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Posts posted by vixenbbw

  1. oh my god! that makes sense! I'm always in Drag! I could really make it more Drag! oh its so fun! I need to get a new feather boa!!! oh darlings?


    :wink2: :wink2:


    Sebastian the hot


    I've got a couple should u need to borrow one! :wink2:


    Infact you can see me wearing my blue one on the TBA gig in Manchester.....you can't miss me............I'm wearing red heartshaped mirrored glasses which they filmed up close!! :mf_rosetinted:


    http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=jzCy3CMpVQc 5.12minutes in!




    Justin (Vix) x

  2. why not! I love wearing mens clothes! the kind that look fab! like a sexy suit!


    Suzanne the fantastic


    I wear trousers every day...........leggings, joggers, jeans, pants...........and I LOVE going out on the raz in a sexy black suit with nothing but undies underneath!:biggrin2:


    I'm practically there already!!:thumb_yello:


    Just start calling me Brian!


    Vix (Brian) x

  3. Just to throw another few pennies worth in.............I do love very strong charaters.......brooding, opinionated, arrogant, fearless (they need to be to cope with me!:wink2: ) packaged in a gentle, delicate, pretty wrapper!! That to me is a real man.............not big, muscley, sweaty types with no actual spine!

    I think my own very strong charater has a lot to do with it.......as my sig says........a whole lotta woman needs a whole lot more!!:wink2:


    Vix x


    PS...........can I start a "pretty boys with lionhearts" thread????:wub2:

  4. Oh this is too good! And all of this time, I thought I was the only one! I am ONLY attracted to flamboyant gay men. And the gay-er the better for me. I swear I was just 'born this way' I mean I was like that in kindergarten for goodness sakes. I got it REALLY bad, even my ex-husband is gay!!!!! I dunno what is wrong with me, I CANNOT resist a gay man to save my life!!!!! :biggrin2:


    They are lovely aren't they? I haven't been near a straight guy in years........they all have to be as close to batting for the other team as possible!!:roftl::wub2:


    Oh, and the prettier and girlier the better.........long hair is the icing on the cake!:biggrin2:


    Vix x

  5. I flirt with girls too, and I am into guys right now. I even make out with girls when I get too carried away, partly out of habit... What you do on CAMERA definitely doesn't mean anything though. :roftl:


    But I hope Mika likes boys too. It would be really mean of him (and a bit hypocritical) if he didn't, wouldn't it? :naughty:




    Ahhhhhhhhh....sweet music to my ears!!!


    I flirt with anyone I can..............in fact I do most things with anyone I can!!:wink2: (Oh, and don't get me started about who I "do" on camera!!!)


    I too hope that Mika isn't prejudiced against either gender when it comes to flirting or otherwise!:biggrin2: (mmmmmmmm.....makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside just imagining it.......)


    Vix x

  6. I think so:blink: Geez, this is weird. I was already wondering what the heck I had done wrong this time?:blink:


    Deep breathes.............you can weather the storm! Just think what a big brave boy Mika would be in this situation!!:wink2:


    Give it a few days so that people can muse over some ideas then let's see what happens.


    I'll be working on my ideas too.


    Vix x

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