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Posts posted by Yoppappop

  1. Welcome back Haeschen! I hope no one gets that cat tattooed...


    Um. I wrote another short story vignette. I'm posting it here 'cause... uh... I have nothing else to post. Sorry.





    There were never any mirrors in our house.


    Ever since I can remember, I was taught to hide my face from strangers. It was because of a prophecy, my parents told me. They never wanted to talk much about it, and I learned not to ask, just as I learned to never leave my rooms without my head covered.


    Even going down to the baths, I had to wear a blindfold. That I did not mind, but I envied my sisters, who could refresh themselves in the waters of Eurotas on hot summer days and play with the village boys. I was never allowed out of the palace by myself, and never anywhere where I could see my reflection or where there was a chance I’d lose my veil.


    Left alone, I would touch my face and trace the bones, trying to discover what it was that set me apart. I had never even seen the color of my eyes, and as I passed my fingers over my skin, I would wonder what else it was I did not know.


    My father called it my fate. My mother called it my curse. They would argue about me, late at night.


    My older sisters were all very beautiful. All my mother would tell me was that I was not like them. She would frown slightly when she saw me uncovered, and turn away. Her frown deepened every year: apparently, my curse increased with my age.


    My parents would argue more and more as it became time for my sisters to get married. I was hidden away when their suitors came, forbidden from even attending the engagement feast. “Not until the wedding takes place,” my mother told me. “We can’t risk it before then.”


    But they could not risk it even after. After all, then my next oldest sister had to be married off, and I was still a liability. My brothers snuck me some of the wedding supper into my chamber, and I celebrated my sisters’ marriage alone in the dark. Not even my brothers would stay near me by themselves for any long while.


    Then all my sisters were married, and I was eighteen. My parents came to my chamber on the morning of my birthday, with pale faces and nervous eyes. I should be married too, and they had called me a number of suitors they said. They dressed me in a chiton of rich cloth, bound my hair, clasped the jewelled sandals around my feet. My mother looked like she was preparing me for my funeral. She held me to her breast when she was done, tracing my face as I had done so many times, and with such a look of dread, that I closed my eyes lest I catch a glimpse of my reflection in her own. My curiosity had long ago been replaced by fear. I reached for my veil, but she stopped my hand.


    “It’s all right, now. You can go down as you are.” I did not know how to reply. Stepping out my doorway without the customary veil, my face felt naked and raw with nothing to shield it but the fluttering of my hair. I stopped in painful hesitation, unable to take the next step.


    “Come, Helen,” my father said. “Remember you are a Princess of Sparta. Your suitors are waiting.”









    what the f*ck does this have to do with anyting ? :blink::thumbdown: i'd rather talk about tatooed cats's asshole...

    yeah... i just had to say it... haven't read the story yet... can't melt into compliments :biggrin2:



    btw, i'm officially free and Dr Yop in 1 week and 40 minutes :ap_rosetinted:

  2. I suppose, although if we're going to be picky I'd just go ahead and say I love her usage of the 40's/50's style.


    well, it was not as much for you as for people who wouldn't know she did it totally on purpose and would find there a way/a reason to bring her down due to this use of Lolita :wink2: as for the story, the original Lolita is in B&W... i've never seen any coloured version of it... i didn't know there was one.

  3. Love the cover for the record....she's got such great style.


    well... it's more lolita's style than hers, for this one ! :biggrin2: (Lolita by Stanley Kubrick, her fav movie)

  4. She wasn't online often lately... because my drawing is still the top comment.. meanwhile I wish it would go down.. because I've already got 5 request from strangers who asked me to draw them :shocked: I have like zero time for something like this :roftl:


    your drawing is just awesome ! but people are strange :roftl: :roftl:

    she came back from the radio tour then it was holidays long week end in US... i guess she had a well deserved break !

  5. She's not kissing any girls. :no:




    Yes! (not sure if this is old news, but..) Apparently she's in teen vogue this month as well=]!

    C.D. is out soon! I showed my friend Claire to Katy yesterday and she's a fan now!:punk:




    i know! i was kind of hoping she would! no cherry chapstick that i could see. I guess you can't have everything..

    I kind of hoped it would be a bit like the U R So Gay vid (just with the general craziness in a good way), but i like it and gave it a good review.


    no, she's not kissing any girl... but the song is not about her :wink2: just for information...


    anyway... i think it's not such a bad thing that everything is highly suggested but not shown (the kiss), it makes it a bit less heavy and people who already categorized her as an "homophobic b*tch" or on the other hand as a "f*cking lesbo" on youtube won't know what to say as she's not showing off anything... and it'll give me a bit of rest with the comments :naughty:


    just kidding : i'm all for suggesting and not showing, and the video works for me, and the fact that it is a beautiful video (the images are glow and pink and girly not that it's my thing, but i think the result is quite nice to see) does add... and she put Kitty Purry in it !! :wub2::bleh: she couldn't make the same style as the Ur So Gay one, as it's a very particular style and Ur So Gay was not supposed to launch the album... i think the video with the budget they had was more something to have fun with (and to give people something to talk about) than a real promotion video, which the I Kissed A Girl one is... cf the "copyright Capitol Records" at the end of it, that Ur So Gay doesn't have... And she can't always make the same videos... Would be boring in the end...

  6. Yop, can you please have a chat with Katy and tell her to play a club in Toronto.






    And London too maybe? :fisch:


    And Amsterdam please :wub2: !


    he he, she's a busy one, now...

    someone asked for europe, though, and she replied that first they were releasing the album in the US june 17th then Warped Tour all summer long, then they were to conquer the rest of the world :wink2:


    and as you wait : SURPRISE !!




    The video premiered on myspace today and yours truely (me) put it on youtube... you can watch it on either myspace or youtube, it's in her vids on myspace, and click on the link for youtube... now that's she's quite big and with Capitol, i'm not sure how long the video is gonna be up until someone says "no" for copyright violation... one of my vids already got removed directly by youtube for that reason, but i don't even know what video it is :roftl: :roftl: anyway, as i type, this one is still up :thumb_yello:

  7. I'm realizing that I like her acoustics and "demos" better than the actual "album" versions. The more produced they are make her voice less.. distinguishable.


    depends on the songs imo :wink2:

  8. i propose we just cut off this discussion and go back to our usual worshipping :naughty: since obviously MrsBrightside was being purely provocative and making people talk about her... but is not really transgressive and brave... just my opinion :ap_rosetinted:

  9. how can you be sure that what you recommend according to your personal tastes is gonna be "universal" ? :blink: already happened with the books findingmywords recommended, and it will happen again...


    appart from that, i recommand Katy Perry knowing that obviously not everybody gets the humour in her songs according to youtube population stats :naughty::wink2:

  10. You've made some valid points. I agree that the two tracks in the poll wouldn't stand out amongst contemporary music, I'd be surprised if either of them reached #1, but that's not what everyone aims for in their first single, I think that either of them could do decently on the charts: Slide is a good dance-y track and All Because Of You could fit in with the revived fashion of soul/funk. But I think that a first single is supposed to be an introduction to an artist, helping establish their sound and skills, so I agree that they don't don't do the best job of showcasing - or at least not as well as Missionary Man and When Doves Cry did which were brilliant and very promising. Smalltown Boy or Sly Girls might do a better job; I also liked some of the other tracks that she's taken down from her MySpace such as Bad Day. I think that if she wants a truer representation of our opinions it'd be better for her to upload all of the tracks somewhere and then create a poll, the results and advice would be more constructive and productive that way. But when given the choice of only the two songs above I stand by my previous statement.


    the thing is that she (or the label she's signed under, i don't know the details) thought that those tracks were the ones to be released, so i doubt we can change it...

    about the bold things in your post : if it's not the aim to be 1st in the charts (as for me, it was an expression, i was talking about creating a buzz as in "breaking the charts", not basic 1st place), it's at least a very present idea or there is no interest in releasing something if what you want is stucking to the last places or not even being in the charts :blink: cause this doesn't help you selling copies, so there would be no interest in releasing something... am i clear ?? :blink: and for the "introduction" part : honestly : are you introduced to place 50 of the top 50 or to the singers who are not even in the tops ?? i don't think so...

    basically, it's the same : you release something, you want it to be noticed, you want people to like it and if they like it, it's going well in the charts :wink2:

  11. Okay, here's my general opinion as opposed to just posting 'voted'.


    Out of 'All because of you' and 'slide' - Then 'slide' gets my vote.

    However, i do not think either are especially 'strong' tracks in terms of quality or ability to get within the charts.

    Im sure i am going to get my head bitten off for saying so, but you asked for an opinion.

    I think they both sound like the stereotypical tracks of people with minimal talent, made with a keyboard and a computer program or two.

    Having heard your work with other artists i know that this is not the right playing field for your level.

    As i mentioned previously i am not hugely aware of your music on a solo front, so i have no idea which songs have been released and which havent. BUT, personally, i would suggest going with some of your other tracks.


    thank you for saying something like that first :biggrin2:

    I voted Slide if any of those 2 songs...

    but i agree with pinkie about the "stereotypical" side of these songs... they sound like everything we hear at the moment, and in my opinion, are not songs to break the charts... people want to hear something different, something that won't bore them after hearing it 3 times on the radio, something fresh...


    for exemple, talking about something else : Madonna's song "4 min" is the songs that gets on my nerves at the moment, cause it looks like timbaland has ONE beat and uses it with every single singer that come to him asking for collaboration ! and honestly, it's boring, i have the feeling i'm listening to the same song all day long... staying for a few hours on the musical channels.


    i don't know Saranayde's work as a solo artist either, and to be completely honest, haven't listened to the following after hearing the first 2 (which are the ones we are supposed to vote for), which shows the interest those songs didn't rise in me... So i can't go further in the help like Pinkie did proposing others tracks of the list (that's why i deleted the last sentence of her post). i only heard her as backing vocal and duet on Missionary Man with Mika, and i don't find what i was loving with her in this duet (talking about voice) in the proposed songs.


    anyway, i know this is going to stay on the forum, and if she asked something, she will only be given the result of the poll as in "release Slide" or "release All because of you".

    that's it ! *putting my helmet on*

  12. soo I was sitting in class today and I hear someone go " I kissed a girl and I like ittttttt..." and I dropped everything and went "WHAT?!YOU KNOW WHO KATY PERRY IS?!" and she was like "..yeah,I looove her, I heard her on the radio they were like the #1 song in new york city katy perry on Z100"


    when did this happen?!


    yesterday :ap_rosetinted:

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