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Stockholm 9 november


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Jag vet.. Men jag älskar det X''''''''D

Enda haken är at jag ahr svårt att hålla mig för skratt då och då.. rätt ofta.. typ jämt :mf_rosetinted:


Men herregud...!



Menar du att du tycker du själv är så rolig att du gapskrattar?


I love that. :roftl:

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Men herregud...!



Menar du att du tycker du själv är så rolig att du gapskrattar?


I love that. :roftl:


Nej asså.. Jag kan väl hålla mig när det gäller mig själv.. men jag tänkte mer¨på när alla andra börjar skämta..

Sen skrattar jag när alla andra gör det.. :}

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Well.. De får vi allt se i Stockholm, bruden.. :mf_rosetinted:

Jag ska minsan få dig att skämta.. Iaf att skratta (6)


Vi får väl se... :sneaky2:


Iallafall, jag ska kolla på Heroes nu (nja, iallafall Milo Ventimiglia).

Så ha det bäst, gå på fest, dansa mest!

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Hej alla! :)


Anzuzu and I would really like to go to see Mika in Stockholm. The only thing that seems to be stopping us is the fact that they don't send tickets to Finland. :( So I'm asking you lot if anyone would be willing to buy tickets on behalf us and send them to us in Finland. We would be most grateful. We would of course pay for them and for postage. Please PM me or Anzuzu if you think you can help. Thanks! :thumb_yello:

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Hi guys!


As Marianne said, we'd love to come and see Mika in Sweden! :punk:


I actually tried to buy tickets from ticnet.se but it seemed that we wouldn't get our dear tickets to Finland cuz they don't have e-tickets as a delivery method to this one. :blink: So, we would be super pleased if someone could be friendly and help us. We'll pay for the tickets and postage.


Please PM me or Marianne! :thumb_yello: Tack!

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Hi guys!


As Marianne said, we'd love to come and see Mika in Sweden! :punk:


I actually tried to buy tickets from ticnet.se but it seemed that we wouldn't get our dear tickets to Finland cuz they don't have e-tickets as a delivery method to this one. :blink: So, we would be super pleased if someone could be friendly and help us. We'll pay for the tickets and postage.


Please PM me or Marianne! :thumb_yello: Tack!


Have you found a solution for your ticket problems?

I think you can do like this: Buy your tickets online, and you will get a confirmation code in your e-mail. Write the code down and don't forget to bring it with you to Sweden. In Sweden you go to a shop called Pressbyrån and pick up your tickets a couple of hours before the show. Pressbyrån has a lot of offices all over Stockholm. Or maybe you can pick them up at some box office close to Globen/Annexet.

I bought my tickets for the London gigs like this.

I don't have them in my hand but I'm supposed to pick them up as soon as the box office opens the same day as the show.

Hope it helps!

You can pm me if you have questions.:thumb_yello:

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I can celebrate my birthday a few days early in Stockholm! :naughty: I will be 23 on the 12th of November and I wouldn't be able to celebrate it then anyway because I'll have an exam. :bleh: That doesn't matter 'cause I can't think of a better place to celebrate than one of Mika's concerts. :punk: I'll just have to read before we travel to Sweden. :D

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