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Posts posted by Emy

  1. Yes, everyday. lol.

    But luckily I have no school today and can listen and watch Mika for as long as I want.


    Mutual feelings here! But for me, my parents and my friends don't understand the greatness for Mika that I feel, so when I talk about it, I just sound insane! :(


    Yeah. Same here. I'm sure my friends and family think I'm weird....but he's just so awsome! I can't hide feelings on how awsome he is, ya know? :naughty:

  2. Oh dang.

    I've been meaning to go to this radio station's website.

    101.9 The mix.

    Only because they said you can request songs through their site and plus I've heard Grace Kelly on there.

    (Some of you guys may know I've heard him on the radio. lol. I'm the one with the really purple room.:naughty: )

    Well anyway, I finally checked it out. =D


    Click here to request Mika's song Grace Kelly on 101.9 The Mix

    Hmm...even though the radio station is for Chicago request away!

  3. Woo yeah! Finally.

    I know I joined there first and made a topic on how it should have more sections. Well....it wasn't me who got through to the moderator but someone else. But that's okay!

    As long as they heard someone.

    Now it's more orginized and people can look for topics more easily. :wink2:


    BTW, for those who've joined over there my name is....Emy. ;D

  4. They are new and they don't work! I've been trying all evening!


    They work now. I just checked them out. ;D

    When you click the Banners, Wallpapers, and Backrounds picture there's an interview of him.

    Heh....he says he considers himself a show off sometimes. :naughty:

  5. I really hope his album goes straight to the #1 spot on the billboards!


    That would be amazing!!!


    I hope so too! But some people still haven't heard of him so we American Mika fans have to spread the word! =D


    I want Mika to appear on the iTunes top ten songs list. But he's at number 43 right now with Grace Kelly. ;_;


    Oh and yeah. I wasn't able to watch Mika on GMA because I was too tired to get up. :thumbdown:

    Shame on me.

  6. All of your stories are hilarious! :roftl:

    For me when ever I hear something related to Mika (one of his songs, lyrics, etc.) I get all hyped up.

    For example I was talking to my friend and she happend to say "love".

    I instantly thought of Love Today and was holding back the,

    Doom da da di da di

    Doom da da di da di.

    Let me tell you....it was hard trying not to start singing.


    Oh and on the radio station I listen to, before a song comes on it usually says "Fresh new music....from..."

    and I always say Mika out loud. Hoping Mika will be on the radio again.



  7. Woo, Yeah!

    Got it today! =D

    OMG I'm so happy and can't stop smiling.

    When I buy a new CD I like to play the whole thing without skipping tracks...and....to tell you the truth you can't skip tracks. It's so amazingly awsome you gotta listen to the whole thing.



    Here's a picture.


    I like taking pictures of almost everything so don't mind me. :wink2:

  8. Love it.

    I imagined Mika running around in the jungle or somthing like that. lol.

    And then someone coming out from behind a bush and setting up a piano and microphone. :roftl:


    That'd be pretty weird.


    However, if you MUST capture the Mika for study, be sure to release him exactly where you captured him! There will be serious consequences if you don't and they include restraining orders, lots of police cars, long nights in jail, fan harassment and probably a very angry and confused Mika.

    Favorite part. ;D

  9. I am literally bouncing up and down on my chair simply because i cannot WAIT to see this video!!! And it doesn't help that my sister is badly humming "Grace Kelly" across the room!!!!


    Haha! That reminds me. Last night my mom saw the Motorola Razor commercial and she attempted to sing Love Today.

    It was....pretty bad. Words connot describe how bad she dosen't know the song. :naughty:


    Anyway...now we wait to see the vid! =D

  10. Yes!

    I am so going to Best Buy tomorrow. I had it all planned out for about a week now.

    First I gonna get my dad (since my dad is the best choice to ask to go to Best Buy) to drive me over there.

    Then I gonna grab my gift card I've been saving for about two years for who knows what (A Mika CD obviously). Thank god those things don't expire.

    And then when we arrive I'm gonna run to the CD section then slow down and calmly look for LICM and then when I see the rack stacked with it I'm gonna scream, take it, pay for it, and then play the CD for the rest of my life.


    See? It's a perfect plan. lol. :bleh:

  11. Wooo yeah!

    Sivan if I was with you right now you would probably receive the biggest hug of all time from me. lol.

    But not as great as Mika's duh.

    I'm over here in my computer chair just as happy as can be. I can't stop squirming (sp?) around. I just can't sit still. And then you're gonna meet him again tonight?? *sigh* :wink2:

    I'm excited I just get to see him on TV while you're excited to actually meet him in person!

  12. Ahhh. ;_;

    I vote and vote also but....nothing. It keeps going lower and lower.

    I'm thinking they have the links mixed up.

    Like when we vote for Mika it goes to Young Love.


    I'm sure Mika checks out his results once in a while because it's on his officail website and I can't help but think I'm letting him down.

  13. Ahhomg!

    Today? Already? No way.

    I'm so excited for you.

    Are you sure it's today? :roftl:


    *sigh* Maybe that's why I couldn't sleep last night. Plus he's gonna be on the Tonight Show on Monday and then his CD is gonna come out the next day and then he's gonna be on Goodmorning America and.....thank god for spring break. lol.



    has anyone got it?!


    Ah! Same happend to me! =O

    I saw it the first time and then closed out of the window but then decided I needed to see it again so clicked the link and it said....


    The video you have requested is not available. If you have recently uploaded this video, you may need to wait a few minutes for the video to process.


    Oh darn. :tears:

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