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Posts posted by Emy

  1. Aww, geez. :blush-anim-cl:

    Thanks guys. I glad you all like it.

    I read everyone's comments and alot have to do with wanting to actually have the Mika Vision Sunglasses (MVS) or Mika giving them away at his concerts.

    That would be so awsome!

    Hmm...I didn't send the idea or drawing to Mika yet.

    But I will today...right now...I already started. lol. :naughty:

  2. Yes! I finally finished! =D

    I call it.....Mika Vision! :mf_lustslow: lol.




    This has been colored with colored pencils only.

    I was dedicated to finish this peice of work so I stayed up until 2:00 AM coloring. I think it turned out pretty good.


    The backround is supposed to be all rainy and gloomy, but when you look into these special Mika Vision Sunglasses (MVS) all your troubles disappear! :biggrin2:


    Ugh...my computer seemed to have killed the quaility of the picture. It's not supposed to be all blurry. :(

  3. Hmm...I....I doubt it's him. ;_;

    I don't know. It just seems kinda like someone joined real fast and then just...forgot about this place.

    I could be wrong and it could actually be him!...But...still.


    and referrals are the amount of people that have named your username as the person who told you about the site when you sign up..



    I thought they were something you get when you do something bad.

    For example, spamming, innapropriate comments, etc.

    Kinda like a warning, ya know?


    EDIT: Omg! Same avatar picture in a row!....it's a sign. lol.

  4. I'm just 5" too. How old are you? I'm 17...the shame...DAMN GENES

    Wa? Really? =D

    I'm 16, but I'm pretty sure when I'm 17 I'll be the same.

    Gah! I have to think positive and grow taller!


    Hey, didn't you make a fan music video for Love Today? Or was that someone else?

    Well, if it was you, you do not look 5". lol.

  5. OMG what a coincidence!

    I had mashed potatoes last night for dinner and was thinking about it before you made this thread!

    It's a sign.

    It means,

    Mika will come to our bedrooms in the dead of night, wake us up, and.........eat mashed potatoes with us!


  6. YEAH! And we'd get our families to bake cakes with Mika merchandise inside and and and Mika will feel bad to condeming us to a life of solitude do he'd sneak in and have secret preformances! :mf_lustslow: :mf_lustslow:


    ...you mean like....music preformances....right? :roftl:

  7. I feel for you!! =D

    Over here people think they're...gangsta and listen to rap and yo foo music. lol.

    How gangsta can you be when you live in PLAINfield, huh?


    I'm sure kids around here have heard of Mika but arn't as obsexed as us awsome people. :naughty:

    I just wish some people could feel the heavenly warmth when they hear Mika's music. Maybe they do, but they don't think it's cool so they ignore it and...yeah.

    Nevermind. lol

  8. Emy, at least you wouldn't be able to say anything except "Nung?" like I would in his presence! :roftl:


    Nung?.....like....as in you ment to say hug?


    I managed to get out "OMG! YOU'RE RELATED TO MIKA!! THE MIKA!??! Can I get a picture?!?!?!??"

    Yeah. I pretty sure they thought you were grazy.:naughty:

    But Hey! That's pretty awsome!

  9. You can't be shy when it comes to mika!! When I was at his Borders signing my friend and I were talking to as many VIPs as we could!! We chatted it up with Martin <3 His sisters <3 His mom <3 and the other Mika family members that were there. Twas awesomeness.

    What!? Are you serious?

    I wouldn't know what to say other than....."Hi."

  10. Psh. This is an easy question.

    Mika - Grace Kelly nodoubt. :D

    I would put a different Mika song as my ringtone but when my cell rings in public and people hear it, I want them to be like..

    "Is that Mika?...."


    "What song is that? For it is awsome and I MUST have it!"

    Plus I'm sure many people hear where I live only know him for Grace Kelly.



    There's another plus side. I can pick any one of his songs to be my ringback tone!

    Ya know? When you call someone and instead of you hearing it ring you hear a song?

  11. I'm starting to worry about all these body parts threads! I'm afraid he is being dissected like a frog. :eek:


    His shoes and socks do rock, though. ;)


    Aussie :insane:


    Awww...no. Don't be silly.

    These topics are just to point out all of his sexiness. That's all.

    They just prove he is one very sexy man.......with awsome socks. :bleh:

  12. Teehee.

    You guys should go for it!

    I would be to embarrased though.

    So....I'd probably ask for him to sign my face, because then when I have my picture taken....it would be the coolest thing ever! lol!

    People would look at my face and be jelous he had to touch my face.


  13. Eek! x_x

    I had a dream about Mika's songs last night. lol.

    That's what I get for staying on he MFC really late at night and then listening to Mika while I go to sleep. Hehe.

    Okay, here it goes...


    All of my school's different classes were going to preform a show for our parents. (That is sooo 2nd grade. lol.) Our teacher had to pick a song for us to dance to and also think of our dance moves.

    It just so happend the song was Lollipop. Woo! So my class and I were practicing on stage and...we were pretty much awsome! Ahh! I was so happy we got to do this.

    After practice was over I went to my teacher and said,

    "There's supposed to be a lollipop girl dancing around, and so..I was thinking I could be lollipop girl! I will have the dress and everything ready!"

    I was so excited! My dreams of being lollipop girl were about to come true! lol.

    But then the teacher said,

    "No. You're not cool enough and you're to ugly."

    What she said totally broke my heart. :crybaby:


    Then I woke up. That dream left me in a bad mood all morning. :badmood:

    But now I'm better because I love being here and the MFC always makes me smile!

  14. It's quite a funny story, so sit around the fire and listen to my tale...:roftl:

    Back in fifth grade my best friend John and I were in math class and doing work on geometry or something, and we were working as partners. So he went to write down "rhombus" but it came out as whompus, and we just flipped out laughing so hard! And the name has always stuck.


    Ha! :roftl:

    That word reminds me of when Patrick (From Spongebob. lol.) said Wumbo.

    I wumbo, you wumbo. Wumbology! The study of Wumbo. XD


    Wumbo would make a good grazy word, but...I don't know.....

    By the way, wumbo means to make big.

  15. Actually today I went to my aunt's house and I was waiting for my cell to ring.

    *Since I have Grace Kelly as my ringtone. =D*

    I hadn't heard Mika's songs for about 5 hours! Can you beleive it?! lol.

    I had my iPod but I thought it would be rude to just sit there and listen to it so.....thus.I waited for my phone to ring.

    In which...it eventually did.


  16. if you think you think you've got what it takes to be grazy, to be funny or mad, admit it here so who is ,grazy, here apart from me???


    Okay, okay!!! Geez. I admit it it okay? lol.

    I am totaly obsexed with Mika. He snazztacular fashion sense is soo mikafabby that I'm blabbering about nothing.

    I wish I were as Mikastic as him.

    Wow....that was hard. I need to get used to this. lol.


    Well, anyway...count me in. :naughty:

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