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The Australian Thread: Part Twelve

Rainbow Sky

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Hey everyone!


i've finally finished all my work, and now i am up to date!

oh, and i performed infront of the school yesterday..

scariest moment of my life!:shocked:

and i have posted a comment on mika's myspace!


anyway..how is everyone?

i can stay on here for as long as i like!:thumb_yello:





Haha !! Hiya Emily !! Congrats. on getting up to date !!

Even BIGGER CONGRATULATIONS on performing !!! :punk:

As an actor, I do understand all the nerves than can surround performing in public ..... :boxed: .... anyway hun ... YOU DID IT & SURVIVED !!! :biggrin2::drool:

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Haha !! Hiya Emily !! Congrats. on getting up to date !!

Even BIGGER CONGRATULATIONS on performing !!! :punk:

As an actor, I do understand all the nerves than can surround performing in public ..... :boxed: .... anyway hun ... YOU DID IT & SURVIVED !!! :drool:


thankyou :biggrin2:

i am actually so glad it's over!

i get really really nervous when i perform!

my hands start shaking and i can't stand up straight..

i have a music exam next week too..

but for now, i'm just trying not to think about it..:naughty:



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:naughty: Wise idea ... to stay in the present !!! Like I said ... you SURVIVED !!! We often fear all kinds of stuff that never actually eventuates !!

I'm fairly seasoned at performing in public ... (due to my age :blush-anim-cl:) ... tho' I STILL get all the tummy wobbles & butterflies ... hehe ... the next step is to be able to relax & HAVE FUN while performing .... then the reward is soooo much richer !!! :biggrin2:


Good luck with your music exam ... you'll be fiiiiiiiiine !! :wink2::punk:


EDIT: :drool:

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It was in one of his last blogs (sorry for being so off-topic here)


"Saturday, May 03, 2008


Gentlemen prefered blondes...



Mim said it first..

I will hunt you down....


B O R E S S E ?


What in hells name is your policy on the gay and liberal and multi racial culture of london? tell me, once again, what is your opinion on section 28? and say it once again for the bullied and bruised youth or minority cultures of london? Tell me please.. tell me STRAIGHT what is your opinion on same sex marriage? I will be watching over all your conservative actions. Tooth and nail...

I was born here 24 years ago. Ken screwed this city up hard enough in the last 8 years..... now its your turn, this time, we are all watching, and we know your leanings toward right wing attitude...


In the name of D Jarman, I will stick by section 28 with a sharp sword outside parliament.. dont **** with equal rights. Use your new power with any vague wisdom you may possess. The artists and liberators of this city are ready to knock you down. We will and always have overcome.


X P W"


I've no idea about stuff like that and I never had anything against Red Ken (but as I said: I have NO idea about things like that) and I don't even get what he is saying (as usual). I don't know if it's generally illegal to busk - it is illegal to just go and busk in tube stations. Haha, that reminds me that KT Tunstall has been doing this when she as younger. She went down from Scotland for a day or two, brought her guitar and busked (sp?) in London. Pity when you just play the piano then.


Ooooh, thank you! I forgot all about adding him *adds*


I have no idea. Politics? Politics from another country? *shrugs*


That is so cool. Buskers are pretty awesome. I saw on today tonight once this little girl wanted to busk, but she had to buy a permit for like $2000 or something, which was outrageous because she wouldn't ever earn that much. Or something.


BUSKING! FUND RAISING IDEA! *runs off to see if this permit law still applies*


Three Word Productions
Once jolly swagman
camped by billabong
Stole a sheep
Trapped by troopers
Jumps into billabong
Can't swim - drowns *
Ghost haunts place
* though as this is Australia, much more likely that he was eaten by crocodile, bitten by sea snake or poisoned by platypus


Once a Silver

Went completely insane

No, wait, she always was.






Is it just me, or are the posts in here actually decreasing instead of increasing?




I LEAVE THIS COLLEGE FOREVER TOMORROW!!!!!!!(okay well minus the fact I have to come back to help the photographer at graduation but still that's a job.)




I couldn't anything naughty with uncle norm! Although the next norm one i have a good idea for.......muahahahah!




"What country do you live in?"


"ZOMG, me too!!!"




Got to write a song for tomorrow...an irish jig-type-thing of ALL the things he could've had us do...grrrrrr.




I am sick of the rain! I just about crashed my car on the highway cause of a big sheet of water on the road- thank god there wasn't a car in the lane next to me!


Hope you are all enjoying nicer weather wherever you may be!


Ekk! Funny thing - no I'm not. :P


:roftl: Hi Ho Silver !!! I didn't know that about the platypus !!! My b/f just told me that it is only the males that are poisonous ..... pfftt ... typical ... *rolls eyes* ....


*slaps ignorant buffoons* :naughty:


*including silver, because platypuses can't kill people*


Hey everyone!


i've finally finished all my work, and now i am up to date!

oh, and i performed infront of the school yesterday..

scariest moment of my life!

and i have posted a comment on mika's myspace!


Woah, unbelievable!



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:mf_rosetinted:OKD: Platypy (sp) ... :blush-anim-cl: ... is the plural ... :lmfao:


Is not!


(I wikipedia'd it to check my facts (:P) and read on there that there is no official universal agreement on the plural - you can call it what ever you want out of platypuses, platypus or platypi. And I choose platypuses *hmph*)

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:naughty: Wise idea ... to stay in the present !!! Like I said ... you SURVIVED !!! We often fear all kinds of stuff that never actually eventuates !!

I'm fairly seasoned at performing in public ... (due to my age :blush-anim-cl:) ... tho' I STILL get all the tummy wobbles & butterflies ... hehe ... the next step is to be able to relax & HAVE FUN while performing .... then the reward is soooo much richer !!! :biggrin2:


Good luck with your music exam ... you'll be fiiiiiiiiine !!


EDIT: :drool:



i hope i pass this time..:naughty:


lol! :drool:

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:mf_rosetinted:OKD: Platypy (sp) ... :blush-anim-cl: ... is the plural ... :lmfao:


Is not!


(I wikipedia'd it to check my facts (:P) and read on there that there is no official universal agreement on the plural - you can call it what ever you want out of platypuses, platypus or platypi. And I choose platypuses *hmph*)



i always use wikipedia, but apparently it's full of crap and many of the facts on there are made up..:naughty: i'm not sure though, i heard that from a friend.

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Is not!


(I wikipedia'd it to check my facts (:P) and read on there that there is no official universal agreement on the plural - you can call it what ever you want out of platypuses, platypus or platypi. And I choose platypuses *hmph*)

:lmfao: Haha ... I was always taught that at school ... re: platypi ... guess its changed now .... :blush-anim-cl: ... thanks for the (sp.) by the way !! :thumb_yello:


i hope i pass this time..:naughty:


lol! :drool:

Hope ya' do too !!! :wub2::drool:

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:lmfao: Haha ... I was always taught that at school ... re: platypi ... guess its changed now .... :blush-anim-cl: ... thanks for the (sp.) by the way !! :thumb_yello:


Hope ya' do too !!! :wub2::drool:


you know, i was thinking...

you could get someone else to sit the exam for you, they don't even check for i.d..

anyone here want to sit for my exam?


i like to take the easy way out..:naughty:

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i always use wikipedia, but apparently it's full of crap and many of the facts on there are made up..:naughty: i'm not sure though, i heard that from a friend.


Well it's editable by anyone. So people write stupid things, but then it gets edited back to sence. i one was looking up a band ... can't even remember who, but the entire page just said "so and so is a stupid emo band", and then I refreshed and it was back to normal :naughty:

Anything that can have bias is usually pretty bad, because people just write their opinions, but things like science-y types of things are really good usually. Our lecturers and stuff have tell us that wikipedia is good for explaining stuff.

But your not allowed to use it as references or anything :naughty:

I love wikipedia.


yes, this time i should pass.

a pass is 65!

last time i got 58..:thumbdown:

the exam goes for 3 hours!


That is so stupid!


Haha ... I was always taught that at school ... re: platypi ... guess its changed now .... thanks for the (sp.) by the way !!


Teachers don't know anything *cough*

Wikipedia is god.

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you know, i was thinking...

you could get someone else to sit the exam for you, they don't even check for i.d..

anyone here want to sit for my exam?


i like to take the easy way out..:naughty:


If you take my physiology exam for me :cheerful_h4h:

Also no ID check :wink2:

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you know, i was thinking...

you could get someone else to sit the exam for you, they don't even check for i.d..

anyone here want to sit for my exam?


i like to take the easy way out..:naughty:

Haha ... you could try !! only it won't be me .... I've only JUST started teaching myself the Ukelele ... !! :lmfao:


Oh ... & yeh , it's true WIKI is continually being 'adjusted' by ppl's 'points of view' ..... :naughty:

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Well it's editable by anyone. So people write stupid things, but then it gets edited back to sence. i one was looking up a band ... can't even remember who, but the entire page just said "so and so is a stupid emo band", and then I refreshed and it was back to normal :naughty:

Anything that can have bias is usually pretty bad, because people just write their opinions, but things like science-y types of things are really good usually. Our lecturers and stuff have tell us that wikipedia is good for explaining stuff.

But your not allowed to use it as references or anything :naughty:

I love wikipedia.




That is so stupid!




Teachers don't know anything *cough*

Wikipedia is god.



my friend edited the page on wikipedia about our school.

she put in random crap, it was funny, but immature..:naughty:

i LOVE wikipedia too.

i was just on it for chemistry! :thumb_yello:


3 hours is a complete waste of my time!

i'd rather spend all that precious time on the MFC! :wub2:

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If you take my physiology exam for me :cheerful_h4h:

Also no ID check :wink2:



um..one thing, what is physiology..:roftl:


Haha ... you could try !! only it won't be me .... I've only JUST started teaching myself the Ukelele ... !! :lmfao:


Oh ... & yeh , it's true WIKI is continually being 'adjusted' by ppl's 'points of view' ..... :naughty:


that is so cool!

i wanna learn the ukelele!

patrick wolf plays the ukelele!:naughty:

i'm learning to play the guitar from my dad!


music gives me the sh!ts sometimes..:thumbdown:

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my friend edited the page on wikipedia about our school.

she put in random crap, it was funny, but immature..:naughty:

i LOVE wikipedia too.

i was just on it for chemistry! :thumb_yello:


Ah! That's awesome! :naughty:

Omg, it is so good for science. Chemistry homework .. I just typed everything into wikipedia and it spits back the formulas or polarities or whatever you need :naughty: And it makes SENCE :wub2:

I use it for my essays/assignments and make up fancy-pants references.


3 hours is a complete waste of my time!

i'd rather spend all that precious time on the MFC! :wub2:


Haha, but the pass mark thing is also stupid!

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I'm just overly observant.. ask Bec/Scut/Teegs/Zoe..

They had to endure my observations in Melbourne. :roftl:

You mean your slaughter of their fashion sense? I'm surprised you didn't turn on us too with a "honey, no amount of black is going to hide the fact that you've gained weight" or "you may love purple, dear, but purple doesn't love you". :newyear:



Oh, I've had a f*cker of a day. We had a car crash this morning (the car's deceased but thankfully no one was hurt), then I failed a surprise practical quiz, then I had a falling out with a friend who disagrees with my "lifestyle", then I lost my wallet. On the bright side it can't get any worse. :ap_rosetinted:

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Ah! That's awesome! :naughty:

Omg, it is so good for science. Chemistry homework .. I just typed everything into wikipedia and it spits back the formulas or polarities or whatever you need :naughty: And it makes SENCE :wub2:

I use it for my essays/assignments and make up fancy-pants references.




Haha, but the pass mark thing is also stupid!


i know!

i just had to type this compound, and it gave the formula!

makes my life so much easier..

they've updated information on mika on wikipedia!



i hate it!!

have you heard of a.m.e.b?

they accused me of cheating last time..

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um..one thing, what is physiology..:roftl:


How the body works :wink2:

If a million monkeys at keyboards can type shakespeare (or soemthing like that), you have as much chance of passing it as me :wink2:

Good luck!


that is so cool!

i wanna learn the ukelele!

patrick wolf plays the ukelele!:naughty:

i'm learning to play the guitar from my dad!


music gives me the sh!ts sometimes..:thumbdown:


Me too! And I saw this random guy play ukelele the other day FANTASTICALLY, he was tapping on it and everything. Just fantastic. Pure genius. :wub2:

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How the body works :wink2:

If a million monkeys at keyboards can type shakespeare (or soemthing like that), you have as much chance of passing it as me :wink2:

Good luck!




Me too! And I saw this random guy play ukelele the other day FANTASTICALLY, he was tapping on it and everything. Just fantastic. Pure genius. :wub2:



well if i sit your exam, you have to sit mine..:roftl:



oh, it's next wednesday by the way..

make sure you're early..



but, patrick wolf is better.

you know, he plays the violin too!:bleh:


you know what instrument i want to learn?

the harp..:naughty:

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You mean your slaughter of their fashion sense? I'm surprised you didn't turn on us too with a "honey, no amount of black is going to hide the fact that you've gained weight" or "you may love purple, dear, but purple doesn't love you". :newyear:




Oh, I've had a f*cker of a day. We had a car crash this morning (the car's deceased but thankfully no one was hurt), then I failed a surprise practical quiz, then I had a falling out with a friend who disagrees with my "lifestyle", then I lost my wallet. On the bright side it can't get any worse. :ap_rosetinted:


OMG! :shocked: That is horrific!

How did you crash? 'Lifestyle'?

Any worse? Sheesh, I think you deserve official news after a day like this!



i know!

i just had to type this compound, and it gave the formula!

makes my life so much easier..

they've updated information on mika on wikipedia!




Oooh *runs off to check*

"they"? We shoudl sign up to wikipedia and write stuff on there :naughty: Especially about MFC. We should totally make an MFC bit on there, why isn't there one?


i hate it!!

have you heard of a.m.e.b?

they accused me of cheating last time..



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Oooh *runs off to check*

"they"? We shoudl sign up to wikipedia and write stuff on there :naughty: Especially about MFC. We should totally make an MFC bit on there, why isn't there one?






OMG we should!!

everyone here is famous already..

each one of us is on google! :biggrin2:


ameb..australian music examination board.


they hate me.

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well if i sit your exam, you have to sit mine..



oh, it's next wednesday by the way..

make sure you're early..


Okay, mine too. Wednesday :wink2:



but, patrick wolf is better.

you know, he plays the violin too!:bleh:


you know what instrument i want to learn?

the harp..:naughty:


Hmmm, don't speak so soon. In this random guy was preeetty good.

We were at a fund raising event for this comedy/drama group. And the MC told us this story as the guy was setting up his uke. That he went to the shops to buy a nappy for his daughter (:naughty:), and this guy was there raising money for green peace, and he asked the MC for money, and he said no he was busy, but the guy kept talking to him and got out of him that he was MCing this show in a few days, and then that was it ... until at 2am that night, he was standing in the MC's front yard serenading him with his ukelele. To ask if he could play at the fundraiser. He followed him home and then went back in the middle of the night. :lmfao: He was pretty crazy. He sung a song he wrote about travelling in Thailand, the chorus went "IIIII took a tuk-tuk, took a tuk-tuk, took a tuk tuk. I took a tuk tuk, took a tuk tuk tuk. took a tuk tuk, took a tuk tuk, took a tuk tuk tuk." (acompanied by ukelele playing/drumming). Haha, and at the end, when some other people were singing he walked on stage and started playing drums to their song.


I so love violins :wub2:


The harp? Oh i wonder what inspired that? :naughty:

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