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Could it be? PART 8!! Pink Pony riders club. Insanity is welcome, sanity is not.


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Oh yes! I totally would! (sorry I didnt reply sooner. I didnt see it in my subcribed threads)


*fangirly squee*


YAY!!! Thank you!:mf_lustslow:


I can PM you my address or you can PM me yours, depending on whether you want to send first or receive first.


(And that's ok, I'm working on other things and kinda ignoring the MFC atm anyways.)

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*fangirly squee*


YAY!!! Thank you!:mf_lustslow:


I can PM you my address or you can PM me yours, depending on whether you want to send first or receive first.


(And that's ok, I'm working on other things and kinda ignoring the MFC atm anyways.)


Yay! I have fan girls! :lmao:

haha, well Pm me first and tell me how you want it!

i cant send it till next week or the week after if that is okay? I have 3 parcels that I have been procrastinating to send until i get soem $! :lmao:

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My best friend and I always talk right? And so... I find out she tells her mom everything I say. My mom told me, her mom told her what I was telling emma about work. It was mutual complaining. And my mom thought emma and I were in a fight because that's what Jackie (her mom) told her. I was a bit baffled so I contacted Emma on msn. I asked her blahblahblah she avoided me. A bit while later I checked my facebook to find that her and my two old, best friends (emma is the new addition) are having a sleepover saturday. No one has sleepovers at emma's house it's rare. So i asked her if i was going to be invited, and she said her mom said she could only invite 2 people. I got ****ing angry about that. 2 people!?!?!? we're a group of 4!!!!!! I knew I was going to a baseball game that day, but i would've been back before 7. So yeah, I was angry and I told her it was unfair. She disagreed with me, and we got into a big argument complete with tears.



I want to go to sleep and never wake up.

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My best friend and I always talk right? And so... I find out she tells her mom everything I say. My mom told me, her mom told her what I was telling emma about work. It was mutual complaining. And my mom thought emma and I were in a fight because that's what Jackie (her mom) told her. I was a bit baffled so I contacted Emma on msn. I asked her blahblahblah she avoided me. A bit while later I checked my facebook to find that her and my two old, best friends (emma is the new addition) are having a sleepover saturday. No one has sleepovers at emma's house it's rare. So i asked her if i was going to be invited, and she said her mom said she could only invite 2 people. I got ****ing angry about that. 2 people!?!?!? we're a group of 4!!!!!! I knew I was going to a baseball game that day, but i would've been back before 7. So yeah, I was angry and I told her it was unfair. She disagreed with me, and we got into a big argument complete with tears.



I want to go to sleep and never wake up.

Ooooooh IF I know that feeling! don't let them get you down. You are worth so much more than that kind of freaking bull****! Talk to them, make them use their empathy. They need to understund totally broken, how devastated you feel when they are treating you that way, and you must know why. There is always a reason if they have the courage to analyze th situation.


you are worth so much more!

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Don't say that! It sounds like they cause a lot of problems in your life, no?

I feel like it.


Yeah...but lucy told me she would go to the midway with me (:

Ooooooh IF I know that feeling! don't let them get you down. You are worth so much more than that kind of freaking bull****! Talk to them, make them use their empathy. They need to understund totally broken, how devastated you feel when they are treating you that way, and you must know why. There is always a reason if they have the courage to analyze th situation.


you are worth so much more!



:wub2: kalas, that's wonderful, thank you so much for taking the time to say that! You made my day :wub2:

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You don't need them, M. This Emma chick is acting like a b*tch. I had a friend do the same thing to me a few years ago, and I just stopped talking to her altogether. She had no right to tell her mom about the things you talked about and if she doesn't see anything wrong with that, then dump her. She sounds deranged.

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Aww, M :huglove: I agree with Kalas and Arts. You deserve better :biggrin2:


I have been stood up again by Enya. I won't bother making arrangements again.


Kalas! Are you thinking of joining? We need some new blood :bleh:

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Thanks, babes.


*slinks into imaginery world where she and mika are covered in nutella and making out on piles of money*

I demand either Mika, the money or the nutella, due to how close we are :mf_rosetinted:

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Well, I'm not going to do it I am too busy making out with mika in nutella on a pile of money...in the bahamas.


*shakes fist*


Fine. I'm posting. But it will be random and unrelated and any impossibilities due to some earlier events fall on your hands.:bleh:

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*three month time jump*



I yelled this as the ground suddenly collapsed under my feet and I started to fall through the air. Through the leaves, twigs, and dirt, I made out the shapes of the other PPRs falling with me. I looked down and saw nothing but inky black darkness below. My heart jumped into my throat and I gasped in fear.

"M, if we live through this, I am going to kill you!" shouted Calvin, anger and fear making his scottish accent even thicker.

"How the hell was I supposed to know it was a trap??!" M screamed back, her blond hair waving in the wind above her head as we fell down this endlessly deep tunnel.

"Everything's a f*ckin' trap! You should know that by now!"

"Can we just shut up?" asked Becky, "I don't want to die listening to the two of you gripe."

We hurtled down deeper and deeper, then came to an abrupt halt and hit something with a resounding smack. The breath was knocked out of me and I slowly began to sink in the water, too shocked to swim. When the need for air became urgent, my mind kicked back in and I looked up. A faint light shown above me, the tiny ray of sunshine visible through the trap we'd just fallen through. The light danced and swayed, an effect of looking at it through the water, or so I thought. A shadow passed over it for just a moment, and I felt my eyes glow faintly green as I used my supersight to see the edge. The light bobbed back and forth, and I saw that it was actually the beam from a flashlight, held by a hand with...I squinted and tried to see the tiny object from so far away. It appeared to be a ring, with a deep purple amethyst. The ring was large, like a man's signet ring, but the hand wearing it was smaller, with delicate nails and slim fingers.

I pondered this for a moment, then was jerked back to reality by a strong hand wrapping around my wrist. Turning my head, I saw Calvin, his eyes striped with yellow. He gestured up and nodding, I began to follow him to the surface. We broke through the water, gasping for air.

"Arts...geez...are you ok?" he sputtered, pushing the wet curtain of my hair out of my eyes.

"I'm fine," I assured him, giving him a quick kiss, "But the others...we've got to get them out."

He nodded and we left each other to gather the others. I grabbed Phunky, Mika, M, JJL, Reece, and Becky. Calvin grabbed the remaining members, and we bobbed like two human rafts.

"Shh...no one make a noise...I hear someone up there." whispered M. We fell silent and glided through the water, Calvin and I using our strength to keep everyone afloat and moving. We hit a stone wall and felt around. It was completely circular, and there appeared to be no way out. I transferred everyone holding onto me to hang on the wall and dove under by myself. Feeling around, I found a small tunnel. It wasn't a guarentee, but it was the only way out. Surfacing, I whispered the news to the others.

"We can't!" said Phunky, "What if it doesn't go anywhere? What if we get trapped inside and drown? We'll die all squished up in a tube like sausage."

"It's the only way out." said Finn, "We've got to try."

We all gulped air and dove under, trying not to think about what might happen if the tunnel didn't lead out to safety.

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