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Posts posted by lollypop

  1. yes I'm talking about Nouvelle star! :thumbdown:


    oh non! abusé! sérieux pourquoi cette émission pourrie!! et en quelle honneur ils l'ont utilisé? j'ai entendu lollipop quand ils faisaient la pub au début mais c'est tout!


    sorry for the englishs if I speak in french but that's more easy!:blush-anim-cl:

  2. At least it shows that football and french pop idol have great musical taste


    that's true! We can listen mika everywhere! at tv, at radio, in the street people puts relax take it easy very high in their cars, in pubs....

    that's great for him...and for our ears! :wink2:

  3. Well I think what I am going to tell you is even more shameful : Last wednesday night they put the whole Life in cartoon motion record during our french version of Pop Idol!!!!


    QUOI? they put mika on this? that's worse! french version , do you talk about the nouvelle star?

  4. Thanks to YOU Sivan to have makes this wonderful scrapbook for mika! now, he knows we exists! lol


    dear mika if u read this thread!

    I would like to thank you say you for all that you brought in my life to one period when nothing was good in my life. you gave again me the smile and now I am (almost) happiest of the people! (almost because I would be to it really the day when I would see you in truth!)

    Thanks you for ALL!



  5. :mf_lustslow:

    He probably is! But the best thing about this picture, for me anyway, is the sleepy look on his face, it's so homely! He definitely wasn't prepared to be photographed, but came out as gorgeous as ever! I wonder who took this picture?


    maybe his mum or one or his sister...don't know....but I like it that's sweet!:mf_lustslow:

  6. i saw the same advert :roftl: it was on canal + wasn't it ??


    oublie pas quand meme que c'est canal plus qui a lancé mika en france grace au grand journal !! donc tant que ça fait un peu de pub à mika je vois pas le mal !! :wink2::blush-anim-cl:


    ouai t'as raison mais bon....happy ending quoi! meme si c'est pour le psg mdr


    That's true it makes publicity for mika so...

  7. Oh. My. God.

    I can't believe my eyes! I've been looking the tv and what I've seen?

    A publicity for a football match. Ok, you'll tell me, And so?

    And so? Do you know what's the music behind? A song of our lovely Mika. Which one? "Happy Ending"! I can't believe they use this so wonderful and emotional song for football!!

    Isn't it's a shame? :sneaky2: Ok maybe not a shame, but for evidence they don't know the sense of this song!


    Grr! :thumbdown: french tv!

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