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Posts posted by arcenciel

  1. I am TOTALLY in LOVE with this one!!!


    edit:I think the only think you should fix on it are the eyebrows.Here they are tiny...make them bigger...if you get what I mean...bushy...yeah..this is the right word!But I effin love it!!!Wowow!


    you're right , too little eybrows :biggrin2: it's great though ! bravo l'artiste ! :thumb_yello:

  2. mika doesn't have the time to wander on the forum anymore. I guess he's very busy, the only time left for his fans is on the plane and after the concerts. When he wasn't as famous as he is now, i guess he would chat with us on the forum, but these days are gone :thumbdown:

  3. I just need somebody with a car because I don't think that I'll be able to go by car. to go it's no problem I'll take the train, but to get back during the night to strasbourg might be a little easier by car lol


    oh la la si c'est un mardi ça va être chaud :boxed: !! ben je travaille quoi ... voyons voir ... avec le nouveau tgv si je pars du travail à 6 h ... nan mais c'est foutu :thumbdown:

    rah ça me fout la rage !!


    en tous cas pour ta voiture t'as qu'à en louer une sur place, c'est un bon système :thumb_yello:

  4. a have a flat in strasbourg, that is about a 40 min drive from colmar! I'm trying to move the dates of my work so that I won't have to work on August 14th! if anybody needs a place to stay you can come to my flat! if I'm able to go... I'm all excited I want to go so badly!


    :biggrin2: i'm interested !! i live in paris and i work this summer but i'll try to go there if i can !!! anybody knows if it's during a weekend ??


    that would be soooo great :shocked:

  5. Since I first saw those pics today this Madness song got stuck in my head:


    'Baggy trousers, baggy trousers...' :biggrin2:


    this song's great !! blue you must love music very much !! you've always got a song inside your head :thumb_yello:

  6. Just to remind everybody that Mika will be in France on July 12th, and in Spain on July 13th and 14th !! So don't hope you will meet him if you're going these days !! :naughty::wink2:

    Even if i know you're REALLY interested in the art :lmao:


    Do you think mika will come to paris on the 12th july, or is he directly going to lyon ? no chance to get to meet him ? ( except if i go to the train station of course :biggrin2: )

  7. Wha, wha, Yop, translate!! Please!:mf_rosetinted:


    there's an emission on mika the 5 may ! of course we will translate it for you all :thumb_yello:


    i doubt it's very interesting though :biggrin2: . There'll be the usual things i guess : born in lebanon, paris, london, i wrote grace kelly because :biggrin2:

    i'm not even sure he will be interviewed, it might as well be only a report :sneaky2:

  8. If he doesn't like Mika, it becomes Mika's problem, as he gives a bad impression of him to lots of people out there...

    If people hear sarcastic and nasty comments about someone on a daily basis, they start to believe them...


    do you really think that people are stupid ? :shocked:

    People will hear what this guy says about mika, and then they will hear mika's songs and they will make their own opinion.

    And moreover, don't you think that if you send him letters telling him to apologize he's gonna make even more fun of mika ? he is gonna say :"this guy has crazy fans, they are all girls who adore his looks they're all hysterical. His music is bad but because he's gorgeous girls want his babies :boxed: ( which of course is not true !! :shocked: )


    AND i don't see why he should apologize, except if he insulted mika.



    That doesn't mean that i defend this guy, or that i agree with him. However as long as you don't send him death threats letters i think it's okay :naughty: :naughty:

    but i don't approve of it lol !! ( and you don't need my approvement so everything's fine, do as you wish !)

  9. i think it's going quite crazy :shocked: . What did exactly that guy say about mika ? did he insult him ? like he was a piece of **** or something ?


    because if he didn't he's got the right to tell whatever he thinks of mika and we don't have the rights to judge him on his looks as you do (with all those picture comparisons) . If he doesn't like mika that's his problem, not ours !!




    AND also mika can defend by himself, he doesn't need us !!! i don't think it's a good idea to interfere in all this, let people tell freely what they want to !!

  10. My sister (who is 14 years older than me) has been smoking since I can remember, and the smell of cigarettes certainly brings back memories of my childhood. Maybe it's a memory thing? Smells are the best memory triggers.


    :naughty: yeah i guess it's linked to childhood memories. It's silly but for me the smoke of the malboros always remind me of my mother's smell :biggrin2: .


    That's why i don't smoke malboros :roftl: . I'm an independant girl so i smoke lucky strikes lol !! i sound just so silly xD

  11. as far as italy is concerned, the government is increasing the cost of sigarettes :thumbdown: cos we've got a big national debt.and doing this they have a lot of "secure" money cos they increase a 10 cent every 8-9 months (i think) and people don't give over to smoke...:thumbdown:


    it's exactly the same in france :biggrin2: . That's one of the ( many, many) reasons why i hope sarkozy won't be president LOL !

  12. I don't find smoking "disgusting" or anything. I don't smoke, and probably never will, and sure, I think it's unhealthy, but other than that I don't mind it. In certain atmospheres, such as a club, I kind of like the smell of cigarettes.


    yay even when i hadn't started smoking i already liked the smell of cigarettes too :thumb_yello:

    it's becoz my mother used to smoke a lot when i was a child !! what about u ? maybe you like the smoke because one of your relatives used to smoke when you were around ?

  13. i'm agree with what you say here!:thumb_yello: why should smoking be disgusting? i smoke too but if i'm with people that don't like smoke, i'm the first to say sorry and go to another place to finish my fag...


    oh yeah, i heard there was a ban in italia too :naughty: ... Every european country is getting little by little anti-smokers. I think it's a way for the state to interfere in the people's private life :thumbdown:

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