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Hej Sofie!

LOL sorry I'm gonna stop speaking swedish here.... :roftl:

How are you? Where do you live by the way?

Hi! I'm fine thanks! n_n just got to work, but I doubt I'll have anything to do today (lol.. they're not very good at giving me things to do, so I simply sit and surf all days.. for 125 SEK/h), so I'm probably gonna be online here with you guys :3 and the forum I mod is down, so I don't have anywhere else to go D:


I live in linköping :)

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Hi! I'm fine thanks! n_n just got to work, but I doubt I'll have anything to do today (lol.. they're not very good at giving me things to do, so I simply sit and surf all days.. for 125 SEK/h), so I'm probably gonna be online here with you guys :3 and the forum I mod is down, so I don't have anywhere else to go D:


I live in linköping :)


Cool haha MFC is the place to be :thumb_yello:


I live in Sundsvall, was forced by my evil mum to move here (october -06)from Malmö :roftl:

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u mean am? like in the morning? wow talk about earliness :bleh:


I mean that I have been awake since 5pm 28th of june untill now 10:15am 29th of june :biggrin2:

I think she actually does mean PM. not sure tho xP

Kerchiiiingaaaa :punk:

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I understand that most people on the MFC are not at school, however, the majority of girls in this thread are still indeed at school, or just about to leave and go to college. This is the reason why I said that most of the people in this thread would pretty much only know what they have been taught.


I completely agree that religion has pretty much turned into a state of politics. I was talking to someone at work about it a couple of weeks ago *unfortunately*. I know Islam/Muslim is actually a pretty peaceful religion, I know it's pretty much the same as Christianity, and I know it is the minority of these two groups that make it bad for the larger audience. I was just speaking in general: Twin Towers, the bombings in London are just an example.


I find history very fascinating. England's past, Ancient Greece, Egyptian Mummies. We can unearth them without having a lot of problems, whereas digging for things about our religion can create chaos. While I do actually find religion fascinating as well, even though I would also love to know all about it, I feel I can't. Talking about it on here is very different to talking about it in "real life" as everyone at college had their own opinion, which they should have, but very closed minded about hearing other people's, which was very frustrating. The other reason I feel I can't know more about it is because...well, we all know there's a big secret behind religion in general. There are many things in our own bible that aren't true (adam and eve for example) and what about the story of Jesus and Mary Magdeline? There are many different theories as to what's true and what isn't, but I feel the truth was lost many years ago and is unable to be rediscovered. Or if it is, it's very well hidden, and for a reason. Someone didn't want it all to be unearthed again. Maybe it caused chaos in the past and didn't want chaos to happen in the future.


Let the past have it's secrets.

We don't know everything of everything, we're not supposed to. Religion is a mystery, life is mystery, that's why life itself is such a ride. If we knew everything, wouldn't life be boring?


Unfortunately not everyone can see that and it's ruining life for everyone else. And that's sad.


I know this is a weird thing to compare to 9/11 and 7/7, but the Crusades were christians "saving the sacred Holy Land from the muslims" was it not?

yes, 9/11 and the London bombing are very much more current, but people are still obsessing about the muslims getting into Spain many years ago.


It feels to me as if the Christians are forgiven for past mistakes but the muslims aren't. And they never will be.


And also, I know that you said that it is a small part of the muslims that ruin everything for the others, and I'm very happy you're aware of that. But I still believe that muslims, and Middle eastern people in general aren't that "welcome" to people (anymore). We're found to be suspicious.


I'm not religious. I'm open to all religions.

It's a shame everyone lives in a stereotypical world nowadays.
what I don't like (as said before) is people thinking your ethnicity is more important then who you are.
that's horrible no matter why you get judged. whether it's looks, size, clothes or anything else.
I’m going to talk about racism.

Does that shock you?

Should that shock you?

I’m going to give my honest views.

If I am not ‘politically correct,’ please forgive me.


If you look in a dictionary, it’ll probably have something like this written under racism

‘Belief that a particular race of people is better then others, hostility towards people of other races.’

So anyone can be racist: old people, young people, white people, black people, Muslim people, Christian people.

Anyone can be racist.

But I only see white Christian people accused of racism.


Is it because the majority of people in England are white Christians? Is ‘That’s racist!” used as weapon by minorities against the majority? If a non-white or a non-Christian is punished, then is the punisher racist?


But then is that not racist in its self?

Surely that just promotes hostility between people?


Would I see the same in other countires? Maybe in countries where its mostly other skin colours; the white person could say everyone was racist towards them. I don’t know.


I do know what I experience here in Thetford. No-one reacts when Portuguese or Lithuanians slag off the British, but the second a British person says something, everyone stresses out.


Racism is wrong. By anyone. About anyone.

Using racism as weapon is is pathetic.

Plain and simple.

So there you have it, not the longest thing in the world, but it’s the truth.

To your speech: Love it!

Very good point. It's a question I often think about; If a black man is racist is it okay? even if it was a white mans racism that made him that way...

Carmel was speech was really good and quite accurate.


also consider that we do belong in a "multi-cultural" country.

if they are here legally, I'm okay with it, if they're here ILLEGALLY, they should be kicked out, they are taking OUR hard earned money, just so they can live in a place where they don't belong.

People think this is racist, but wouldn't they say the same to us if it were vice versa?

The government have to tried to balance things so equally that in the end the ethnic minorities in this country have "more rights" than we do. We've always had an equality issue and will most likely continue to do so, and not just in England.

English people can't even fly their national flag because other people from other countries find it "offensive". If we fly our flag high and proud we'd get a fine for it, unless England are playing in the world cup, which is completely ridiculous.


This is our country. And it will continue to be our country, no-one has the right to change it.

Racism always ends up with people getting offended, or some sort of big debate..it's horrible that such things actually happen.


But Caz I got to agree with what u said.. at the end of the day this is England not another world within this country.. noone should change this country .. u don't see us invading others to change it.. a country should be what it is and if people wanna visit they can visit but they shouldn't rule it

yeah, its nice to have like a mixture in u instead of being just one thing.. MUTTS RULE







be proud of who you are!!!!

No-one's perfect. You're not perfect, I'm not perfect, we're not perfect...and as much as we think he is, Mika isn't perfect too. We all have something we dislike about ourselves...unfortunately lol
why is it everytime you bring up plastic surgery that people get upset? It's not a big deal, and everybody is dif I can only be responsible for myself. I didn't either say that I was trying to be perfect I know that nobody is. And I'm happy already and greatful for the way I look, my well being isn't resting on if I fix my nose or not.....


I don't want to restart the above debates, I just want to say that I am so proud of you ladies. You can discuss matters as complex and touchy as religion, racism and plastic surgery in an intelligent and respectful manner. You respect the fact that there are differences in opinion yet remain firm in your own beliefs. You're not superficial and embrace your multi-layered identities. *hugs everyone to pieces*


Lol, now is the best time I can show you this: http://youtube.com/watch?v=U9Uow1tMdfI


she's hilarious (lol, atleast that's what I think, I laugh so hard everytime)

I loved that. Comedy, much like Mika's beloved pop music and cartoons, due to their distance from reality allow people to explore confrontational topics in a more comfortable and approachable way. :thumb_yello:


I came back home from my camping on sunday, it was fun (But haven't uploaded the photos yet....I will I'm just so lazy *lol*)

We're still waiting for them. :bleh:


ya kalba eli shawehet el oghneya :devil: - thank God ma7adesh hena fahem eli ba2oulo except you!

She's not the only one, Sandi, ana fahemek. :roftl:

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I live in Sundsvall, was forced by my evil mum to move here (october -06)from Malmö :roftl:

OH god poor you! :o:O:O

I mean, MALMÖ? that's like the lovliest city in sweden (if you don't care about all the crimes and stuff :P)


yeah, very evil to make you move away from there. and to sundsvall? :S never been there, but... it's so far away :S

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SCUT, I love you so much you always say what I want to say :thumb_yello:

And thank you :wub2: *huggles Scut*


By the way I also catched up on what all you ladies have discussed when I was gone :wink2:

Haha I'm so addicted to this place :roftl:

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OH god poor you! :o:O:O

I mean, MALMÖ? that's like the lovliest city in sweden (if you don't care about all the crimes and stuff :P)


yeah, very evil to make you move away from there. and to sundsvall? :S never been there, but... it's so far away :S

I knooooooow, oooooo I'm gonna start crying..... I miss all my friends so sooo much :tears:

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btw, I've got to ask a thing.. since I'm new and things, and I don't know too much about Mika, and I find it a bit hard to keep up with all the news and gossip and everything when I live in sweden..


do Mika and Patrick Wolf know each other?


I like "the magic position" :punk:


Dunno if they know each other personally if that's what you mean :blink:

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I like "the magic position" :punk:


Dunno if they know each other personally if that's what you mean :blink:

yeah.. I kind of meant that..

I pretty much know of Patrick thanks to Mika. I recieved a very enthusiastic email about patrick via Mika's mailinglist. And I had heard of him earlier, so I thought I had to check him out.

And Patrick's gonna be Mika's support at some gig in London I think..

and they're about the same age, and both live in London.

And in that article in Out magazine about Mika and his unwillingness to talk about his sexuality, they had interviewed Patrick.. (not that I care, but Patrick seemed to ;))

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I mean that I have been awake since 5pm 28th of june untill now 10:15am 29th of june :biggrin2:


Kerchiiiingaaaa :punk:


jesus jas!! aren't u tired at all :blink: ? lol.. i am so tired now!! I'm gonna go home soon and just sleep

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btw, I've got to ask a thing.. since I'm new and things, and I don't know too much about Mika, and I find it a bit hard to keep up with all the news and gossip and everything when I live in sweden..


do Mika and Patrick Wolf know each other?


well he's gonna be mika's support act for the somerset house gig in july.. so they might no each other...

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yo girlies!

free half a lesson lol =]


yey! lucky u lol.. even though i got frees til 4 pm but i don't wanna stay here.. i'm thinking about going home and just sleeping.. hopefully it'll help my cold! I don't want it to get in the way for sunday :sad:

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aah... this talk about being up very much without sleep makes me think of last summer :P Me and a couple of friends were at the Stockholm Pride Festival, mostly because of the parade since the tickets to the festival itself were rather expensive.

Well, we woke up about Saturday morning, and didn't go to sleep until Sunday evning :P and with all that walking in the parade... we were pretty exhausted XP

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Oh, hello radiodelicate. It's nice to see you venture into here. :thumb_yello:


SCUT, I love you so much you always say what I want to say :thumb_yello:

And thank you :wub2: *huggles Scut*

*huggles Jass to bits* Thank you. :wub2: I love the MFC: it's a tight-knit yet accepting community of intelligent, friendly people from all over the world brought together by a common love of a certain man and his music. :thumb_yello:

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yeah.. I kind of meant that..

I pretty much know of Patrick thanks to Mika. I recieved a very enthusiastic email about patrick via Mika's mailinglist. And I had heard of him earlier, so I thought I had to check him out.

And Patrick's gonna be Mika's support at some gig in London I think..

and they're about the same age, and both live in London.

And in that article in Out magazine about Mika and his unwillingness to talk about his sexuality, they had interviewed Patrick.. (not that I care, but Patrick seemed to ;))


I know that.....but still dunno about the personal bit :blink:

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jesus jas!! aren't u tired at all :blink: ? lol.. i am so tired now!! I'm gonna go home soon and just sleep


lol i think jass is doing drugs or something o_o

how else isit possible to stay up all that time?!


except coffee, or red bull, or kick and that kinda stuffs.


gotta go now bye!


What can I say! I'm the queen of night owls :biggrin2::cool:


aah... this talk about being up very much without sleep makes me think of last summer :P Me and a couple of friends were at the Stockholm Pride Festival, mostly because of the parade since the tickets to the festival itself were rather expensive.

Well, we woke up about Saturday morning, and didn't go to sleep until Sunday evning :P and with all that walking in the parade... we were pretty exhausted XP


Hahaha sounds like something I would do :punk:

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