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Posts posted by Boucarilla

  1. 8 hours ago, dcdeb said:

    First of all, thank you to everyone who has posted so far! I'm reading and reading. I'll try to reply to some of the comments below. Hope it doesn't get too confusing.



    I realize that message boards and forums like this are out of date. :( But this is how we started, and it seems it's the best way for a lot of fans to communicate. It's really hard to have a conversation on Twitter, even if it does allow 280 characters now. But even if someone doesn't like the forum format, we try to be active on Twitter and Facebook and to a lesser degree Instagram, so we are trying to keep up with all the social media platforms, too.


    I'm surprised to hear you say that it's not user-friendly -- maybe it's because I'm old and have been on message boards and forums for a long time, but it seemed pretty easy for me to figure it out. Maybe not entirely intuitive as you said, but still not too bad. We'll work on that -- maybe come up with a kind of "Quick Start" Guide, with forum basics.


    I also would like the front page to change more frequently. I think there is a blog module here somewhere, I just need to figure it out and install it.




    Well, we chose these colors to match Mika's website, mikasounds.com -- We don't just have two colors, you'll notice on our left and right borders the colors gradually change. I think they used to on mikasounds.com, too, didn't they? Or am I misremembering? In any case, Mika's team asked us to try to match his site, which we did at the time. Perhaps we need to update the look again.


    I agree about the organization problem. We need to step back and think about how we can better organize things, for sure!



    I have turned on the "clubs" option for the site, but have not really done anything with it yet. Once I get a better idea of how it works, I'll let you all know. ;)




    Thanks, Cath. We probably will! :)


    I appreciate your thoughts and agree that we might need to do some image building. As you said, MFC is near and dear to my heart and I certainly don't want people to think badly of it, and will do what I can to make it as good as it can be.


    As far as Mika and Team Mika participating in MFC, and also about whether MFC is "OFFICIAL" or not, I wanted to just say a few things for the newer members who might not know:


    First of all, MFC IS the official fan club. For anyone who hasn't noticed, there is a link to Mika Fan Club on mikasounds.com. It's in the bottom right corner of every page on that site, so I think it's pretty clear that Mika and his team acknowledge MFC as THE fan club. I know a lot of people think fan clubs are useless and old-fashioned these days, but that's what MFC is, even if it isn't a fan club in the traditional sense of the word.


    As for Mika's involvement with the MFC -- well, he pays for hosting this site and he owns the domain mikafanclub.com. His name is on the credit card that's used to pay the bills. :yes:


    I work closely with Mika's management team, speaking with them at least once a week. They provide us with most of the prizes that we use for our giveaways. They also help arrange ticket giveaways for concerts and shows where Mika is appearing. They also run Mika's Facebook page and give tickets away there, but we are the only fan site that they work with. They will also arrange meet & greets with Mika occasionally if the time and place allow.


    Mika has tweeted to MFC and about MFC a number of times over the years, even if he doesn't do it every day. He is currently following MFC on Instagram. When I've spoken to him directly about the fan club, he's told me that he thinks it's very important and he appreciates everything that we do here for him. Believe me, I wish he would be more public about his support of the MFC, but obviously he can't ignore all his other fans -- many of them don't belong to MFC, so he can't only pay attention to us. :dunno:


    Anyhow, just wanted you all to know what the MIKA <-----> MFC connection is. I know some people don't think he really cares about MFC, but I think it's pretty clear that he does.


    Siri, I'll reply to all your comments separately, because there are some really serious issues there that we all should talk about. Thanks for your patience!



    Wow! It's great to remember this! Thank you... It's clear that a few new memebers know the real link between Mika and the MFC. As for me, I discovered it after being registered...

  2. My first thought is the design.

    Mika's world is colorful; MFC is just two tones of colours.

    I think it could nice to put some drawings, maybe some parts of a record booklet...

    Then I think there are too many informations in big threads. It would be great to let a website plan, to describe what you can find in each main thread.

    For example when I arrived I was unable to find the MFC Subtitling Team...

    Great idea this conversation!  :thumb_yello:

    • Like 1
  3. 4 minutes ago, dcdeb said:


    I think we'd all prefer for him to focus on his music! :fangurl:


    As for what he may have said before about acting -- well, he also once said that sequins made him sick and that he'd never wear them, and that he'd never do X Factor, so... :naughty:





    Thank you for this newspaper! It's an idea or we can't recognize him very well?

  4. Just now, Melyssa said:

    No I think they didn't enter in stock yet, its just the pre order system in the wait for the stock to arrive - except it can't show the pre order logo as the product is already officially on sale so the date of release won't match etc. 


    Thank you, it's good to know, so I do it now! :wink2:

  5. 1 minute ago, Loo said:

    Il n'a jamais dit vraiment le pourquoi, mais ça l'a peiné (surtout qu'il a du se raser entièrement les bras...).


    Dans SCM, c'était plus du rôle comique; mais on a pu voir à plusieurs reprises que les plus belles émotions avaient la possibilités de se montrer rapidement.

    Par contre ça doit demander beaucoup plus d'énergie.



    Hey you forgot o speak in english! :lmfao:

    I understand he could be hurt...

    Even in other situations, he has a face in which we can see clearly his emotions... He 's so spontaneous, sometimes it put him in delicate situations! I remember for example when he said that italians spoke too much... :lmfao:

    • Haha 1
  6. 1 minute ago, Loo said:

    He was also to play in "zoolander", but his passage and the songs he was to make were cut off during editing. :sneaky2:


    He has to play in the movies or the theater, I'm sure he could pass on some beautiful emotions!



    And do you know the reasons of this cut off?

    We have already seen him in SCM, he is a good actor... maybe less exageration but it was not a movie.


  7. 1 minute ago, Happymika_by_celine said:

    Eeeh !!!! Je te croyais plus fan que ça :lmfao:!!!!! Loooool !


    c'était tellement foireux comme plan que je le sentais pas trop mais je suis quand même contente de savoir que c'était des bêtises, sinon j'aurais eu peut-être quelques regrets...

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