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2007-07-30: Japan, Liquid Room - The Asian Chew Chew


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Hey everyone,


This is actually my first time to post a thread... and in fact my first time to say "Hello" to anyone! I joined this fan club months ago, but didn't exactly take part in this. To think of it now, I should have!! You’ll see why.


I went to Mika's concert on July 30th, Liquid Room - Tokyo, Japan. Now of course, it was really amazing. I'm still shocked. It's really hard to explain how I felt after seeing his concert, but to watch him perform and to actually see him, completely changed my perspective towards Mika.


At this concert my friend and I dressed up as monkies- Chew Chew! My friend had always disagreed to dress up because it's embarrassing and so on, but I thought... what the hell! His concert = to dress up! That's the fun part, and I'm sure that he likes it too. We also made a poster saying "Love Love Me!!" And bought lollipops because that’s what Chew Chew likes, right? As you can tell, my friend and I were so ready to support Mika and his band, and to show them some love!


Everyone loved our monkey outfits, so many people who we didn't even know asked if they can take a picture and post it on to their website. I also got to know one of the fan members from this site, "BlueSky." Now she is one "MikaManiac" as she says herself! She told me an amazing story; Mika asked one of the staff to see if "BlueSky" was at the concert, and if she is, to give her a Backstage Pass! So this proves that he does check this site right? He really surprises me with how kind he is to his fans.


My friend and I luckily got the first row, and had become even more excited. We saved a spot for BlueSky, and had been entertained by her until the concert began. We helped her with all the gadgets she brought, there were so many!! After she introduced us to each of her gadgets :naughty: , she told us that these lights were not good to look at for it can damage your eyes! Hahaha - I think it was too late by the time she warned us!


After waiting for an hour and a half, the band members came out… then Mika! He came out with a yukata (a clothing similar to kimono) which a few fans had made for him, with a design of Tamagocchi all over. It was really nice of him to wear it, I'm sure the fans were really happy too.


During the concert, I had various interactions with Mika! Yay! He even mentioned about us to the audience several times. We definitely did not expect this much to happen!! I was so happy and didn't care whether I looked ridiculous in my ChewChew outfit, or if i looked disgusting from sweating a lot :biggrin2: (ew).


After Grace Kelly, as you know, he leaves the stage then comes back to sing Lollipop. Now this is the exciting bit! Before he left, he actually came over to my friend and I and asked to come up on stage! We were SO surprised and overjoyed!! We quickly made our way to the backstage, where we saw the Lollipop girls, the staffs dressed up as animals, balloons and a strict looking guy who we think might be Mika's (concert?) manager. He told me that I can hold my lollipop and my poster on stage. Then Mika came out from the back room and I heard him tell the guy to tell us to come out later with all the animals and the Lollipop girls. I wish he actually talked to us (hehe) but of course he was busy with his own show!


We would have totally went up next to Mika on stage, but we decided not to because we didn’t want to destroy his performance or upset the fans because they’re there to watch him perform. We were also too shy to even stand on the middle of the stage, so my friend and I actually ended up at the very back, singing and dancing with Cherisse :> I hope we didnt bother her! The song ended so quickly that when we realized, Mika ran past us and went backstage... we missed him!! However, we then met Mika’s mother and sister! We wanted to take a picture and ask if we could meet Mika, but we couldn't… haha, we always felt bad to ask for more! Oh well! We appreciate the fact that we got to talk to them. Both of them were very beautiful.


After the show, my friend and I wanted to see Mika so we waited outside in our ChewChew outfits... EVERYONE was staring at us. It was uncomfortable at first, but after a while we got over it and I began to take some crazy actions like: climbed a tree, did a cartwheel, entertained the kids at the bus stop... At one time, two police stopped their cars to check on my friend and I which was a bit scary... hehehe.


Sooner or later, the security outside begged (and I mean BEGGED) my friend and I to leave because we're not allowed to wait outside, and told us to go to the other side of the road if we're that desperate to see him. So we thought maybe when he comes out we can run back - this was a big mistake. There are two floors in Liquid Room, the first floor is where the stage is, and the second floor is like a lounge where you can hang out. I forgot to mention this, but after the show we went to the second floor and talked/took pictures with the band members. My friend and I didn't know whether we should stay there or to wait outside, but we came up with this "theory" that Mika wouldn't come out from the second floor for it was very crowded, and would instead come from the back door. (We should have never come up with this idea. haha.)


From the other side of the road, we could see the view of the second floor because theres a big window, and at one moment I saw people crowding up... to think of it now, it was probably when Mika came out. My friend and I thought it was nothing and continued to wait outside. :/


After a while we saw a guy with a red t-shirt come out, putting a few girls in the van where Mika’s brother, sister and mom were. We thought we should ask him if we could see Mika, so we were shouting from the other side of the street and we successfully caught his attention! But instead of listening to what we were shouting, he pulled out his camera started taking pictures of us, so as his Japanese girl friends. Hahaha. Then from inside the van, we saw Mika’s brother laughing at us, so as his mother and sister. I'm glad if we made them happy. The red t-shirt guy asked me to come closer, so I actually went out in the middle of the road, posed with my poster… until a taxi almost ran over me! - I’d be so embarrassed to be carried to the hospital with my monkey outfit. :P


Anyways, after a few photo shoots (haha) we asked if it was okay to go over to their side, and he said "yes." So we quickly went, but the next moment, we saw Mika inside the van! He must have got on while we were crossing the road. We were bummed because we actually wanted to talk to him and thank him. We waited for so long! I also wanted to ask him a question - where I can send my stories in, which he might be able to make songs from. I was so happy because during the concert, he mentioned that he would love to hear any interesting stories if anyone had any. I've always wanted him to write songs about my negative past I've experienced from a young age, because I want to forget about it. I want to be able to laugh about it and be happy from the playful melody he creates (you know, like Grace Kelly). I'm still looking for a way to send it, so if you have any ideas please tell me. I'd like to share my stories here, but I can't. But I'll tell you, they're interesting/unique etc. as much as his songs like Billy Brown and Holy Johnny.


We heard later that he did appear on the 2nd floor… It still makes me sad how close we were, but missed him. The staff quickly closed the door of the van, and due to the black windows, we couldn’t see him from the outside. Yet my friend and I smiled till our cheek bones hurt and said byebye to Mika. It was REALLY awkward though, because we were trying to see Mika... but we can only see our reflection not knowing if he can actually see us :bleh:


Apparently the red t-shirt guy was Mika's cousin! His cousin and his friends told me that they would send the pictures they took of us to Mika. And apparently, Mika's mom asked to take a picture of us with her camera too because she thought we looked cute :) I hope we looked okay in the pictures because we looked even more disgusting after the concert. Our sweat, the pouring rain and the face paint all over our face really made us look like a beast. Anywho, I can't believe I talked to his family and relatives - Pretty cool, eh?


This whole experience was incredible, we really feel and know that we were very lucky. Although we're still a teeny weeny bit sad, we appreciate everything that happened to us.


Here is a comment from the other Chew Chew:

"Even though Mika is not my favourite artist, his concert was one of the best I've been to, because his energy and chemistry with the audience and the band was amazing."


-I totally agree! Mika understands his fans/audience very well, he'll never let them down!


Last but not least,





It'll probably be his busiest and biggest birthday EVER. Hope he has enough time to spend with his family!


Thank you for reading this long, sh*tty review of his concert... I apologize if there are many grammatical error etc. Haha, just let it go! Peeaace!

(I'll post pictures up later)

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