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Anyone for scary stories?

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(Only come here if you believe in such things or just want a few chills for thrills! :wink2)


Because I just EXPERIENCED one!


My grandmother was incredibly spiritual and she saw gohsts a lot. They healed her back, it was a large black cat that put it's paws on her when nothing else worked.

Cats always were her protectors.


My mother lacks spirituality but after my Nana died, she had a breakdown in mentality and started "Hearing my nana'd voice" inside her head.

I thought she was going mental until my mother started taking us to psychics and they all said the same things about my Nana.

That they all could tell us things about how she died and that my mother was in fact in contact with my nana and that I should hold onto the imaginary characters in my head that I wrote stories about because they were spiritual guides.

Yeah, I thought it was a load of rubbish too...


But when we moved here, to this 25-or-so-year old house, I kept seeing this little girl out of the corner of my eye. She had long, dark hair and what I like to call Porcelain-olive skin. She was about my hight and so she looked like me for the hair and skin colour.

It wasn't just me, my mother kept seeing "Me" upstairs when I was downstairs. She kept thinking she was walking past me and I hadn't been upstairs at all on those afternoons.

But she insisted that there was nothing here and I kept telling her there was.

I slept down in the "Dungeon" (the basement/lounge place) and it's really cold there but I woke up really early in the morning at some point and felt a hand clutched firmly around my shoulder.

And on New Year's eve I felt someone trailing their fingers down my back in the same place so I stopped sleeping there. Besides, it was giving me back pains from the cold in the floor.


A similar thing happened a few months before and I thought I was still asleep because I woke up from a dream I was wearing Vince Noire's sparkly bodysuit and then looked down and a severed hand was there and then I awoke with what felt like the hald clutching my waste. It was a large hand too. A man's.


Anyway, last weekend, I was hanging my washing on the indoor clothesline in front of the tv and under the tv is a sterio and the sterio remont, the dvd remote, the remote for he tv and the cable remote.

But the dvd player remote was on the floor underneith my mother's clothesline. It did NOT fall off. It was a good few feet away from the sterio where it would have fallen.

Then I picked it up and went away, thinking my granddad had left it on the line for some reason and I came back a few minutes later with another armfull and the remote was back under the line. My mother had been outside in the garden the whole time because I watched her as I looked out the laudary window when I got my second armful.

Granddad had gone out and its just me, mother and granddad living her.

Granddad looked at me funny when I asked if he'd left the remote on the clothesline and then put it on the floor when he came back.

I did sound a bit wacked!


Then my mother's friend came over to stay the night and my mother and I left her upstairs in the lounge and both went to go turn our electric blankets on and my mother's friend yelled at us from atop the stairs that she'd just seen a young girl follow us down the stairs!


And today, my mother has gone to work and Granddad's gone to New Plymouth for the day and I'm all alone. I was in front of the sterio, singing to Lady Gaga's "Summerboy" when I felt something slap me on the side, looked down and there the tv remote lay beside me. I had, about half an hour before put it on top of the speakers so I knew it wan't me at fault.

Besides, I had felt it hit me!

So I put it back in it's correct place and went to the kitchen to make a cup of tea and then I came back at the sterio remote was lying next to the coffee table, some metres away!


But I just got called by a friend. He and his friend are going to come over and keep me company because I started to feel a flutter in my chest and I didn't want to be alone, even if it was just some strange coincidence. I've heard too many scary stories about the resthome my grandparents' had owned before moving down to this small town to take chances with "Gohsts and goulies!".


Aaaaarg heeeelp! :crybaby: My mother still says there's nothing here!

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