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Canadians Love MIKA! Article from University of Victoria's Martlet Newspaper


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****UVIC-the university where there are as many rabbits as there are students!170px-UVic_Rabbits.jpg


Now I present the article:)

Please notice the reference to fans with bright colours, large lollipops and umbrellas ( considering there was only TWO UMBRELLAS and one of them was mine...heehee -THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT ME!!OMG!!!!)


also please note the last sentence: OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!

**suzanne has tough time containing her excitement! *****







Canadians love Mika

Concert Review


by Trisha Gieni


Pop singer Mika adorned the stage of Vancouver’s Orpheum Theatre in his signature skin tight jeans on Feb. 15. Complete with a visually overwhelming cast of larger-than-life showgirls and various stadium style inflatable characters, the show was anything but boring.


From the first note of his song “Relax,” the crowd was on their feet, flailing their arms about and screaming the lyrics with more passion than Mel Gibson yelling “Freedom!” Some flamboyant fans dressed as the characters from Mika’s songs, wearing shocking bright colours and toting umbrellas and oversized lollipops.


You wouldn’t know that it was Mika’s first tour in Canada, judging from the seasoned knowledge the fans had of both his songs and his stage personality.


After the concert, Mika had hordes of girls on his heels. But he still had time for a few comments. Mika called his time in Canada “surprising,” adding, “You go on tour expecting one thing and it turns out to be completely different.”


His Dodgy Holiday tour began last fall, bringing him from Europe to the United States, and finally to Canada. The majority of places visited along the way were first-time stops for the 24-year-old British performer.


Joining him for the North American leg was Toronto-based band The Midway State. With a Coldplay-esque sound, these Canadians had fans swarming the autograph table during the set change. Touring with up-and-comer Mika may be just the thing to gain a solid fan base.


Nominated for Best Dance Recording at this year’s Grammys, Mika has been encountering success lately. In 2007, he took home three trophies at the World Music Award and his album Life in Cartoon Motion, released last February, reached number one in the European Top 100. It made it to number two in Canada, but was only number 29 in the United States. Still, his album reached triple platinum worldwide and is going strong.


During the show, Mika told the story of releasing his album in North America. He was advised to leave out a song that had homosexual references because he was told it wouldn’t go over well with conservative listeners. The song tells the lighthearted story of a man who has a homosexual love affair. Giggling as he started playing the first notes of


“Billy Brown,” the crowd went wild. Apparently Canada received the message much better than our neighbours of the south.


Homosexuality isn’t the only touchy subject that Mika addresses. His song “Big Girls You Are Beautiful” has become an anthem for large women proud of their curvy figures. Mika’s tiny frame singing, “A whole lotta woman needs a whole lot more” is enough of a déjà vu of Freddie’s “Fat Bottom Girls” to warrant the suspicions that he is in fact the reincarnation of Mr. Mercury.


Mika will have to be careful not to be a one-album-wonder as he now goes to work on his second. Life in Cartoon Motion was so unlike anything else that came out last year that producing something too similar would run the risk of predictability and creating anything sounding much different would disappoint. As with most other pop sensations, Mika’s


second album will either make him or break him.


Either way, Mika said that he enjoyed his tour. When asked if he would ever return to Canada, Mika’s eyes brightened.


“**** yeah.”


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Bright colours...she totally means my pants:wink2:


exactly! its great! i love it:) its so cool the best review comes closest to us!




you read the last sentence eh???

:punk: :punk:

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"Either way, Mika said that he enjoyed his tour. When asked if he would ever return to Canada, Mika’s eyes brightened.


“**** yeah.” "


And hopefully I will be there next time :thumb_yello:

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"Either way, Mika said that he enjoyed his tour. When asked if he would ever return to Canada, Mika’s eyes brightened.


“**** yeah.” "


And hopefully I will be there next time :thumb_yello:

Excellent review, and maybe when Mika's second album is a hit, people will, at last, shut up about Freddie Mercury!

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