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Everything posted by Fleeples

  1. Platform Ballerinas live would be sooo fun! It nearly made it on mine! 'Surprise songs' / joker songs would be amazing, then at least I'd get the recordings of the ones I wasn't there for. But it's a lot of work not just for Mika but his band. I hadn't thought of starting with Love Today, in my opinion it's a late game song but the idea of starting with it is very fun! I feel like everyone agrees he needs to perform Tomorrow. <3 And I hadn't thought of Origin of Love in the crowd, that's an interesting idea! I don't know how it would go down in the UK here, as he really started to fade from popular culture after TBWKTM (brits are stupid). I'm not sure if it's a song everyone knows! But it is a banger.
  2. Has anyone got a video of Happy Ending in full (first part and where he missed the note at the end and spoke to the crowd) for this gig? I'm trying to piece together the order in which things happened (gig endorphins messing with my memory, aha). I can only find videos of the end!
  3. I'd accept a crowd visit to any song but I don't know if Rain would have the right energy! I'm open to seeing if I'm wrong though! Mika needs to redo the NPIH tour clearly, for all us previously socially awkward then. The manchester gig was funny because I have been to several gigs alone recently (about a year ago I decided to stop letting my friends not liking all the same things as me stop me doing things) and the girl next to me was like 'omg you're so brave!' ahaha. But it was the least self conscious I've felt at any gig, it was so much fun!
  4. I feel like everyone agrees he needs to play Good Wife and Tomorrow (although someone commented Tomorrow is their happiness song, for me it makes me really emotional!)
  5. I'm loving all the NPIH love on this thread. It's the album that turned me from a casual enjoyer into a full throttle fan. It's so good and so underappreciated, and I'm so mad at my past self for not going to that concert (I was too shy to go to things like that alone at the time). I think Rain is almost too sad for a crowd visit, Relax could be fun (but his little jump on stage for Relax was amazing aha)! I never ever would've put Big Girl on my set list before seeing him live the other week, but his crowd visit was so fun (I appreciate so much that he came all the way up to the balcony too, not many artists would). I do think that the crowd visit should be for a song everyone including casual enjoyers knows. Last Party as an encore would be so fun! I was so close to putting Promiseland on mine too, I love that song but I felt like it was turning into a NPIH setlist...I see you live would also be amazing... And I love that others want to hear Good Wife. Ahaha is he known to do this? Maybe he'll hear that we want more new songs and grant our wish next tour!
  6. Ah thank you both! Because the phrasing was different I missed it. D’oh.
  7. Do you have a link to that interview? That’s really interesting and sad and I’d like to read the context (as much as possible with google translate). I can see why he would avoid French but why hardly any newer songs 💔 I don’t know whether him being forced to stick to the oldies brits know or feeling like people wouldn’t like it if he played new stuff makes me sadder. I hope it was a practical choice to reconnect with the UK ahead of more shows showcasing more new stuff…
  8. I was reading some old posts because I was mad at my past self for not being confident enough to go to gigs alone, and found this mention of him talking about a newer song and jokingly saying “play lollipop or #### off” as though reflecting the audience opinion. While funny (and I probably would’ve laughed if witnessing it, he’s very dry in his sense of humour and that’s one of the things I like about him!) it does make me a little sad that it’s possibly a reflection of how he thinks crowds think about him.
  9. I have seen that! I think he points at his mum in that video as well Maybe when enough time has passed, he'll feel able to perform that live for real.
  10. Psst, go tell me your dream setlist here... He has so many amazing songs, it's a shame he thinks people only want to hear the oldies here! All she wants and good wife are on mine. Sanremo for sure! I'd love I See You too... I like EMD fine, but it's a weird choice to make his only french song on a tour for his french album!
  11. Haha, I hear you! Maybe because I hadn't seen him live before, I was happy to hear them! But there was more emphasis on Life in Cartoon Motion than I would have liked. I'd like to excuse him from singing Lollipop for the rest of his life, that's basically the only song on his discography I have never liked (although I confess I did still enjoy it live because he made it fun). The ideal setlist requiring a bit of thought is what makes it fun, though! So many to choose from...
  12. All the talk about the Apocalypse Calypso setlist (particularly those in the non-French shows!) had me thinking that it would be really fun to design what our dream set lists would look like! Rules: You can include anything he's released It doesn't have to be for this tour, but feel free to do that if you'd like (i.e. I think he should have included a couple more French songs, but they also don't make my list of songs I really want to hear him sing). I'm not gonna hard cap the amount of songs, but whilst many of our ideal setlists would be a Taylor Swift-level 4 hour Eras Tour, listing every single song in his discography isn't in the spirit of things! I would be interested in thinking about the flow rather than only a list of songs if you're interested! (Mine is probably going to be wrong, because I am not a person who makes setlists for a living). Feel free to add special guests if you want! Here's mine to get you all started: 1. Bougez (because I'm bitter about not getting it in Manchester) 2. Touches You 3. All She Wants (he never would out of respect to his Mum which I respect, but goddamn I wish he would because it's one of my all time faves. If he ever /has/ performed it live and I missed it, please send a link). 4. Tomorrow 5. Relax, Take it Easy 6. Good Wife 7. Rain 8. Big Girl (You are Beautiful) (This isn't one of my favourite songs of his to listen to, but it is incredibly fun live, the atmosphere of him running through the crowd was great and it got people really pumped.) 9. Love You When I'm Drunk 10. Good Guys 11. Tiny Love 12. Good Gone Girl 13. Happy Ending 14. By The Time (ft Imogen Heap, I would die on the spot honestly, yes I know this is a deep cut but this is my fantasy set list) 15. Grace Kelly Encore: 16. Talk About You 17. Origin of Love 18. We Are Golden anyway justice for no place in heaven really my ideal setlist is he just plays that entire album including bonus tracks and apparently I'm also a BWNTM stan who knew
  13. Oh I'm glad I found this topic! I loved the gig in Manchester, probably the most fun I've ever had at a gig. It was the first time I'd seen him live. However, I was saddened that it was mostly a Life in Cartoon Motion showcase. I love that album (although I'm a weird outlier in that I was 'too cool' to like Mika when he was popular in the UK and then grew to like him in 2013 after he declined in popularity here) but it keeps people thinking of him as just a nostalgia act over here. I see comments like 'oh does that guy still have a career' all the time talking about him - they don't realise that he's huge in Italy/France. I wasn't too bothered about the lack of French songs- they sound lovely, but I do struggle to connect as much when I don't understand the lyrics - but if he was going to play just one french-language song, why Elle Me Dit? I saw someone comment that he could've done that as Emily but to be fair, I think I read that he hates that version and thinks it's lazy songwriting haha (I disagree) also the English one isn't a tribute to his Mum as much. I would think on a tour for his new French album he would at least play /one/ song from that album if he was going to sing anything in French! We missed out on Bougez too, not sure if he was having wing problems or cage problems or just timing problems... But if he keeps only playing the old favourites, people won't realise he /has/ new stuff and that it's great! God what I'd give to hear some more songs from NPIH or MNIMH... Good Wife or Tomorrow please? Definitely keep some nostalgia stuff in there, but did we need 90% of LCIM?
  14. He was very subtle about asking the band, I still can't really tell he's even got time to speak to them! And quick of the band to be able to play it!
  15. Only 0.99… and 23.99 shipping 🤣 yeah I’m sure shipping paper and a plectrum is that expensive. Date says 2022 though… typo or fake?
  16. Great review! I also signed up for an account just to post here. I'm honestly feeling a mix of still riding that high and the post-concert depression that I'm not still there. 100% the most fun concert I've been to.
  17. Yeah, he fudged the note a couple times more after that and the crowd sang it for him and chanted his name, so I think that was probably actually him getting a bit emotional! The vibe was elite tbf, but it was my first show of his so can’t compare to others. The fact that he can even hit that note at 40 still is crazy!
  18. I think it was the last time he was at the Apollo, he did mention being at this very venue. My pet theory is that his voice broke the first time in Happy Ending just because it was tired/he made a mistake, but then he couldn’t hit it again because he was so emotional from the crowd chanting his name in response and singing it for him.
  19. Oh, well now I feel I was robbed! I wonder what he was planning to sing... He did gesture to each band member pre-encore but didn't say names. Yeah, they do have 11pm curfew and it was 10:55 or similar.
  20. I was wondering that, or if he was just messing around! I was about to go back to my seat! I assumed it was a real ending though as the lights went back on and music was playing, which didn’t happen at the encore.
  21. What a wonderful gig. The atmosphere was electric and it was truly the most fun I’ve probably ever had at a gig! I was on my own but made friends with the girl next to me (although the people on my other side, one remained seated the whole time and seemed like he was falling asleep, lol. Then they both left early). Mika has such wonderful stage presence and is such a showman, really gets the audience involved. I do feel a bit sad for him that he feels he has to mostly play his old hits in the UK! It was 50% Life In Cartoon Motion, which I love but I also love his newer stuff! (No place in heaven Stan for life, I wish I had the confidence in 2015 to go to shows alone). No songs from his new album at all, he dropped Bougez (with English lyrics? I need to find a video) entirely. I wonder if he felt it wasn’t going over well? Origin of love was a fab opener though. His one French song was Elle Me Dit which he almost apologised for singing. Also find that funny since there is an English version, although I think he said he dislikes it (and it changes the meaning of the song from being about his mum). I get the lack of French in a UK show since we are mostly monolingual plebeians, but I wish he felt confident to bring out some more songs from MNIMH, NPIH, Origin etc and not like he was just a nostalgia act. But still, enormous fun and I hope he comes back soon!
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