential is incredible!

    Therefore, we were thinking that we could create an amazing, inspired by the cover of No Place in Heaven and Talk About You set cityscape created by the fans! For example, if each Stalls fan would hold the building, the beautiful, colorful building from the cover, then the Dress Circle and the Upper Circle could hold the parts of the sky and stars, with an inspiration taken from the part of Talk About You. 
    So, what Mika sees from the stage is the city in front of him, and the sky and the stars above it. 

    And this is the part when amazing creativity of the fans chimes in! The buildings don't have to be the only part of the cityscape. Chimneys with a smoke, clocktowers, aerials, planes, even people (or the London must see attractions like London Eye) - all of those elements could combine the beautiful view of a city. Stars could have their tails, there could be clouds, birds, spaceships - the sky can accomodate them all! 

    However, the whole idea still needs a lot of planning and your help! Also, we don't want to be bossy or anything, so any changes, any other ideas would be appreciated greatly - we are just sharing our vision, but we cannot say that we are not excited already with a dream of the cityscape in our heads! 

    Let us know what you think! 

    Love from Jonc and NeverMakeNoSense. 




    So, as the show is coming up in big steps, this is what we have sorted out so far: 

    To contribute to the action, we need your help! 

    As you know, we'll try to make the cityscape out of an audience, so depending where your seat is, you can become a part of it, by creating an A4 piece of the cityscape or print and cut out one of the designs provided (links to follow).

    We decided that: 
    - fans with stalls tickets will be holding: buildings and other parts of architecture

    - fans with dress circle tickets will be holding: stars

    - fans with upper circle tickets will be holding: clouds and victory/peace signs from Mika's twitter


    So! You can help this action to happen either by making your own, unique part of the cityscape or just printing off some of the images below:

    (NOTE: we need definitely less stars than other pieces, as dcdeb has 100 of those for us already <<yay!>>, so please, consider printing other stuff before that. Unless you really want to have a star beforehand. I love stars, so I understand :)
























    It would be most appreciated if you could create/print some extra pieces of cityscape so we could share them with the fans, who didn't manage to bring their own! 


    Let's make a great surprise for Mika. 

    • Like 10
  14. So happy for you!! :) To see MIKA live for the first time, and even from the first row, in your own city, isn't bad!! :) I think the Kylie fans were very quick to capture these places in HP. I was looking for familiar faces,from MFC, I knew were present, but I didn't see any :( Imo, they should have given MIKA the time, right before Kylie, instead of Grace - and much longer playtime - but he did the best out of it :) Anyway, I found it strange that he didn't mention NPIH when performing two new songs! Maybe MIKA was a bit paralyzed by the bad reviews the alb got in UK, and wanted to lay low about it, till the BBC presentation the day after? I'm so happy that was successful for him!! Btw, it's also a bit funny that he had AMORE on his suit jacket, instead of LOVE - maybe by purpose?! :) I hope you'll have new wonderful, and complete, MIKA concerts ... :)


    Love, love


    I was talking to the Kyle fans around me and even they were surprised that Mika is playing only as the 3rd artist and for only 45 minutes, I mean - he would definitely entertain the crowd for longer than that, it was just a warm-up, I didn't even manage to get tired or make my voice husky like I usually do after applauding so loudly. 

    I loved the jacket. Oh my God. And the shoes, they sparkled so beautifully in the sun.

  15. Can't believe in so much happiness, Mika in the city I live, kill me now - gonna set five alarm clocks just not to miss the sale! 

    I am a bit worried about that the venue is seated - no dancing? No squeaking? Even singing will feel strange. Also, the war and the battle tomorrow, I am already afraid about my Internet connection failing the mission and I will have to seat outside, with the ear pressed to the glass put on the door of the theatre. Well. 
    And the price - please, can it be affordable for the student? 
    Can't wait.

  16. I am bit late as usual, but just need to share my love for this concert - deeeefinitely too short, by unfairly putting Mika almost at the end of the line-up, but how great he did! I can't believe I was in the first row, I was almost the only one among all the Kylie fans (just only one lovely fan was standing 3 people from me on the left) and how ridiculous I looked jumping and singing and being the happiest person on the World. That was my first time seeing him on the stage and I was just stunned. I can't believe it happened. Origin of Love almost made me cry, so the Happy Ending and Last Party. 

    • Like 1
  17. This is really sad. 
    It is even hard to say if he's a pop musician - generally, I don't really follow on which terms the genres are based, mostly it doesn't mean anything at all to me - let the musicans create what they want. 
    But even with London it surprises me - the audience is so multicultural, I guess there should be more concerts, because there are people who are genuinely waiting for them. I waited for over two years, and now I found out it's only 45 minutes. 
    I am also kind of crossed at BST. Mika plays for 45 minutes and the headliner, Kylie, only twice longer - I checked other days, Blur plays for like two hours? This is a proper time. It's like giving away samples at Tesco - this is what this concert might be to me. But still very important.

  18. I've just got the BST Hyde Park app, it says Mika will be on the Great Oak Stage at 4pm for 45 minutes. Was hoping for an hour but after not seeing him for over 2 years it's enough :) Hopefully he'll stick around afterwards for a bit. Would be great to meet him again.

    45 minutes...? 



    Only 45 minutes? 

    This is not possible, is it? I mean, concerts usually last for 1,5h/2h, how can he play for only 45? ;____________; This is my first concert of his!

  19. It is a lot more difficult at festival venues rather than ordinary gigs. At gigs it's usually straightforward, the gig ends, you wait at the stage door - although finding the correct door can be the problem. But at festivals, artists come and go at different times and it can be very difficult to know where to wait. At Lovebox Mika came out just near to the stage he had been appearing on about twenty minuets after he had finished.... And before he was driven off to get changed elsewhere. You never know..... It's a fingers crossed situation :crossed: but try not to raise your expectations too high.

    Aaaalright. Well, it's always worth trying!!! I really want to show him my tattoo with his handwriting as well. I try not to get my hopes really high, but I think I can't help it anyway, haha. 




    Don't worry Marilyn. Mika said, whilst on radio 2, that he would be touring the UK this autumn.


    On a different note, and having never been to a festival before, will we need to queue for ages to be able to get a reasonable place to see him?

    Well - me neither. But I think, that there will be large rotation of people standing in front of stage, like, we are crazy fans, we're gonna head to the stage and stand there like monuments until Mika's going to show up, but some people will come just for the fun, so they'll go off for some drinks/toilet/food or whatever other attractions will be, I am going just to switch my stomach and bladder off. 

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