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Posts posted by Lana86

  1. For the people who said they dont care... has that just become a statement of choice as a mika fan or something?


    I'm not talking about mika's sexuality im talking about what the SONG is saying about the character discussed in the song... mika never said he didn't want to discuss the sexuality of billybrown... if he didnt want to discuss it or have it be talked about then why write a song about it? people discuss lyrics all the time...


    I get that mika's fans go out of their way to express their lack of care as to what mika's sexuality is... fine and dandy that you feel the best way to support him is to say you don't care which way he goes... and to be honest I don't really care much either because I'm not out to get a piece from the man... however it bugs the heck outta me when people jump into a thread to say they "dont care" obviously you care enough to waste a minute of your life typing out that statement ;)

  2. I was listening to the song the other day... and billy brown was married to a woman... then he had a relationship with a man but in the end there was somethin about him with a woman again... so i thought... its widely excepted that billy brown is gay... but the song itself confuses me towards the end...


    Do you guys know what part I'm talking about? Am I the only one that picked up on that or what...


    *from the song*

    Leaving his lover and his family behind.

    Oh Billy Brown needed to find some peace of mind.

    And on his journey and his travels on the way,

    He met a girlie who was brave enough to say,

    When they made love he shared the burden of his mind.

    Oh Billy Brown you are a victim of the times.

  3. Ok since the gig thread has been deleted, I'll repost here a copy paste of a bulletin I posted on myspace...


    Title : Mika losing his hearing ???


    On Radio Énergie this morning we heard the VP of the Show pour le Club des Petits Déjeûners explaining why Mika cancelled his appearance and he said Mika has a chronic ear and throat infection that keeps coming back and now they are worried he might lose part of his hearing...


    Sur Radio Énergie ce matin on a entendu le VP du Show pour le Club des Petits Déjeûners expliquer pourquoi Mika avait cancellé son apparition et il a dit qu'il avait une infection récurrente aux oreilles et èa la gorge et qu'en ce moment il y a même un risque qu'il perde un certain pourcentage de son ouïe...


    oh my gosh thats terrible!!!! I hope thats not true!

  4. just outta curiousity... is he actualy ill? the show isn't for over a week so whats that about? Does that mean all the shows hes got schedualed between now and then are cancelled? including new york city that morning? Just a tad bit confused over here


    Having said that... I hope he gets better soon.. I certainly wouldnt want him to miss Toronto teehehe. 1) because we love him here, 2) because being sick sucks and 3) my friend is flying out from edmonton for to see him and i'm flying home early from lebanon.. again to see him haha! so a cancellation would blow mega chunks! *begs and pleads please dont be sick mika please please take your vitamin c!!*

  5. YES - He's coming back! :woot_jump:


    Lana - where have you been?! My husband, and I were in line with you at the MOD Club last March for MIKA. I have become an obsessed fan ever since! (Well, peaks and valleys with my obsession and I'm in a little valley right now).

    You are in my pics! You tried to tell me that at one time and I didn't realize it. I've recorded you on my TV's PVR of MIKA on Much on Demand!

    I'm still kicking myself for not knowing to go to that! PLEASE PLEASE tell us if you find out anything more about his visit to Toronto. Between you and I and Christine, we can definitely be better MIKA stalkers if we team up! :roftl:

    Where are the rest of the Toronto Fans, Lana? There were so many crazy MIKA fans there last March, and I'm baffled at why they're not on this MIKA FAn Club....

    Could they have stopped being obsessing over MIKA, :blink:or perhaps they posted such naughty things on here before that their accounts were closed?! :naughty:

    Christine and I are also planning tp see MIKA in Quebec on August 10th - did you know about that?


    HEY! omg haha I didnt know you were on here! yes i knew about mika going to quebec but im going to lebanon august 8th and planned my tripto be back before the toronto show hahaha... not to worry my stalking skills are stellar so Ive got high hopes... keep in touch with me eh... I dont get a chance to come on here much what with work and... well more work haha...

    Ummm the mika fans... well chris doesnt get on here... hes not obsessed like I am.. and Julia (cute redheaded girl) i think she gets on but only lurks but shes in new zealand right now so ive been facebooking her and we re trying to make plans for mikas trip to toronto...


    PM or facebook me or something so we can get a plan going... julia and I sort of have one for now assuming she can come when she comes back from nz (she lives in alberta) so its a bit of a trip for her haha.


    my facebook is Lana Saied ... lana86@yorku.ca... and msn is vancouver_gurl@Hotmail.com

  6. Hi everyone


    I've been a major slacker when it comes to posting and lurking on here... a few days ago I came on and saw something about mika being on canadian idol... can someone tell me what thats all about? is it still a go? because i went to look at the mika tour dates and it wasnt listed on there so I wasn't sure what the deal was!


    If anyone wants to let me know I'd definitely appreciate it lots!




  7. lol you guys are taking your protective fan roles quite seriously eh? It's as if a fan can't be a fan if he/she is curious about which sex mika likes.Perhaps the effort put into believing you shouldn't be curious about which way he swings because he doesn't want to give a definitive answer helps to bury your curiousity just a tad? Or maybe it helps keep certain people's fantasy's regarding him hopeful? lol


    I gotta say... the fact that his sexuality is up in the air (depending on whether you're in denial or not or have your own reason to believe what you do either way) is kind of smart on his part because it generates interest. People are often interested in what they don't know or aren't sure about. And he teases people with it, saying things like he WON'T say what his orientation is, but then he also says he doesnt hide it etc...if anything I think that kinda encourages the speculation.


    What I don't understand is why people are so uptight about not discussing it. What's the big deal? Its curiousity not condemnation.

    You can be loyal and still wonder .... all that lack of discussion is doing is making people wonder, question, and try to come up with theories on their own without having someone else to talk to about it.

  8. turkey isn't an arabic country but there's a lot of cultural similarities (mostly because the arabic countries were once part of the ottoman empire) although turkey is more westernized. Anyway, a lot of countries have those sweets. In arabic they're called Baklawa I think... Baklava is the western term. I can't remember all the names of the countries that have them but im pretty sure they're popular amongst some euro countries!

  9. well the good thing is... had they recognized him they woulda acted like he was the hottest thing ever... which may not be what they truly thought but they'd act it anyway to get somewhere if they liked the song so much and stuff... if just to say they "did this" with "so n so"...


    SO at least he isnt so recognizable that he can't get an honest reaction anymore... because once it gets to that point then its going to be very hard for him to know who around him actually likes him and who wants to ride his coat tails

  10. So the other day i was in a GUESS store at the mall and they started playing this awesome super club dance mix of Love today...

    I don't really know whos done the mix or anything but does anyone know where I can get any dance-y club mixes of the song? or does anyone have any to share? having said that are we allowed to share a mix?

  11. Well I must say z103 was a lot better as a station a while back... now a days they play a lot of "club" anthems and stuff... I stopped listening a while back too but someone informed me of the Mika situation last night at the movie theater (Famous Players had a Bunch of TV screens everywhere and they were playing the love today video) Anyway so I came home and checked it out and sure enough it had been dumped. He'll probably get tons of airplay on 104.5 Chum FM in toronto.

  12. I bought 2 copies of Attitude Magazine where MIKA is on the cover!


    Took long enough to get here.

    I purchased it at Chapters/Indigo (i had only been calling them over the last 2 months and asking them to check the Gay Lifestyle section and I was driving them mad).


    I had to find their stepstool and bring it over to the Gay Lifestyle section because it was way high up as though it was an adult magazine or something.

    (I barely make 5 feet and several patrons raised there eyebrows)


    Now i live in a suburb of the Greater Toronto Area, so I can't know for sure if its everywhere across the country - but you might find it at your local Chapters!!


    haha chapters pimps mika its great... the one my friend works at plays his cd a few times a day... which is great I think because hello major exposure! my friend didnt even like him and now he does :)

    anyway thats awesome about the magazine..


    and on a side note, im a creeper and i was looking at your avatar pic.. what pics have you got from the mod club show up in the vip area with mika? cuz I can slightly detect someone wearing pink in the corner of ur pic and i think that might be meeee! lol

  13. im consdiering mikas june 15th concert him giving me himself for my birthday cause my birthdayis june 20th


    haha I almost wore a birthday sash or like my bday tiara just to stand out but then I thought that I'd look like an attention seeker so I decided against it... now I know otherwise since he seems to like ppl dressing up silly!

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