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Everything posted by KASIAfromRUSSIA

  1. Îé, ÿ òóò òà ê äà âíî íå áûëà , ÷òî äà æå çà áûëà î ÷åì ïèñà ëà â ïîñëåäíåì ïîñòå... è êîäèðîâêó íèêà ê ïîìåíÿòü íå ìîãó Âîò ÿ òóò íà êîïà ëà . Îêà çûâà åòñÿ Ìèêà ïîåò äëÿ íà øèõ îëèãà ðõîâ. ß äà âíî îá ýòîì ñáîðèùå â ÀèÔ ÷èòà ëà , íî ïðî Ìèêó íà ì íå áûëî è ñëîâà http://journal.vz.ru/life/2007/5/14/968.html
  2. ìîæåò, ó ìåíÿ ñ êîäèðîâêîé ïðîáëåìû???? òàì ûáëî íàïèñàíî: "íàðîä, ÷òî-òû âû ñþäàðåäêî çàõîäèòå! åëå íàøëàýòîò òîïèê!!! àíó íå ïðîïàäàòü! àòî ìû Ìèêó â íàøèõ øèðîòàõ óâèäèì òîëüêî ÷åðåç ëåò 20:thumbdown: " íàðîä,êàê ýòî êà÷àåòñÿ????? http://www.capa.ru/2007/02/15/Mika-Grace-Kelly-Pull-The-Tiger-Remix-2007.html
  3. íàðîä, ÷òî-òû âû ñþäàðåäêî çàõîäèòå! åëå íàøëàýòîò òîïèê!!! àíó íå ïðîïàäàòü! àòî ìû Ìèêó â íàøèõ øèðîòàõ óâèäèì òîëüêî ÷åðåç ëåò 20:thumbdown:
  4. ÃÂàðîä, êòî èç âàñ ïûòàëñÿ äîçâîíèòüñÿ íàÅâðîïó è âûèãðàòü àëüáîì? àêòî óæå äîçâîíèëñÿ è âûèãðàë? ÃÂàïðîøëîé íåäåëå ýòî áûëàäåâóøêàèç Äàãåñòàíà, àñåãîäíÿ îäèí î÷åíü ìîëîäîé ÷åëîâåê ýòî êòî-òî èç ïðèñóòñâóþùèõ èëè òàê, ñòîðîííèå íàáëþäàòåëè Ìèêèíîãî òâîð÷åñòâà?
  5. Amazing! one more Russian-speaking fan is here! Here our thread http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1806
  6. Hello from RF! Yesterday i read an interveiw of famous Alexander Bard in wich he said that BWO are good friends to Mika:punk: How i wish to be in Stockhom on 7th april!!! guess, Bard will attend the show:cool:
  7. I want this shirt toooooo! You know, there is such a tradition in Russia to give fav artist something to eat:wink2: (some people did it many years ago if hade no mony to buy flowers for the artist). So we should bring and give him some food on his gigs! He is really rather thin, but it makes him special:wink2:
  8. ooops, it's almost impossible to choose one. EVERY song is a little masterpeace:thumb_yello: but i've voted for LOVE TODAY just because of that i hanged on it's video:mf_lustslow: but explaine me, please. what's the song is "Ring Ring"? i've read about it before, but never heard:boxed: Is it included in US version of the albom? Where can i here it and yeah, why where is no Over my Shoulders?
  9. perhaps, he has some jewish roots. and his dad can easily be a descendant of russian emigrants
  10. I like the video, but i thought it would be a little in another way with drawn pieces
  11. ÌèøàÃÂåííèìàí - çâó÷èò!
  12. ÃÂðèâåò âñåì! ðåøèëàíåìíîãî ðàçáàâèòü çäåñü âàøó òåñíóþ êîìïàíèþ À êòî ýòî óñïåë ó íàñ Ìèêó âîçíåíàâèäåòü???? ÃÂðèçûâàþ âñåõ ãîëîñîâàòü çàÌÈÊÓ íàñàéòàõ ðàäèîñòàíöèé!!! ß âñþ íåäåëþ ãîëîñîâàëàè âîò ðåçóëüòàò íàÅâðîïå+
  13. óõ òû! ÿ óæå òàì!
  14. Yeah! i always have problems with getting legal CD of my fav bands. For example, last year. I couldn't find BWO's "Halcion days" in music-stores (i also have some difficulties with web-stores), so i took part in the fans competition on their web-site and got the 2nd place. Now i have CD withh their autographs:punk:
  15. I try to teach English my 4,5 year-old nephew. on last weekend we learned word "lollipop":naughty: I also played this song for him. So now he asks me to play or to sing it more and more:punk:
  16. MIKA - íîâîå ëèöî âåñåííå-ëåòíåé êîëëåêöèè Paul Smith 06.03.2007 13:17 | InterModa.ru http://www.intermoda.ru/news.phtm?id=7388 «Àíãëèéñêèé ïåâåö MIKA îôèöèàëüíî íàçâàí "ëèöîì" íîâîé êàìïàíèè Paul Smith, ïîñâÿùåííîé âûõîäó âåñåííå-ëåòíåé êîëëåêöèè äèçàéíåðà. ÃÂåâåö Mika ñòðåìèòåëüíî íàáèðàåò ïîïóëÿðíîñòü íå òîëüêî â ðîäíîé Àíãëèè, íî è ïî âñåìó ìèðó. Åãî ñèíãë Grace Kelly óæå çàíÿë ïåðâûå ïîçèöèè â ìóçûêàëüíûõ ÷àðòàõ. Äåáþòíûé àëüáîì ïåâöà, "Life In Cartoon Motion", ïîÿâèòñÿ â ïðîäàæå 27 ìàðòà». Êàê-òî íåïîíÿòíî çäåñü íàïèñàíî. Îçíà÷àåò ëè ýòî, ÷òî íà27-Ã¥ íàçíà÷åí ðåëèç àëüáîìàó íàñ? ÃÂîëüøå íèêàêîé èíôîðìàöèè î âûõîäå àëüáîìàâ ÃÂîññèè ÿ íå íàøëà. ÃÂûëàäàæå íàñàéòå Universal music, íî òàì Ìèêîé äàæå è íå ïàõíåò For non-Russian-speaking people: the article says that Mika is officially named as “the face†of Paul Smith campaigns which is devoted to the new spring-summer collection. “the singer Mika gets his popularity promptly not only in native Britain but all over the world. His debut album will be on sale on 27th of March â€Â. This made me wonder if 27th is the date of Russian release. I can’t find any other information about this hot-topic for me
  17. i've only heard that Take That offered him to play in their gigs as "warming" (sorry, i don't know how it in Eglish, we call it in this way) but he refused, explaiming that he is a superstar himself
  18. Çäîðîâî! íàñ âñå áîëüøå è áîëüøå!!!
  19. Here are all charts of songs and albums http://allcharts.ru DFM chart http://www.d-fm.ru/air/diagram/di-agram/ The video is in play-list on MTV-RU This is loveradio chart http://www.loveradio.ru/ru/main/hit-parad/vote.shtml , but i don't know how many votes does it need. Where is no Mika in applicants-list any more
  20. I've heard GK mix only on DFM. It was also represented on Love-radio, but couldn't get enought votes to get in chart:boxed:
  21. Some links for fans from Russia and CIS coumtries where you can vote for Mika http://www.europaplus.ru/vote.asp?pid=10141&action=vote http://www.loveradio.ru/ru/main/hit-parad/vote.shtml http://www.tophit.ru/msk_chart_month.shtml http://www.august.ru/default.aspx?tab=news&art=45319 (here Gk had been on 13th position but after some my diligence it became 2nd )
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