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Everything posted by JUlie

  1. Yes...he is very geeky. I used to love that programme but they don't show it in the UK anymore
  2. Scut Monkey, thank you for adding the French interview. That is one of my favourites:thumb_yello:
  3. I really love geeky guys. From a distance I thought it was Mika but looking closely you can tell it isn't - shame - Mika should try and moonwalk at his gigs. Now, that I woiuld love to see on YouTube
  4. Make sure the bed bugs don't bite xxxxxx
  5. *hugs and kisses* Goodnight, see you in the 'morrow
  6. Take care and see you here tomorrow xxxxxxxxx
  7. I have to go too, I am soooooo very very tired. good night you lovely lovely ppl and I will see you tomorrow:thumb_yello:
  8. Well it is derifitive of Coke which is used in the drug, but the minus is that it is gassy but so very tasty
  9. Yes please, slice of lemon, no ice and have one for yourself but make yours a big one:thumb_yello: Diet Coke's are on me all evening
  10. It is a brain churner isn't it.....
  11. I think it should be shown on every single tv channel to show everybody how lovely and beautiful Mika is and convert ppl into loving him, if they don't already :wub2: :wub2:
  12. B******s! Who said that to you. I hate ppl like that. If I don't wear any make-up I feel really self concious. I have to keep saying to myself that the ppl that really love don't care what I look like size wise or with or without make-up and those who say bad things aren't in my life so why should I give a toss what they say.
  13. After seriously examining these pictures I do believe you are correct:thumb_yello:
  14. It does the same to me, it is insane......I have like three copies of that picture. It is beautiful. I defy anyone to show me a picture of a horrible picture of Mika......Dare to challenge me?
  15. MMMMMMMMM.....Thank you, I love mine with a slice of lemon no ice,
  16. I love Diet Coke (with or without a vodka, don't mind) Can I join please?
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