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Everything posted by my_rainbow_radio

  1. You know, from Alice in Wonderland? He's one of my idols It's absolutely stunning!
  2. OH MY GOD, I love this one! He reminds me of the Cheshire Cat or something.
  3. Here here. I've had the same cold for two weeks and it's not going away, the bugger! And I had to stay home from school a week ago because of a migraine that keeps creeping up on me.
  4. Could someone PLEEEEEASE make this a little smaller so that I could have it in my siggy and not have it so big??
  5. You foolish young girl! You will suffer for your unclean cooking ways! ...I wouldn't blame you.
  6. Ew. I hope you don't get food poisoning. Dirty chicken is not good on your stomach! If you were a world renowned chef like me you would know that.
  7. Welcome to the fan club, m'dear!
  8. Now you're just lying He was over at my house drinking tea in my kitchen playing Monopoly with me. And everyone knows you can't be in two places at once, Smellybot. *sticks tongue out*
  9. Ah you're still not surprising me! I need something fresh
  10. Hahahaha the Leo Sayer bit cracks me up
  11. I'm back an in action, bitcheeeeees! :roftl: What's the haps? Anything new and fabulous that you feel like telling Mama Shelbster?
  12. I love all his videos, but you just can't beat Grace Kelly. Happy Ending is my second fave, though.
  13. Oh my god...that's truly saddening and it breaks my heart to hear of someone dying so young.
  14. GUESS WHATTTTT????? There's gonna be a massive protest at my school tomorrow against school uniforms!!!!! :punk:
  15. This was an excellent introduction, you sound very interesting! Welcome to the fan club, Loren!
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