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Posts posted by arcenciel



    we are all citizens, so we should debate !! as long as we're not kalachnikoving each other i don't see the problem :naughty::roftl:

  2. I am sure you have beautiful skin:biggrin2: amazing what you can do with cream these days isnt it:biggrin2:


    however i must say my teeth are the real problem.... even though i brush them 3 times a day they're not as white as they should be :biggrin2:



    LOL :ot: :ot: :chair:

  3. His skin is way to glowing to be a smoker, he does not seem that type at all, way to confident i agree... smoking is for plonkers these days.......I used to smoke and have nothing against smokers by the way, it is hard to stop:biggrin2:


    hey my skin is glowing even though i'm a smoker !! :biggrin2: lol !!!


    thanks to hydratant creams of course !!! :naughty:

  4. the main reasons why I quit was the horrendous guilt I felt for the 2nd hand smoke that my cat was breathing!!!


    great to see that you love your cat :thumb_yello: . Mine is self-destructive, so i don't think he minds me smoking ^___^

  5. Maybe because he is too PURE for us to think he smokes. Even if I smoked myself, I still wouldn't want him to smoke! Look at this face - can you honestly imagine him holding a cigarette in his teeth?!




    he has really really white teeth :biggrin2: so i guess he doesn't smoke.

  6. well i smoke too, but i don't think i will do it forever... i do think that when my life is more structured that i will make the decision to stop. and i can do it , i quitted once, and i didn't smoke for 2 years... but then a lot of things happened and all my new friends were smokers... you know how that goes...


    yay i know :biggrin2: !!

  7. But somehow I think Mika doesn't. I don't have a clue why, it's just as I imagine him.


    i think you're right. Mika seems far too self-confident to smoke. As if he didn't need that to feel great. I also think that he doesn't smoke. Might be wrong though :naughty:

  8. COME ON !!! :shocked:


    smoking isn't disgusting !! people have smoked for ages and it's not because governments want to ban it that it should be described as " disgusting " !!

    Okay it's bad for health, but why should smokers be judged by non-smokers if they don't disturb them with smoke ?


    * i'm sorry, but i'm totally against the ban of smoking in france so i tend to debate a lot with people around me :biggrin2: *


    anyway i don't think that mika smokes, i think that as a former opera student his teachers must have told him how bad for his voice it was :biggrin2: !! and a guy who smokes couldn't have such a high-pitched voice for ever i think .

  9. Mika m'a dit avant hier qu'il devrait annoncer un Zénith prochainement ;)




















































    stephane, c'est pour nous tester que tu mets des ptites infos ultra importantes par-ci par -là comme si de rien n'était :biggrin2: ??

    T'en as de la chance de le connaître personnellement :thumb_yello:

  10. I agree even if mine were terrific :naughty:


    :naughty: of course they were !!! :biggrin2: !!


    mine were bad :thumbdown: , it's because i can never find the right word in english ( i always say the thing in the simpliest way and it's everything but funny :blink: ). I would be better at it in french :biggrin2: lol

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