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Posts posted by sunshine931

  1. Aaand Rain




    haha I loved when the audience went :bow::bow::bow:


    sariflor tweeted that he did "pick up off the floor"! :shocked::swoon: as i can read from this thread that she was there live, was that song on tv too? or will we have to wait until they show the whole thing?


    I know I saw Sara's tweet!!! Oh my freakin' Lord, I have to see this... I LURVE that song!!!!

  2. HAHAHA I love this thread... those made me smile despite the damn coooooooold I'm dealing with!


    "Mika and the swine flu"




    "Noooo! Ewww! Ewww! EEEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWW! Someone might have sneezed here! I won't touch this piano!!! "




    *cleans keyboard* "Here you go! Lets...clean...this...veeeeery well... Goodbye, you evil virus! Ew!"


    You guys kill me. :lmao:


    This thread is full of geniuses. :teehee:


    Josephine, darling, stop cleaning up the throne and bring me my sword!


    I've conquered Egypt today, hun, but you gotta hurry and pack, we'll be having some vacation in Saint Helena...




    There’s a one foot boy eleven stone

    He's sitting on my shoulder




    Dear Santa...


    Been good this year, wrote more than 80 songs, I want less hyper fans for Xmas!




  3. does anyone not from LA know where you're gonna be staying ?

    Congrats Sunshine :)




    You know what. I have just bought the album, and after We are Golden and BIOTG, I have changed my mind. I have to see this man again.




    What was I thinking? :loco:


    haha I knew you would come back to your senses! :naughty:


    NOT YAY!! but yay for WHY u r not coming ;)


    lol I understood :wink2:


    can't believe i'm really going to LA. :wub2: i dreamt of visiting this city for about 18 years, and now i'm finally going AND will see mika there! :woot_jump:


    will already arrive on oct 16, so if anyone who lives in the area wants to meet up & show me a bit of the city and/or the nightlife, let me know. :wink2: i'm travelling on my own, which is ok for the usual sightseeing, but i'd be happy to meet some new people already before the mika gigs. :original:


    woot woot, hope you have a great time!!!

  4. Just got a message from Sandbag telling my tickets have been shipped!!! :roftl: and Mika will be here in NYC tomorrow!!!! I wonder what he's up to... a surprise secret gig would be fun :teehee:


    didn't receive any email yet :(:(


    My hubby has been in NYC the last few days, and he says he saw some

    posters announcing Mika's appearance on GMA on Friday! I thought

    that was something... I told him to keep an eye out for a tall, curly-haired

    handsome young man, and he said, "Yes, dear, after nearly

    3 years of your obsession, I know what Mika looks like." :blush-anim-cl:


    I can just imagine if my husband were to run into Mika. HUBBY:

    "My wife, dcdeb is one of your biggest fans." MIKA: "Oh no, not HER!" :shocked:






    Yes, my ticket is on its way, too! :roll1: See you soon!


    But please, no secret gig -- I think my heart would break since I can't

    get up there! :tears:




    we got our tickets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    didn't receive mine yet!!! I'm beginning to worry... A LOT



    I was watching the making of the parc de princes show on itunes and got so stoked for this show, anyone know what theyre wearing yet?:mf_lustslow:


    Don't know yet but there will be some gold involved, that's for sure!!

  5. He might even come down to us. At least it happened when I went there.


    Ooooohhh that would be great!!!:wub2:


    this is from the Sonic Youth concert in July:




    Looks like everyone's seated, before the gig starts -- once it starts, I'm

    sure it's hard to keep order, but to me, it looks like they make you start

    out in your seats.


    We'll keep asking until we find out for sure. :thumb_yello:


    I hope people don't go mad when the gig starts...


    I REALLY don't want it to be a 'free for all' after it starts . . . . cause if that is the case THERE IS GOING TO BE some fights for sure. NOT COOL!


    I hope so too... don't think people are going to fight but some people might end up being ultra squished and all


    Heeey guys, I'm about to PM a bunch of you about a little idea I have! Check your inbox!:)


    I like it :)


    Wait 'til he sees him live! It changed me forever :blush-anim-cl:


    Me too.... once you see him life, you're Mikafied FOR LIFE


    That would be the first city I'd consider moving to too if I had a choice.


    Defo me too!



    Hopefully the venue will let everyone get up after everyone is seated and then we can go up the stage:wink2:


    Don't mean to be a downer but I hope that doesn't happen :(


    I just got an email saying that my NYC tickets have been dispatched via USPS and I need to sign for them.::roftl::mf_lustslow::mf_lustslow:


    Didn't recieve any email yet... *worries*

  6. Ok haven't been on this thread for ages, a lot of catching up to do!! So let the quote fest begin!!!


    She is not going to be happy bunny.

    We got DD 14,16


    I don't know how close we are.


    4th row is VERY good!!! Especially if you consider the size of this venue!


    I feel like throwing up I got


    Orch x1 LL 6 8


    aaawww... I'm sorry!!! still isn't bad!!! I'm sure you'll have a FAB time though, no matter what!!!


    Yeah and since we have no real intention to use our seats (execpt to put our jacket!) I don't see why you couldn't be together :wink2: I just hope the security won't mind if we move closer to the stage :blink:


    Euh... I would mind if people from like 5 rows behind me end up in front of me!! What's the point of a seated venue then???


    I just has the most brilliant idea...

    do you any of you have friends that are photographers that shoot concerts?

    I wanna shoot Mika!

    It's usually as simple as sending your portfolio to management and they give you some sort of press pass..

    but I want to know the right way to go about it!


    It would be seriously a complete dream come true. And after my allowed 3 or 4 songs I would go back to my seat..

    What do you guys think?


    I say go for it, it's worth trying!!!


    I have been through a SEA OF EMOTIONS this morning.


    I THOUGHT/hoped/prayed that maybe JUST maybe the ticket gods would BE WITH ME this ONE time seats are outta my own hands that queueing for 37 hours for just 2 shows would reap a wonderful blessing from the ticket gods . . WHY would I even think/feel/expect such a thing!? I am the MOST unlucky person anyone will ever meet - so WHY should this be any different?

    And there is the PROOF . . .it is JUST my LUCK! We got tickets the MOMENT the link was active and LOOK what happened!


    At FIRST I was beyond pissed/upset/devastated . . . ..


    BUT - when I SAID that I was SO GLAD to have a seated venue . .. I REALLY meant it! NOW looking at my rant - I feel like a spoiled bitch who didn't get her way. And I don't LIKE that person at all! :no:


    SO - I am NOT going to look at this show the same as ANY others. I am NOT going to focus on MIKA per say! NO NO NO . . . cause THAT would just piss me off! I am going to just HAVE FUN - being there . . . and sing and dance ans have a BLAST with Lucy! Finally we can JUST BE there together and HAVE FUN!


    . . .. I feel like a icky bitch. I really do.


    4th row is GREAT and you're not the most unlucky person in the world!!!


    I think it is possible to stand in that area during the gig. Usually it is? But I hope people are not going to queue for that area before the gig? I mean, there is no point of having a seated venue if people are going to queue and stand there before the gig?


    exactly my opinion


    and the thing is... I'm very glad this is a seated venue and that I don't have to queue, because I'm pregnant. I'm just 2 months pregnant so it's not like I have a huge belly but I do get tired more quickly and don't feel like being shoved around in a crowd...




    we HAVE nothing to worry about! :doh: WHAT THEY TOLD ME ON THE PHONE WAS T R U E for all 'seated shows' NO ONE - NO ONE - NO ONE . . is going to be allowed (passed security) in the PIT area . . . As I was told on the phone "You may stand in front of your seat - but no one will be permitted to stand in/block aisles or access the front of the stage"


    I DIDN'T BELEIVE that cause of the pics . . . I never thought for one minute THAT those pics would have been from a GA performance!


    I DON'T KNOW about yall . .. BUT I feel 100% better!! NO WORRIES! NONE!




    Good!!! :thumb_yello:

  7. He speak french and we don't care who he likes to f***? :lmfao:


    hehe that's it!!!




    Je ne me suis jamais présentée mais mieux vaut tard que jamais :wink2:


    Dites, est-ce que quelqu'un d'entre vous y va avec ses enfants ?


    Moi oui et je me suis fait dire que je n'était pas responsable d'emmener mes enfants voir son spectacle... c'est pas comme si c'était Nine Inch Nail quand même !!!


    Bienvenue sur le MFC !!! Et franchement je trouve bien que tu amène tes enfants !!! Ils vont tellement capoter !!! Ce n'est pas tous les jours qu'une telle occasion se présente ! Comme tu dis, ce n'est pas NIN et en plus c'est une salle avec des sièges


    ils devraient s'amuser! on est dans la rangee AA


    mais c'est certain qu'ils vont etre fatiguer pour aller a l'ecole le lendemain. mais c'est pas a chaque jour que mika vient en ville! :kachinga:


    exact !!!!


    Je viens de regarder pour les billets et sur le parterre, il reste juste des places individuelles :biggrin2:


    woot woot!!!


    i am sooooooo thankful that MFC could get tickets before they went out to the rest of the world! we are truly lucky !


    yeah team mika! :wub2:


    I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOOO thankful!!!!


    Hurray for MFC!!!! Hurray for team Mika!!!


    Me too. Keep the crazies at the very front, instead of mixed throughout with the "normal" people. As it should be. :naughty:


    exactly :mf_rosetinted:


    hey! je ne suis pas vraiment nouvel ici mais je ne suis pas venu depuis un sacré moment et je n'arrivait pas a ravoir mon mot de passe...


    so je me demandait si j'était la seule qui n'avait pas encore recu ces billet pour le concert... j'ai jamais fait affaire avec cette compagnie et ça m'inquiète beaucoup


    moi je n'ai jamais eu de problèmes avec Sandbag, si ça peut te rassurer...



    J'ai eu la confirmation que je suis rangée AA!! J'CAPOTE

    J'attend juste encore mes billets, j'imagine qu'ils arriveront bientôt!


    J'ai tellement hâte!! Mon premier (et dernier spectacle) de Mika, était au Club Soda en 2007!


    wowow bon siège !!! tu n'étais pas allée au Centre Bell en 2008 ?


    En théorie il ne devrait pas y en avoir

    1) Généralement dans les petites salles il n'y en a pas

    2) Le spectacle commence à 20h, c'est un peu tard pour qu'il y ait une 1ère partie.


    Bref c'est mon opinion


    C'est encore drôle... j'ai vu beaucoup de spectacles dans des salles pas mal plus petites et il y avait toujours une première partie, et les shows étaient vers ces heures-là, 20h00...


    Quelqu'un, faites-le moi savoir si quelque chose est discutée en ce fil que je devrais me rendre compte de. Comme des plans à se réunir vers le haut. Rappelez-vous, mon Français est un pamplemousse. :blush-anim-cl:


    Don't worry, if there's vital information being posted in french, we'll make sure to post it in english as well


    Sorry....I can only post in English.


    We're taking the train - so we might be able to do St. Hubert's poutine after all! :biggrin2:


    Hurray !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    St. Hubert's is really close...




    GOOGLE Directions


    Walking directions to 175 Rue Sainte-Catherine Ouest, Montreal, QC

    70 m – about 56 secs

    Suggested routes



    From: St. Hubert's, 100 Rue Sainte-Catherine OuestMontreal, QC


    1. Head southwest on Rue Sainte-Catherine O toward Rue Jeanne-Mance 70 m


    To: le Place des Arts, 175 Rue Sainte-Catherine OuestMontreal, QC


    Yeah it's right across the street!!!


    Est-ce qu'elle est bonne la poutine du St-Hub? Je suis un peu sceptique :blink: ....


    Bin c'est pas la poutine de La Banquise mais elle est quand même pas mal bonne... j'aime leur poutine au poulet ! Chose certaine, elle est bien meilleure que la poutine du McDo !!!


    Tu as raison pour la sauce mais pour ce qui est de la qualité de la patate... tu sais, la grosse patate bien graisseuse... le genre qu'on retrouve seulement au snack bar Chez Raymond :roftl::naughty:


    C'est le seul reproche que je ferais à la poutine de St-Hub... les patates ne sont pas assez grosses, molles et graisseuses

  8. BLAAAAAH! I have been away from my computer for soooo long! I have no internet at home! But I am so looking forward to this concert and seeing you/meeting you all! :D


    I saw the e-mail with my seat info and I could not be happier!!!!! AA12! This makes up for the fact that it will be my only Mika gig this tour! No joke, I am literally rolling on the floor laughing with joy in the middle of the university lobby. hahahaha.


    I'll keep checking this thread when ever I can, because I would LOVE LOVE to meet you before the concert!


    ooooh boy, with new album and concert, I feel the Mika fever invading me again! woooooh!:mf_lustslow:


    WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT good seat!!! We're planning on having dinner before the gig, come with us!!!


    This is going to be FANTASTIC.


    One of the best things about the Sadlers Wells gig was turning to my left and right and seeing fellow MFCers everywhere I looked. I can't explain that, it's just bloody amazing.


    And that's SO what we're going to have in Montreal! :yay:


    I think we should come up with some kind of coordinated look/accessory, in the same sort of flavour as the golden hats in Blackpool.


    We should defo have a coordinated look... any suggestions?


    I just want to get into Montreal relatively early. Early enough for poutine. This is very, very important. :mf_rosetinted:


    Very important indeed :mf_rosetinted:


    cassiopee (i think) was saying there is a st-hubert chicken across from PDA.

    their poutine is decent. and their :chkn: is very yummy :wink2:



    you can even get a poutine with chicken in it! :biggrin2:


    Yes their chicken poutine is good!


    we should invite mika for a poutine also :fisch:





    love them!!! and they look comfy as well


    Yes. My heels bruise and my ankles strained. I'm a golden oldie.






    I want Mika to do some interressant interviews in Montreal too! Not just Musique Plus or Musimax. So I just wrote to "Tout le monde en parle" to suggest Mika as a guest. They usually record on wednesday night so it might happend since Mika plays Boston on the Thursday night only


    Tapings for Tout Le Monde En Parle are thursday nights, not wednesday nights...


    Sure :thumb_yello: I'll also write to Radio NRJ (used to be Énergie) but Véro is well plugged there :naughty:


    you bet I am hehehe...


  9. Thank you all of you for the kind words!!! :blush-anim-cl:





    Please do, and film his reaction :teehee:


    lllol don't know if I could manage to do it without cracking up laughing... I'm not good at this kind of thing!!


    Aww!!! Congrats! This is so exciting.


    Can we talk about baby names when we go for dinner before the Montreal gig?




    You know...he WAS just in NYC for promo or whatever just a while ago .


    And NYC isn't so far from Montreal.


    And I think the timing would be right for how far along you are.


    AND that was the same trip that he was tweeting about being a "turbo sex android"...!!!! :shocked::shocked:


    Are you trying to tell us something?! :das:


    :das: you guessed right... :mf_rosetinted:


    kidding of course hehe...


    we have already chosen names haha, I couldn't wait


    I read that as "boobies":roftl:


    Congratulations Vero, and in future when you need help with anything boob-related, I am always here and available...perhaps PM or email is better for that kind of chat:aah:



    anything boob-related ?!? lollll!!


    Woooooooooo, congrats!! :yay:

    Thanks to you and Chopotte, a whole new generation of MFCers is on its way! I think we'll have to create a toddlings thread to train the newcomers from a very tender age ;)


    haha toddlings thread I love it!!

  10. I tried to figure out the clarinet part for Toy Boy :naughty:


    But as far as I know there has never been any woodwind/brass music released... just piano/guitar chords, stuff like that.


    I wish there was though! I seriously dream of doing a Mika themed Marching band show (being the huge band geek that I am). How amazing would that be?


    band geek to band geek : it would be BRILL

  11. I'm going to bring you a present in NY:teehee:


    aaawww that's so nice of you :blush-anim-cl:


    but I'm kind of supersticious... they say buying baby things or receiving baby things before you passed the 3 months mark is bad luck (the first 3 months is when the odds of having a miscarriage are pretty high)


    Oh wow, this is wonderful news Véro and so unexpected (well for me...ha!)


    Congratulations! :huglove:


    I'm sorry you won't be going to Cali either but I can't wait to see you in Montréal.


    When is the new bambino scheduled to arrive?


    Well it was unexpected for me as well to be honest lllol!!! Well we decided to start trying for a baby this winter but it happened a little sooner than we planned!! But we're very happy regardless!!! It's just a few months before another 5 years!


    From my calculations I would be due beginning of May, but I have my first appointment with the doctor Oct 20th so I'll know for sure then :)

  12. I play the flute too :D


    I didn't find any sheet music for Mika's song made for the flute, however I did buy the Life In Cartoon Motion sheet music book and in it there's the part for the piano and the part for the voice... I use the part for the voice to play it on my flute :thumb_yello:

  13. Thank you all of you !!!:fangurl:


    Aw, congratulations! :wub2::yay::flowers2:



    Sorry to hear you won't be coming to the CA shows :emot-sad:


    Aaaww sorry... sad not to go but I don't think I could manage to do it physically (a whole day of queuing + standing up the whole gig + all the plane rides) cause I get very tired very fast and money wise it wouldn't be too smart as well... gonna have loads of things to buy !


    :fangurl: ahhhhhhhhhhhhh our lollipop girl has a little lollipop in the oven!!! :wub2:






    If I have a girl, I'll dress her as Lollipop Girl for Halloween when she'll be old enough, that for sure !!


    :blink: just to be clear on this vero... you don't get 2 MFC accounts for that :teehee::lmao:



  14. Well well well haven't been here in two weeks... why? Because I've been crazy busy at work AND, I've been veeeeery tired....


    Why so tired??


    I'm PREGNANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Learned the big news sept 9th!!!


    My boyfriend and I are THRILLED, as well as our families :biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2:.


    However, this means I'm not going to be able to go the gigs in Cali, but I'm still going to the Montréal and NYC ones.


    So, that was my big news of the day!!!





    Wow haven't been here in a while... tiredness and crazyness at work are mostly responsible!! For those of you who wish to follow my pregnancy, I have posted updates complete with pictures!!! They start at page 5, but I will also post here the link to said posts:


    September 13th, 2009

    October 13th and 16th, 2009

    October 20th, 2009

    November 3rd, 2009

    November 12th, 2009

    December 14th, 2009

    December 21st, 2009

    December 24th, 2009

    January 4th, 2010

    January 14th, 2010

    January 22nd, 2010

    January 23rd, 2010

    February 10th, 2010

    February 28th, 2010

    March 1st, 2010

    March 15th, 2010

    March 21st, 2010

    March 24th, 2010

    March 31st, 2010

    April 9th, 2010

    April 12th, 2010

    April 21st, 2010

    April 26th, 2010

    May 9th, 2010

    May10th, 2010

    May 11th, 2010

    May 12th, 2010

  15. :yay:


    You're right next to me then -- I'm AA 2!


    I have to say, I'm surprised -- I had trouble logging in and then we

    were having trouble here with the MFC. I thought for sure I'd be rows

    and rows back by the time I got in to the ticket shop! Whew!


    I can't wait! :roll1:


    OK, now tell me where you're all staying! I guess I need to get that all





    woooooooooooooot we're seating together!!!!!!!!


    I was pretty confident I'd get good seats, but this is beyond my wildest dreams!!! and to get front row dead center for BOTH Montréal and NYC!!!! I'm SO happy!!!


    Yeah we need to sort that out too...

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