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Posts posted by Mireille

  1. Hello, my dearest Mikaddict friends !


    Turning on my computer this morning in order to check my e-mails, the firts thing I saw was a photograph of Mika on http://www.orange.fr. There was also a short article in French that I joyfully share with you. I deliver the French version followed by an attempt of translation. But even in French, some sentences were wierd ! (I'm so proud it put an orange jumper on, today ! As if I had guessed it !!!!)


    Enjoy :


    Insolemment installé à la tête des charts anglais dès son premier album, l'exubérant Mika est la sensation colorée de cet hiver.


    Marcel Proust serait content. Car cette année, la recherche de la Nouvelle Star sera celle du temps perdu. Le jury du télé-crochet sadique peut remballer ses calicots, sa tortue, ses tortures, le nom de la nouvelle star 2007 est déjà connu et il s’agit d’un prénom, voire d’un surnom : Mika. Age : 23 ans. Pays de naissance : Liban. Lieu où il a grandi : Paris. Pays de résidence : Angleterre. Passeport : américain. Ne cherchez pas à comprendre, ce garçon n’est pas comme vous, pas comme nous. Il a du naître dans un berceau à paillettes disco, ou dans une lampe d’Aladin, ou plus sûrement dans les rêves d’enfant du jeune adulte souriant et hyper charismatique qu’il est devenu.


    Son premier album ne s’intitule pas Life in Cartoon Motion pour rien, tant son monde bubblegum est situé loin du nôtre, loin du pub pour soudards de Kaiser Chiefs, loin du garage Playmobil des Naast. Chez Mika, les chansons taillent XXL, elles sont à rayures, colorées. Il vient d’être choisi pour représenter la marque Paul Smith. Chez lui, même si ça peut légèrement effrayer au départ, on voit Freddie Mercury rouler des galoches à Rufus Wainwright, les Bee Gees 60’s piquer leurs costards blancs aux Bee Gee’s 70’s, Michael Jackson faire enfin un usage intelligent du catalogue des Beatles qu’il s’est offert sur un caprice. Deux singles aussi dissemblables qu’imparables – le funky et princier Relax (take it easy), l’extravagant pudding queenesque Grace Kelly – ont d’ors et déjà emballé le public européen, et surtout emballé la machine, un rouleau compresseur que rien ni personne ne saurait entraver.


    En onze irruptions d’une pop vaniteuse et généreuse à la fois, extravertie mais pas si futile, ponctuellement dansante mais continuellement euphorisante, Mika ringardise Robbie Williams, coupe la chique aux Scissor Sisters et prend la tête de cortège d’une jeune génération hédoniste qui promet de secouer le cul de l’Angleterre cette année.

    Christophe Conte

    Boldly settling at the top of English charts with its very first album, exuberant Mika is the colourful sensation of this winter.


    French writer Marcel Proust would be satisfied. For this year, the French equivalent for “Pop Idol†with be like a research of lost time. The jury of this cruel real-tv show can put away its calicoes, its turtle and tortures (the winner of the last French “Pop Idol was nicknamed “The Turtle"). The name of the 2007 pop idol is already known and it is a first name, even a nickname: Mika. Age: 23. Born in Lebanon. Grown in Paris. Living in England. Having an American passport. Don’t try to understand , this boy is not like you, not like us. He must have been born in a cradle with disco glitter, or in a lamp of Aladin, or more certainly in child's dreams of the young smiling and hyper charismatic adult than he became.

    His first album isn’t entitled Life in Cartoon Motion without reasons, so much its bubblegum world is situated far from ours, far from Kaiser Chiefs’s pub for boors, far from Naast’s (a band of French yougsters) toy-like garage. Mika’s songs ar large-sized, stray, colouful. He has just been chosen to represent the Paul Smith label. Listening to him, even if that can slightly frighten at first, we can imagine Freddie Mercury sharing French kisses with Rufus Wainwright, Bee Gees of the 60s stealing their white outfits to Bee Gees of the 70s, Michael Jackson cleverly using, at last, the catalog of Beatles that he offered himself on a whim. Two singles so dissimilar as unstoppable - the funky and Prince-like “Relax (take it easy)â€Â, the extravagant Queen like pudding “Grace Kelly†- have already bewitched European audience, like a stream roller which nothing nor anybody can stop.

    With eleven songs of a vain yet generous, excentric yet unaffected pop music, sometimes to be danced on but constantly exhilarating, Mika makes Robbie William old fashioned, cuts the plug of Scissor Sisters and takes the head of a procession of a young hedonist generation which promises to shake the bottom of England this year. Christophe Conte

  2. One thing you have to know is that Latvian people are very traditionnal and homophobic. Some years ago, dog sh*** was thrown on people who tried to do a Gay Pride March in Riga. At the same time Neo-Nazi demonstrations are tolerated in this country !:shocked:

    When I think I will have to go there in two months for my work, it drives me totally wild ! I wish I was sent elsewhere, especially after having read this article ! It 's sure that people who throw dog excrements on gay people get mad when they see our little Mika with his high voice, hiis long curly hair and his colourful clothes. And let's not forget songs like "Billy Brown" ! They must get mad, indeed and decide that if Mika speaks about homosexuality without any agressivity, he must be gay too. Well, who minds ? Even though I have a strong crush for him, I wouldn't care if he was gay since I will never have him, anyway ! It's his life !

    How will I manage, during those two weeks in Latvia ? I swear I will promote Mika's music, even though I don't go there for this reason, and even thought I was asked not to do anything that could shock my hosts ! I will promote him, I swear it on his lovely curled hair ! I will make the hugest publicity you can imagine for him ! That's the least I can do for him, after all the happiness he brought in my life !

  3. Girls, BEHAVE !!!! What if Mika happens to read this thread ! You are going to FRIGHTEN him !


    But I must be honest enough to answer Steph's question : if Mika was a gingerbread man, I would take him in my hands... and would have to drop him very soon 'cause he would immediately start to BURN !!!!:wub2:

  4. Oh, I'm so happy ! I hadn't seen it and just heard about it this afternoon. My friend and colleague who picked me up and drove me home after I spent a week-end at my mother's told me "They have been speaking about Mika during the evening news on France 2 and I've been thinking of you !". Is that man mad ? When Mika is on TV, you don't have to THINK ABOUT ME ! You have to CALL ME UP ! Well, of course I didn't tell him this but I felt frustrated and angry at me for having watched someting else at that time ! But thanks to you I could at last see it ! Thanks to you and to the Internet ! Long life to the MFC !:mf_lustslow: :mf_lustslow: Oh, I do loooooooooove when he speaks French !

  5. I don't know... I have many difficulties in using this site ! It's slow, the beginning of the lines are missing and I don't succeed clicking on every link ! Must have something to do with the configuration of my old computer !

  6. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, children ! I definitely LOVE them ! What a pity I never became a mother ! It was the dream of my life but it never happened ! So I have nobody to share my obsession with, now ! (Apart from my cats who don't speak a lot !). My nephews and nieces are now teenagers and I don't think they are very interested in Mika ! So I don't have any delicious story of this kind to share with you but, Tia, I loved yours ! Oh, I can imagine the faces of the people you invited for dinner !!!!


    It's true that children change the lyrics of songs they hardly understand, especially when they are French and want to sing an English song. I remember, when Tom Jones sang "Sex bomb, sex bomb", my youngest nephew had turned it into "James Bond, James Bond !":roftl: :roftl:

  7. Yes, nice article ! Thanks !

    This guy is wise : it's true that when you know too many things about artists you like, it can sometimes desappoint you ! For example, I used to like Michael Jackson but now, with all those this fuss about suspection of being a pedophile, I must admit I can hardly listen to him ! Some people tell me I shouldn't make a confusion between the man and the artist but I just can't succeed in making the difference !

    As for Mika's sexual preferences, I don't know and don't want to know them ! It's HIS life ! It is no business of ours ! I can't understand why journalists are so obsessed with that !

    As Prince used to sing :

    I just can't believe, all the things people say


    I am black or white ? I am straight or gay ?

    Controversy ( ....)

    I can't understand, all that curiosity

  8. You can add me to your list although I have not yet decided if my feelings for him were "protective and maternal" (as "somebody" wrote on this forum) or if I have a real crush for him.

    Since the day I saw him for the first time on TV, I have this strange feeling that I am falling without ever touching the ground ! I can't stop thinking about him day and night but in a very "pure" way, if you see what I mean ! No naughty feelings, dreams or desires, uh ?

    But nevertheless and apart from his music, I love his voice, his laughter, his eyes, his hair, his face, his sense of humour, the way he grooves, his long and lean hands, his flamboyant colourful clothes, the way he hides behind his hand when a question embarrasses him...

    I was mad enough to write to him 4 times on his MySpace page (two e-mails and two comments on his blog). During the last two months, I have spent all my evenings on the Internet to come on this site or to talk about him on other musical forums (especially if nobody else had mentionned him, yet : "What ? This is a musical forum and you don't even speak about Mika ???"), I rush like a madwoman towards my TV whenever I hear a single note of his music, I leave my flat too late and miss my bus to go to work if one of his songs is played on the radio, I have changed the ringing of my cell-phone for the refrain of "Relax" (so that everybody know I love Mika !!!), I listen to his music every single day, my mother tells me I am totally "Mikalized" and my best friends Tinky (who hasn't come back here for long) wrote "Mikaaaaaaa" is the only word I can understand since january, when I discovered him !

    I could put photographs of his above my bed, I could have his name tattooed in my flesh (why not "over my shoulder" hehe ???). Yes, I have already been a fan, and several times, but never like that ! Never in that PATHETIC way !!! Well... I think my admiration has turned to an obsession and this obsession is turning to infatuation but I still don't want to admit it and restrain my feelings and emotions because I am 16 years older than Mika and those deepest feelings of mine make me feel weird, ashamed and guilty. So I don't really dare to say what I really think ! Not even to myself !

  9. Oh, I must have been tired, yesterday ! What I wrote was


    "One thousand thanks to Nagui for having recieved Mika in the Taratata show ! Behind his piano,this prodigy offered us a magnificent performance ! And how unaffected he is ! In this world where celebrities are more exposed for their foolish attitudes than for their talent, discovering this artist is a breath of fresh air !"


    It was BEHIND his piano and not BEING his piano, which means nothing at all ! (Those French !). But in a way, it's an interesting mistake because, when you see Mika playing, as somebody wrote in another thread, he seems to becom the music itself ! So, "being his piano"... why not ?

  10. What I wrote is what I said at the beginning of my thread :


    "One thousand thanks to Nagui for having recieved Mika in the Taratata show ! Being his piano,this prodigy offered us a magnificent performance ! And how unaffected he is ! In this world where celebrities are more exposed for their foolish attitudes than for their talent, discovering this artist is a breath of fresh air !"


    Well, they must have liked this letter because they practically didn't change a word. Apart for the fact that I had called Mika a "young cristal-voiced prodigy". They softened it a little and just kept "prodigy". I guess it was a little "too much" !!! :mf_lustslow:

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