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Everything posted by my_rainbow_radio

  1. I'm doing wondrous Well actually my school week has SUCKED but I'm wondrous now that I'm on here Pffft. I think they're smelly.
  2. I think she meant link as in connection danika's stupid
  3. Hey Laureeeeeen Well no one likes being constipated, that's for sure. :mf_pain: Haha that smiley is just WRONG
  4. But I thought you would be happy that my hair is split-endless *sulks off*
  5. You both pinched my cheeks! I resent you both! Now my cheeks hurt *rubs numbing cream on cheeks*
  6. DAMMIT! I wish they had a smiley with the patch on it OH MY GOD THAT WOULD BE HILARRRRIOUS
  7. Anything is possible when SHELBY'S HERE! MWAHAHA! :insane: ...
  8. What's it about? I guess it's English TV......American TV sucks the mighty bum.
  9. I forgot I posted in here saying hi :roftl: Sorry lasses How is everyone today?
  10. THANK YOU CAZ! I agree with every word you just said. There isn't even anything else I can say that you didn't!
  11. Hello and welcome to the fan club, Keet!
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