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Posts posted by WeirdChild

  1. Thank you everyone who's been helping me! You're all so kind! 


    I have watched the bits that Dreamlandgirl has been posting on YouTube (there are a few translations there if anyone is interested in watching them) and this seems hilarious so far. 


    Obviously the lollipop moment was hilarious, but when he started talking about a being a teenager I fell over from laughing. I'm pretty sure some of the stuff he has spoken about can technically not be discussed on these forums because they are kinda inappropriate, it's fantastic. 


    See you guys later!

    • Like 3
  2. On 18/07/2017 at 7:37 AM, ladyolivier said:

    The Lollipop question and attempt at an answer made me laugh so hard. The girl's sheer innocence is so cute and poor mika was literally turning slightly pink :lmfao: Not sure how I feel about this outfit. Do love the running shoes though. It's so weird to see him in sneakers! Can't wait for the full english subs on the Q&A <3



    Lollipop question? Ok I can't WAIT to see that. Lmao. That song always makes me laugh because it's like the most badly disguised innuendo ever but when I was 7 it was one of the few songs I would listen to. I must have sounded quite strange when I sung that in the streets lmao. Can't wait for English subs either! I don't really understand Italian at all so I rely on all the MFC for translations all the time- the subtitling team are my saviours. 


    I do have a question: 

    what is Giffoni? I'm assuming it's an Italian festival of some kind but why does mika go? 



    • Like 2
  3. 38 minutes ago, Kumazzz said:

    Gala France





    Mika amou­reux, avec Andy, l'amour dure plus de 10 ans pour le coach de The Voice

    Le coach de The Voice in love


    Depuis 10 ans, Mika est un homme heureux au côté d'Andy, son compa­gnon. Les deux garçons étaient ensemble dans les tribunes de Roland-Garros, un moment précieux que les deux ne se voient pas très souvent, distance oblige.


    Andy dis moi oui… Si Mika n'a pas prévu de reprendre le tube des Rita Mitsouko, tout sourit au coach de The Voice. Très à l'aise cette saison au côté de Florent Pagny, M Pokora et Zazie, le chan­teur semble aussi très épanoui dans sa vie privée.

    A Télé Star, le chan­teur se confiait sur la diffi­culté de préser­ver son couple.

    "Comme dans tous les couples on a des jours avec…et des jours sans« , expliquait Mika.  »Parfois ça aide, parce qu'un peu de distance ça ne fait pas de mal. Ca préserve l'iden­tité de chaque personne. Bien sûr, ça demande plus d'efforts, parce que trop de distance, c'est horrible. Mais c'est pas mal…"

    Et si son chéri vit à Londres, il était là le week-end dernier à Paris, pour soute­nir son chéri pour la finale de The Voice, et pour la finale de Roland Garros.


    En couple depuis 10 ans avec Andy, Mika a fait son coming-out en 2012. Depuis peu de confi­dences sur sa vie. Mais à Têtu, l'inter­prète de Grace Kelly se confiait en ces termes sur ses doutes quant au couple : « On a connu une grosse crise il y a quelques années. On s'est sépa­­rés et puis on s'est retrou­­vés. […] J'ai compris qu'il ne fallait pas écra­­ser l'autre. Renon­­cer à vouloir le contrô­­ler. » avouait-il avant d'ajou­ter :

    « C'est quelqu'un de très simple. Extrê­­­me­­­ment fidèle à ses habi­­­tudes et qui déteste les compli­­­ca­­­tions. Alors, c'est dur. Parce que mon boulot met souvent tout en péril. »

    Visi­ble­ment ça va mieux !


    Qui est-il ? Andréas Derma­nis de son vrai nom est un réali­sa­teur spécia­lisé dans le docu­men­taires. On lui doit des vidéos des Pet Shop Boys, Bastille, Emeli Sande, Kelis ou encore The Kooks. 


    Crédits photos : SGP / BESTIMAGE


    Every time I see the third jpg for this, all I can think is that they look like they have finally built their long awaited death ray or something?? something about their faces I think but I can't tell what it is 


    It was on Instagram 

    • Like 2
  4. I actually didn't like Audrey's performance at all. It might be because I'm such a fan of the song though :naughty: I actually preferred the talents from other teams. When that blonde guy Mattheiu (I think?) did that weird dancing thing against the podium I wasn't sure whether to cringe or laugh at Mika's expression :roftl: I thought it was cool that they sung with Katy Perry. I only really listen to a few of her songs but I liked the performances. The swimming costumes with fruit heads was kind of weird though :lol3: thanks to everyone who has been uploading and translating and everything! 

  5. 8 minutes ago, krysady said:


    Probably he only knows a few words, I don't think he speaks fluently. 

    Yeah. It's still cool though. I wonder whether he's being taught or has just picked it up because I'd imagine he would hear it a lot. his ability to learn languages is extraordinary, even if it is only a few words.

  6. 6 minutes ago, krysady said:


    It was not French, Nikos told him something in Arabic, I guess it was "17" because Mika previously said he forgot how to say it, then Mika answered him something in Greek, I have no idea what was it :dunno:  So don't worry about your French :wink2:

    Mika speaks Greek? I thought he only knew the few phrases he said on Xfactor.  That's  really impressive. He's so talented. Greek is supposed to be really hard to learn I think, espeacially as it has a different alphabet. Arabic too actually. Thanks for replying!

    • Like 1
  7. Awww i love the voice! Thanks everyone who has been posting stuff. Mika speaking languages in Le Suite was really impressive. My French is really limited though could someone please tell me what he and Nikos were talking about because I thought my French was getting better but it sounded like gibberish to me :/ 

    • Like 2
  8. The song isn't a favourite one of mine, but it is fun. They will be able to do something good with it. My favourite Christmas songs are, The Fairytale of New York, by The Pogues, and, A winter's Tale, by David Essex.

    I'm looking forward hearing the song by Kylie and Mika. Hopefully, it will be added to my list of favorites, when I hear their version.

    I feel like fairytale in New York wouldn't be very good for Mika to sing considering some of the lyrics.

    You're a bum

    You're a punk

    You're an old s*** on junk

    Lying there almost dead on a drip in that bed

    You scumbag, you maggot

    You cheap lousy f*****

    Happy Christmas your arse

    I pray God it's our last

  9. It's, more to do with the fact that he won't promote himself properly over here, like he does in those countries.

    Every album that has come out over here, since TBWKTM, promo here has got pretty much non existent He barely did any for TOOL, and only 1 tv appearance and a couple of radio slots, and only 1 show. He used to do full on promo, and tours like he has been doing in France and Italy in the UK. But it's like he has given up for some reason.

    That is what is sad.

    Yeah. :( he is fairly anonymous in the Uk and this is where he lives. It must be really annoying if you are at Tesco's or something and end up on the front page. I am making people listen to his music so I am doing promo for him among my friends who didn't even know that he had more than two albums.

  10. are you continuing this? There are a lot of episodes in this season alone so it is a massive task. If I have a transcription I might be able to translate into English as I am a native English speaker and I studied French at school for years but I cant ensure 100% accuracy.

  11. I am also quite well spoken and would not mind defining some English expressions to non-native speakers. I am attempting to learn French at the moment and I understand the struggle :naughty:

    English is very strange as we have multiple words with the same definition or very similar definitions which can be confusing but  I happy to help. :)

  12. I can't believe Mika and his band don't know the lyrics to these Christmas songs. What kind of childhood do they have in Britain? :naughty:


    I live in England and am 16 yrs old, and I can tell you that at Christmas at my first primary school, they played last Christmas on repeat for several hours so now I despite that song and all things Wham! lol. I don't really know the lyrics to any other Christmas songs. I used to play the Rudolph reindeer one on my saxophone but apart from that nothing. My second primary school was very religious and we sang more Christian type songs in the chapel we had on the school grounds. (Private school not all schools have chapels lol) In secondary school Christmas is less of a prominent aspect as it is significantly more mature than primary schools as it is from age 11-18 so the most Christmas celebration we have is watching a movie. There is also a lot of diversity in schools and some of the Jewish or Muslim etc would not be happy if our school was commandeered by a Christian holiday.


    I am not saying that this is what school is like for all British people, because I have not spent Christmas at every school in the country, but this is what it was like at my schools.   


    http://www.spettacolomania.it/a-xfactor-ci-vuole-una-stronza-come-me-dice-skin-xfactor-italia-il-migliore-parola-di-simon-cowell/ article

    A XFactor ci vuole una stronza come me, dice Skin. XFactor Italia? Il migliore, parola di Simon Cowell

    di Patrizia Simonetti · 15 maggio 2015

    IGT001-300x190.jpgSoddisfazione in casa Sky per gli ascolti ottenuti da Italia’s Got Talent, chiusa ieri sera con la vittoria di Simone Al Ani, 1milione700mila spetttatori medi e uno share del 6,66% tra Sky Uno e Cielo, oltre ad una social audience su Twitter di 108.900 utenti unici. Giudici: Bisio, Zilli, Matano e Bisio.

    Si è parlato di questo ma anche di XFactor 2015 oggi a Milano in una conferenza stampa, per così dire, congiunta in merito ai due show, 003-300x197.jpgpresente il papà di tutti i talent, quello stesso Simon Cowell che ieri sera sul palco di IGT ha fatto confusione annunciando il vincitore di Xfactor, ma “non è stato un errore – scherza il genio britannico della TV -solo un modo per promuovere il programma visto che XFactor Italia è il migliore del mondo” ha ripetuto dopo averlo già detto ieri sera ad Alessandro Cattelan, ospite di IGT e conduttore confermato di XFactor, e ha aggiunto: “il segreto di questo programma è che punta soprattutto sui concorrenti mentre altri si fondano su altri elementi che li sovrastano, il nostro obiettivo è creare una star” ma tanto, dice ancora “quando c’è una star è questa star che trova te, non succede spesso”. Ma qual è il segreto di Cowell e di così tanta creatività? “Si parte ubriachi, non scherzo” dichiara. Andiamo bene…. mi sa che allora pure ieri sera…. E mentre annuncia un nuovo talent sui DJ, forse non sapendo che in Italia ce n’è già uno, si dice contento della sua nuova creatutra La Banda, dove peraltro sarà giudice la “nostra” Laura Pausini. Non solo fuga di cervelli dunque, ma anche di giudici di talent.

    009-300x190.jpgNoi però in compenso a XFactor, che riprende a settembre, abbiamo Mika e quest’anno pure Skin che “il motivo per cui ho accettato di fare il giudice a XFactor – spiega la frontwoman degli Skunk Anansie – è perché, come avevo già detto l’anno scorso al mio manager, avevo voglia di fare qualcosa di diverso. E poi penso che la mia presenza potrà attirare persone strane e veramente fuori, ci vuole una stronza come me per poter incasinare le cose”. Sì, ha detto proprio “stronza”. E “come me”, pure. “E poi in Italia mi sento a casa, ho tanti amici, mi sono persino sposata qui”. Strano allora che non spiccichi una parola di italiano, come farà? Tranquilli , ci pensa Mika che le promette di starle a fianco, ma lei ha già capito tutto e infatti è in italiano che avverte: “aspettatevi solo una cosa, un gran casino”.014-300x200.jpg

    “Questa giuria quest’anno è una figata, in tutti i sensi – dice intanto Mika che pare come risollevato – la scorsa stagione è diventata un po’ complicata verso la fine, c’era abbastanza tensione, stavolta io voglio veramente divertirmi al 100%”. Anche noi, evviva.

    “Per me XFactor non è mai finito” dice Fedez che ha continuato a seguire alcuni concorrenti come Lorenzo Fragola che, sottolinea, ha venduto più di tutti da quando XFactor è su Sky. Ecco. E con Elio fanno quattro.

    Cast aperti, vi avvisiamo, sia per XFactor che per la prossima edizione di Italia’s Got Talent.













    Mika's photos with Simon Cowell look a bit like couple photos and I am dying at the thought of Mika and Simon Cowell as a couple ROFL

  14. It seems to mostly be where Mika had done television such as The Voice in France and xFactor in italy. South Korea is really high, United Kingdom is surprisingly low. Perhaps its because the majority of English people are so afraid of languages they see another language and shy away from it. Its sad really.

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  15. Hello people.This is really akward because I am talking to a computor. I am called Hannah. I am 16 years old and go to a grammar school in Kent. This probably means people are going ot be confused by my spelling but I am dyslexic. One of the reasons I like Mika so much is beacause he is dyslexic and cant read the time and i have never met anyone else who is dyslelxic and cant read the time other than me XD. I have listened to Mika first when I was seven. In fact, the only music I would listen to was Hoozier, Mika's first album and Bohemian Rapsidy. I was a strange child... Its nice to meet you all

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