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Posts posted by lollypop

  1. OK. I'll try to translate it:


    welcome to the new star of pop music, excentric and talentuous(?) He's a real star in england, and even in france, it's mika!

    We don't know if he has chocolate tablets (lol mika milka ahahah)

    Indeed, his album 'life in cartoon motion" is a real delight.

    If you don't know him, he 'll be this night in paris at the trabendo, look, you didn't know him more, because it's sold out!

    but, the june, 30 at the olympia, you'll can go applause him!

    welcome to the one who give us tube like "relax" or "grace kelly" (with the accent thank you L ruquier! lol "graasse kelly" lol)

    Me, I know his voice, only his voice, I 've never see him, I know only his songs because there are often on radio , but for the first time in this show, Mister Mika!

    (applause! lol)


    LR: welcome! I don't imagine you like that! I was seing you in an completly other way!

    Mika: smaller! lot of people says I'm small

    LR: he speak a very good french mika! why? You're from lebanon, you live in england, you consider yourself as a britannic with a lebanese culture, but you lived a long time in france!

    M: 8 years, yeah, in paris! But Ido a lot of mistakes! I said it now!

    A member of the crew: you have nothing italian? because you look like the "david " of michelange!

    M: it's a compliment thanks!

    AMOTC: in general yes! It's not to say to someone is ugly!

    LR: for the ones who haven't seen you, on the radio you have for sure heard that! this is the clip!


    (videos of relax and grace kelly)


    LR: it's real pop music! Annie!

    M: I'm a little bit afraid!

    Annie: afraid? why? of what?

    M: of you all!

    A: don't worry everybody loves you here!

    M: oh ok!

    A: I wanna ask you : you travelled a lot, and at a moment, music saved you, because at eleven, you stopped speaking

    M: yes, when we moved to france from london, it was very difficult, I was in a very small school here in paris and I moved to a big high school in london so I've a lot of problems at school because I'm dislexic, we say that in french? dislexic? I was 11, and I couln't read and write, and it was a problem!

    (joke from a man about dislexic and miss mexic)

    M: and after I"ve a lots of problems at london and they makes me go out of school and during 6 months, I've learned the sing with my professor

    LR: but indeed, you have vocals facilities quite amazing!

    M: yes , she coach me very well...

    LR: I've heard you have 5 octaves (?)

    M: no, that's not true! It's impossible, 5 octaves!


    (joke from a man: some girls have 5 jules but 5 "octave"! Octave: the name! ahahah)


    Olivia: It's genial! A question: lebanes mum, american dad, you lived only a year on lebanon...

    M: yes, we were evacuated!

    O: you must leave, we can read in your biography that your dad was kept, during the Irak war, when you was 9, during 10 months in koweit.

    M: He's gone to a businness trip ,he was in koweit the first night of the war, at golfe in 90's , he was in the american ambassade during 7 months. We only received fax every weeks, we looked CNN every night until 2 AM!

    LR: steevie is totally fan, I think!

    (steevie is the blond guy, you know, the idiot! ;) )


    Steevie: it's correspond me totally! It's come close to genius! I've discover you and your album yesterday and I'm completely fan! I'ts incredible! and you're handsome! (lool) you've got everything!

    LR: he chat up a lot!

    S: I don't chat up! It's only that...

    LR: he's alone in paris!


    S: and what? me too and we don't die for that! (pff!)

    S: just a thing: the melodies stay in head. My favorite song is N.6 "any other world" (thanks for the accent too!) that's incredible! It's a wonderful song! All the album is great! There's nothing bad in it! It's joyful! Now, I'll make my sport on it! YOU OUST MADONNA!!


    Lr: Pierre, that's not you cup of tea!

    Pierre: (the older) That's not my cup of tea but I like it a lot! It's really...there are all the notes!

    LR: (laughing) there are all the notes!

    P: it's true i love a lot a lot a lot! It's happiest, funny ...

    Lr: What happened? I see "not terrible" on my paper next to pierre benichou!

    the blond girl: he believed that it was fred mercury! (ahahah)

    (Lr explain to mika that before they gave their point of view on the paper about him. everybodys (talkin :wink2: ) say what they have written on the paper, but Pierre B wrote "not terrible". LR ask him an explication)

    LR: you're afraid by his fisically apparence! (ahahah)

    P: they asked me about ...(I haven't understand who...mika neither!)

    (PB try to explain himself but it was a fiasco! (lol thanks to my mother for this wonderful expression!)


    LR: isabelle alonzo said "oh yes! He's incredible this guy!"

    IA: pierre think you look like david but I think you look like my nephews! who I like above all! (It's a personal perception! riri, fifi, loulou and mika! ahahah) you are the incarnation of grace (kelly? lol) and the gift! grace by your physical and the gift by what you do! So bravo, follow in that way "a star is born" (oh what a good english!) we don't see everyday at the apparition of a real artist, so I am carried away!

    LR: july, 12 I say that for the lyonnais who looks at us, you'll be at lyon "life in cartoon motion" Do you know how many have you sell in england?

    M: well, I think a lot!

    LR: very good! and in france?

    M: so, yesterday (all my troubles seems so faaar away! sorry) they said to me that we are platinum!


    Everybody! WHOAOU!!!




    LR: now, Jerome bonaldi comes in order to they meet each other!


    (applause and music)

    (Bonaldi present originals products)

    LR: you don't come for nothing mika!

    PBenichou: mika you are a star and you have to support jerome bonaldi!



    JB: international music, international language: you know 'les codes barres" bar codes in english On every product, there are the little strokes

    everybody: we know what is a bar code

    M: there is one on my cd!

    Jb: now, we have tags! tag in french and tag in english too (thank you! )

    This thing is better than a bar code! because everybody can read it: you download on you computer, you can read this with a webcam or better, you download it for free on you mobile (examples with visits card, micro onde and clothes. On this tag, there are informations about the persons)


    LR: you know there is a rule on this emission!

    M: what is it?

    LR: when we receive international star, and now you are, and beware! we have received a lot, who? hm...lionel richie, paolo nuttini, will smisse!

    M: who?

    LR: will smisse!

    M: oh will smith!

    LR: oh! Have you seen that? He makes fun of me! I said will smisse, he said who? I said will smisse he said oh WILL SMITH ! how i have to said will smisse?

    M: No! but you said that really well!

    LR: say it!

    M: will...smith!

    Lr: oh...we receive boby!...heu moby!

    the blondasse: we had fred mercury! (ahaha it makes 2 now!)

    LR: to all we ask them if they know a little french song for the the french audience! just a chorus, 4 verses! Lionel richie sang alouette gentille alouette!

    M: (singing) alouette gentille alouette!

    LR: please! can you try to find something else!

    M: (singing) tout les garçons et les filles de mon age se promenent dans la rue main a main, tout les garçons et les filles de mon age se promenent dans la rue something something et les yeux dans les yeux et les mains dans la main ...(it's a song from francoise hardy)

    LR: francoise hardy! It's a proof of the english favorite's singer! no?

    M: no that's true! "Je dessin" a little too!

    LR: sorry?

    M: "je dessin"! I love "je dessin"!

    LR: who? oh! joe dassin! (french singer) JOE DASSIN!

    M: ahaha! will smith! (looool X 10000000000000000000000000000)

    LR: so we sing it both!

    M: je me baladais

    LR: sur l'avenue

    M: du coeur ouvert

    Lr: a l'inconnu

    M: j'vais envie de dire bonjour a ...will smith!

    LR: et ce fut toi

    M: et je te dis

    LR: n'importe quoi!

    M: j'vais envie de ...t'atttrivoiser something

    LR: apprivoiser!

    M: I don't know this word!

    LR: ok! bravo mika! "life...." a success this album! platinum disc! june, 30 at the olympia! (yessss! I'll be there!!!!!) thank you and bravo!



    It's the end! Pfiiooooooou!! such a work! Be happy! I've done it just for you!

    Can I have a present now? lol

    I'd like to thank my mum who help me, the dictionnary larousse pocket, my cat who miaow to tell me "hey! I'm there! i'm hungry!" (such a love!) my best friend who called me 2 times just to know if I have done!

    And thank you all! If I there today, it's because of you, my audience!

    I've promise myself not to cry tonight! snif...



    lol I'm really really sorry!

  2. He IS a wonderful creature! lol I've just looking again the vidoe and I'm still laughing! The will smith thing is hilarious!

    I can try to translate this in english but it's very hard for me, but I try for you, just for you, O beautiful people of MFC!

  3. yes...but it's written by freddie's fan so they don't understand why mika don't want to be compared to freddie! It's a big honor for them! (and for me too! ^^ but I understand mika's point of view)

  4. I just wanna said that I'm a huge fan of queen and I have the newsletter every week and this week, there are 2 article about mika! :


    Mika was recently commented in Rolling Stone April 2007 issue about his hit song, not only mentioning Freddie, but being compared to him, yet again!


    10 Artists to watch in 2007, and Mika is one of them. RS mentions that "British pop sensation scores with Freddie Mercury-style falsetto" and that "Somewhere in the cosmos, Freddie Mercury must be happy. His legacy is in the hands of Mika, the British hitmaker who brings his operatic vocals and grandiose piano theatrics to tracks like 'Grace Kelly.'"


    Also a mention on his new album review: "Big Girl (You Are Beautiful)" inevitably recalls "Fat Bottomed Girls"



    and this:


    Pop sensation MIKA hopes critics will stop comparing him to British music legends QUEEN - because he doesn't want to be associated with FREDDIE MERCURY's dress sense. The GRACE KELLY star, who yesterday (26MAR07) dubbed SCISSOR SISTERS "mediocre", admits he finds it tough when the press liken his music to that released by the group's late flamboyant frontman. He tells the New York Daily News, "I get tired of talking about it. "I would be willing to more if that's where I was coming from. Just so long as they don't compare our dress sense."


    Ed: He should be flattered... (I think he IS but I think it's boring to be compare everytime to freddie, he's not freddie, he's HIMSELF! he's unique and we love him the way he is!)


    What do you think? (I'm sure you'll be agree! :wink2: )

  5. haha me too, i love it when they make fun of christine bravo though :naughty:

    steevy was totally hitting on mika haha!


    I haven't see the beggining of the show, it was a friend who called me just to tell me he was on that! But, omg! not steevy! Please mika! steevy is horrible and stupid!

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