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Posts posted by Polecat

  1. Hello everyone!  I'm Polecat, I'm 23 and from the Republic of Ireland, originally from the UK. 

    I first heard MIKA's music when I was a kid back in 2007 or so, I remember hearing 'Love Today' being played on the radio and secretly thinking it was a great song (despite not knowing the lyrics), but I was a little embarrassed to tell anyone in case I got teased for it somehow.  I also remember liking 'Blame It On The Girls' when it came out,  but I was only young and hadn't yet really developed much of my own music tastes beyond what my parents listened to, so I sadly didn't really get to enjoy MIKA's music much when it was at the height of its popularity.  Then in my teens I liked maybe one or two other songs, but still didn't really properly discover his music until summer last year, when I decided to listen to a few more of his songs out of curiosity on YouTube, and then managed to buy Life In Cartoon Motion for just £2.99 as a CD when the shops finally opened after lockdown, which I then burned onto my iPod (I don't use Spotify).  It was maybe the best bargain I've ever got in my life because I was immediately hooked, loved every single song on there, and then went and bought all his other albums and additional songs and loved them too.


    I guess what I've always loved about MIKA's music, even back when I only knew a handful of songs, is how openly, boldly, joyously different both his voice and overall musical style sounds compared to everything else, and the often personal, powerful themes he sings about.  As someone who has sometimes felt a bit of a 'weird kid' at times myself, hearing this guy sing in an amazing falsetto pitch and absolutely killing it while doing so, singing lyrics like those of 'Grace Kelly' and 'We Are Golden', was something that I found comforting--and when I grew old enough to properly understand the lyrics, I found them really comforting and relateable too.  I am an illustrator and I regularly put his music on while I paint and draw, as being as I like so much of his music it means that I can just put it on 'shuffle' without having to keep stopping to press the 'skip' button, and something about the colourful, upbeat vibes of a lot of his songs just put me in a great mood for making artwork.  As a result of me playing it so much I have now got my little sister hooked on his music too and I shared all my albums with her, so she is now inheriting my epic music tastes :biggrin2:

    Although MIKA is now my favourite singer, some other favourite artists of mine at the moment are Scissor Sisters, Lady Gaga, George Michael, Britney Spears and I have a soft spot for a bit of Enya too.  Outside of music I love animals and wildlife, drawing and art, reading, playing piano and video games (especially the Sonic games as well as various Nintendo titles).  I'm also a committee member for my local Pride group and a regular volunteer for my area's LGBT+ network.

    And that's about it about me really, looking forward to finding my way around the forums and meeting members!

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