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Posts posted by Mireille

  1. This is really weird! I was going to listen to my Mika cd through windows media player and suddenly all the tracks had changed names!!! :blink:


    Grace Kelly: Kroetensee

    Lollipop: My

    My interpretation: Jamie

    Love today: Vamos

    Relax: Tomorrow

    Any other world: Enthusiastic

    Billy Brown: Target

    Big girl: Jet

    Stuck in the middle: Yacht

    Happy ending: Atlas


    Anybody else discovered this thing?

    Have I missed something?

    Isn't Ring ring supposed to be on this cd too?


    Yeah, I almost forgot; the genre is Rap & Hip-hop and style is Electronica...

    Has the world gone mad?


    Please, somebody; what's going on with my cd!?


    Quite the same thing happened to me yesterday with my Window Media Player. It wasn't the first time I listened to LICM on my computer but THIS happened for the first time. Fortunately, the songs remaines the same.

  2. Lebanon : twelve points !!!!!!


    I was amused to death by the winners, last year ! Certainly because I used to be a huge fan of a hard-rock band called Kiss, who used to wear outrageous make-up and costumes when I was a teenager ! Those finnish kinda reminded me of them !!!! At least, it changed a little ! It was funny !


    When you watch the Eurovision this year, don't be too afraid of the French group, please ! I just can't believe they have been chosen !!!! :blush-anim-cl:


    I'm not a Eurovision fan but if there is a song written by Mika in 2008 and most of all, if he SINGS it, I'll be there to watch, and then...:blowup:

  3. Hello, my friends !


    The following link will lead you to the copy of a short letter I sent to my TV magazine after Mika appeared in the Tararata show. I say that I am very thankful to Nagui for having invited Mika, that his performance behind his piano was magnificent, that he is very unaffected and that discovering such an artist in this world where celebrities are more exposed for their foolish behaviour than for their talent is a breath of fresh air.

    I was so happy they published it ! I couldn't believe it ! Not for my own pride but because it will help to spread Mika's celebrity in France ! I hope that, reading this, those who didn't see the show will wonder what great performance they missed !


    So this is the link : I hope it will work !


    src="http://bp3.blogger.com/_aJcc9IGykzo/RfSW3jMDsNI/AAAAAAAAABQ/YnGmbSHXidc/s320/mika_t11.jpg" border="0" alt=""id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5040819764017213650" />


    Notice the pic : I didn't put it but the magazine did. It was at the end of his performing "Grace Kelly". It's the "kerching" hand movement, I think ! How exquisite !

  4. All those jokes on our poor Mika proove that he is very popular ! I hope he wasn't too grieved or worried, at first.

    I also hope Ashton Kuchter will not make one of his horrible jokes to him when he is in the States ! I saw what this guy did to Beyoncé and Justin Timberlake ! It was terrific !

  5. I'm afraid they have somehow talked about me in their message to us : I am in my late 30s and I told them their music was awful and their fan very ill-bred ! Must have offended them, really ! But I grew mad when I saw some of their fans threaten Mika with physical and verbal abuse ! And what is all that fuss with the age of Mika fans ? What is the problem with that ? Well, I agree that we should ignore them and not let them come here and spoil our space !

  6. I must confess I have been totally hooked on Eminem for six years. I was deeply obsessed by him and had horrid lustful thoughts and dreams about him !!!! :wub2:


    My thoughts about Mika are much wiserns sensible and sober ! Even though I think he's cute, I haven't thought about him in such a nasty way... yet !

  7. Well, if it was still necessary, we do have the proof he really IS a nice guy. He seemed somehow surprised, then annoyed, then embarrassed but never did he lose his temper. Others would have got mad ! But he always remained patient and kind "Are you sur you have the good interview ?". Then, at the end, I think he's struggling not to laugh, especially when he speaks about K-Fed and Justin Timberlake. I love the "What's my name ?'" part ! So exquisitely nice ! Mika, you are a Lord !

  8. As I said in another topic, I have the same feeling about "Big Girl". Since I heard this song, it was like a therapy to me : I lost all my complexes and inhibitions. Just like this ! In three minutes ! I just had to hear those words in the mouth of a cute guy once in my life !

  9. I wish I was taller and thinner, with a smaller nose and no trouble with my eyes. No glasses anymore and no migraines either ! And I wish I was more comfortable when I have to speak in front of an audience or resolve a conflict !

  10. I spent one night sleeping in an armchair in my parents' living room because an enormous grasshopper had entered my room ! It it had jumped on my face, I would not be here to chat with you, today !

    I'm just like you : I don't even want to have those things beside me, even though they are dead !

  11. Why would Mika invent such a story about his parents ? He doesn't need that to interest people ! His music is interesting enough.

    My mother said she remembered the story of this embassy his father was supposed to stay in. As for me, I don't.


    Please those who know what MIka's house look like, can you reassure me ? Please, tell me the wallpapers we can see behind him in the photographs in the booklet of his album are NOT from his house ? I think they are very ugly !

  12. What can I write that has not been written, yet ?

    Before, when I was hooked on other singers, I could find something wrong to concentrate on it and remain quiet and sensible ! I could think "I like Prince but he is arrogant and nasty", "I like Eminem but he is very rude"... But there is nothing, NOTHING, ABOSLUTELY NOTHING that I can dislike about Mika ! His looks, his voice, his personality, his gestures... all in this man is just PERFECTION ! There is nothing wrong to be said about him ! I think I'm totally mad with that poor boy and hope he will never read this ! I like the way he speaks French with that hardly noticeable accent ! I love the way he touches his face with his fingertips before answering or playing something during the interview (he did it several times in the Taratata show : so delighfully shy !!!!!).

    Today, a colleague of mine told me he was much too young to interest me and that if she touched his nose, milk could still get out of it (a typical French phrase to say that somebody is too young to do what he does). Well, you know what ? If it was true, I could DRINK this milk coming out of the cutest nose in the world !!!!!!


    And I absolutely HATE all of you ! (No, I'm kidding !!!! I love chatting with you ! We are as mad as each other !).

  13. Before coming on this website, I had found an articla about Mika being afraid of water. He said he could remain on a beach all day long without even trying to step in the water and added he prefered the mountains.

    I love swimming. I'm afraid of spiders, insects, bufferflies, grasshoppers... anything that creeps ands flies !

    I also happen to have this horrid dream with the scream that won't come out !

  14. Steph wrote : "I though I would be clever and ran it through the free tranlation service, well never again,,,, the automatied service translated everything literally and the result was the most hillarious piece I had ever read!"


    Sure ! I happen to use the automatic translater on the Internet but just for help but the result is litteraly frightening, sometimes !

    Thanks, Steph, for the job you made for us ! We should pay you ! :thumb_yello:

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