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Posts posted by sunshine931

  1. K im going!! :D :D My friend Nicole agreed to go with me :D




    Everybody traveling from canada for the concert come see me at work :P i work in the airport now :)


    HURRAY !!!


    Oh and I see mana in the maybe's now... come on Mana you know you want it... real Québécoise poutine, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!! And we do have the repetutation of beeing a very good crowd in Montréal, the ambience is always fun !

  2. Ok... I haven't had time to read this thread at all so I don't know if people like it or not... but here's my take on it :


    I abso****inglutly freakin' LOVE IT!!!!!! Listened to it like 100 000 000 times yesterday. Makes me want to jump on the kitchen table and dance and throw glitter around.


    And what I notice is the more I listen to it, the more I like it.

  3. Good evening!

    Apologies for not reporting earlier, but when you get to the venue, and there's 100 other MFCers there, some you've not seen for ages, it's kind of distracting! LOL!!!

    Tonight, I must say, for me was just magical.

    From meeting all my friends, being interviewed by Danika, getting an amazing front row spot, MUCH thanks to Fred & Caz for that, could not believe we were RIGHT on top of the stage!

    The stage ,we were given a teaser of before the show started was a silver wonderland, despite Mika saying "you wouldn't believe how much chewing gum I had to eat" ha ha! It was a fantastic creation by Es Devlin, which was just silver confetti, pretty much EVERYWHERE!

    Mika was in excellent form, starting with GK, which he did perfectly, with cheers when he hit that certain note right, ha ha.

    He went through the set, and when he said he was going to do Lonely Alcoholic, the place erupted!

    The celesta decided to behave tonight, during Toy Boy, I love watching his face when he plays that, the expressions on his face cracks me up.

    Before the show Mana gave all us in the front row, a flower to put on the stage for when he finished Over My Shoulder, which we did, it was quite touching, and wnen he sung Happy Ending, it was with Eda, who he said sang it originally way back in a garage in Chiswick!

    The stage invasion tonigbt, was during Relax, and it went well, until people from the back flew down a jumped on stage. One particular woman, pretty much pinned Mika into a corner, from where I was standing. One minute, there was a big space around him, the next, he was almost pushed up against the crowd!

    No wonder he wasn't happy leaving the stage.

    Time to stop encouraging this, I think, before he or someone gets hurt!

    He did shout, what sounded like "see you September 11th" though I could have misheard, before he left the stage.

    Afterward, the M&G seemed to go well.

    My apologies to the Aussies for the first part of the handing over of the petition, Mika & Fred are both taller than me, and I wasn't aiming the camera upwards,but the rest seemed to go okay.

    Mika seemed strangely very happy to see me, with a big beaming smile on his face. He signed the flag, and answered the new random question.

    What is your favourite cheese?

    Answer- Entoli (not sure if I spelt it right, please correct me if it's not)

    He went down the queue, and he looked back, and I said "thanks for playing Lonely Alcoholic" and smiled again, and carried on down the queue.

    And that was it apart from saying goodbye to everyone, which isn't my favourite part of the night, but sadly has to be done.

    I only briefly got to say hi to Andy, who seemed to have all his friends there tonight, so I didn't push it.

    Yes, Brian May was there, I didn't see him myself but a few people did, so I'll leave it to them to tell you about it.

    Can I go to bed now?



    Thanks for reporting Rose, your duty is now done, you can now go to bed and dream sweet gig dreams!!


    Heck, I even thught that, because they knew how many fans were coming, there may even be a special meeting organised for us (like in Amsterdam last year). I guess that I was wrong and that the "vip's" were calling :biggrin2:.


    Same thing happened in NYC last year... hehe

  4. ME TOO!!!!! Too much B S . . . I am sick of it! It would BE SO NICE to just walk up to a venue ticket (and seating arrangement) in hand all fresh and clean and (WIDE AWAKE) *not back breaking, feet aching* and able to TRULY enjoy the show to the fullest! I hope that ONE DAY all of the gigs will be seated! I am getting grey hairs over this crap :teehee:


    yeah though buying tix online when it's seated venue is NERVE WRECKING !!!!


    ok... sorry, last chit chat bit... :blush-anim-cl:


    I'd better go to bed now... night everyone!

  5. We (fans) don't want to be remember as being desperado lol

    But I guess some of us get so excited that about getting so close to him to make sure he sees us lol


    I know people are excited to see him and such... very understandable :)


    so many fans act like this, and not only Mika fans, EVERY celebrity has fans who act like this... I put myself in their places and it must be freaky sometimes...


    but anyways... I'll stop chit chating before I get told off by Guylaine... (love you Guylaine hihihi!!!)...

  6. That was me :naughty:





    Oh yes, for sure. It makes a big difference not having to queue and stress about where you end up.

    And after Milan and this London gig, nobody can ever tell me that allocated seating gigs are less 'viby'.




    Just lurking for now, won't post a proper report quite yet, not in the right frame of mind :wink2:.





    Neither did I, just the usual crowd at a meeting.....I didn't see anything untoward or think that Mika looked particularly bothered. He was just in a bit of a hurry to get to his party, that's all. He was smiley and happy when I spoke to him and all the time that I saw him speak to others. I saw no rude behaviour or pushiness.

    About the gig: It was fantastic to hear Lonely Alkie, and the rest of acoustic songs

    Stage invasion was fun but I only managed to get up there because Aurelien kindly pulled me up after he got on. My jump was anything BUT graceful :roftl:.

    I accidentally knocked Mika's bro on the head because he was crouched in front of me taking pics, and his head kept getting in the way of my hand moving :biggrin2:.



    So glad you had a great time Sari!!! Tbh I think I would quite like a seated venue once in a while, skipping the queuing and all hehe... (though you get to meet great friend while queuing!)


    Well gald to know you didn't see anything rude going on... I'm curious to know more though from the people who said he was upset... maybe it was not that bad...

  7. Yeah, don't you know all people in this country are rude and ignorant with no respect just like me.

    This is all just made up

    No one even knows the facts yet ffs.


    wwhhhuuuuut ??? when did I say all people in this country were rude and ignorant just like you??????


    Allow me to quote myself :


    "if he really was in a foul mood, I would be very disappointed to hear it was fan related... some people just have no respect... Oh well, we'll wait to hear more from the people who were there..."


    I said IF he was in a foul mood, and I said I WOULD be very disapointed... and I said SOME people juste have no respect, and I said WE'LL WAIT to hear more... so I don't know how you could have inferred what you just wrote from I what I wrote...

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