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Everything posted by my_rainbow_radio

  1. Daniiii! *hug* I'm doing better than before How are you, luv?
  2. :lmao: I SWEAR, if you ever do that I will forever bow down to you
  3. Hahahaha Montgomery, I like that Mine's Harold I'm fabulous Are you fabulous?
  4. Hahahaha very nice, Vanessa! Ditto. What's the point in being all fussy about someone having a different religion as you? I have Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Atheist, Agnostic friends and it doesn't matter to me just as long as they're a good friend!
  5. It could have gottten me a detention but I was never called down by the office, so I guess she never gave it to them. And if she did I'm gonna have my Maw-Maw come in and talk to the principal But the thing is, not all referrals even get passed, so I think I'm okay *crosses fingers*
  6. Oh dear...I would throw them out the window if that happened Apparently she's a devout Christian who doesn't like anyone but Christians It's like, be more openminded...
  7. Hi Nicole! My day has been not so fabby lol but I'm happy now that I'm here Yay for techno! *dances* Hey hey hey luv!
  8. I'm gonna tell my mum but I'm definately gonna tell my dad...he'll go insane
  9. I know. I'm Agnostic but they treated me like an America-hating satanist who only wants to start stuff. That's not what I am! I respect America! I also respect all religions, so I disagree with the pledge! What's the problem with that?...
  10. EXACTLY They can't make me believe in something that I don't Sorry if I sound bitchy, I'm just very upset...
  11. The Pledge is just this daily thing that we say. It's: I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America And to the Republic for which it stands One nation under God Indivisible With liberty and justice for all I don't think it should say "under God" because not all Americans are Christian...but that teacher didn't agree with me
  12. Well the whole class is supposed to say it but hardly anyone does, and this substitute was really strict so more people did it, but I didn't. I just sat there quietly and she looked at me all coldly and once the Pledge was over she asked why I didn't say it. I told her it was because I disagreed with it saying "Under God" because I'm not a Christian and then she said, "For being disrespectful to your country, I am writing you up." My real teacher never had a problem with me not saying it! Tons of people at my school don't but this old bat had a problem with it...I'm still furious It's not like I was talking the whole time, I was just sitting there being quiet and waiting for it to end.
  13. Ya got that right! She's a bitter old hen and I hate her...the sad thing is that she was a substitute!! She said she's gonna get my real teacher in trouble for not "making" me do the Pledge... :furious:
  14. Well thanks lol I got a refferal for not saying the Pledge of Allegiance. The teacher never gave it to the office but still... It's absolutely ridiculous.
  15. Ho hum. Does anyone want some tea while we wait? *offers Earl Grey*
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