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Posts posted by BexxY

  1. THIS is how i want you 2 to be!

    our guardian angels!

    don't mind what others may say...we love you and we need you!



    i love seeing old faces in mfc ! :naughty: :naughty:

    pls hun...where's andy's book???:blush-anim-cl:


    oh yes Andy'd book i still have it the postal service sent it me back can you believe it :thumbdown: :thumbdown:

    and now rose tells me Andy isnt going to be with mika for future concerts just behind the scenes stuff now :sneaky2:


    Oh yes im alive and soo much stronger now i live and learn

  2. Hello guys,


    I dont suppose anyone could help me out here ..im really really tempted to go to this concert but ive never been abroad bymyself before and i just dont know where to start tickets / accomodation and travel...



  3. AWW we'd love you to be there Bexx, in the Lollipop girl outfit too.

    It's your b'day next week, come on here, we'll make a big fuss of you. If I get another run up there, I'll pop a card into yours. And just hope I don't run into a certain someone, well you know where I stand there, he'd just better not be around is all I'll say.


    dont worry everyone i know + at work wants to kill him basically for doing this to me ....so he will probably be battered before you arrive :roftl:


    July 8th is amserdam right? what is it a massive music festival?

  4. Like me, you mean? :mf_rosetinted:


    Babs lets get a huge farm and buy a thousand cats and live together :roftl: :roftl: :roftl: :roftl:


    Oh i know life goes on and things but im still hurting over this guy just trying to get my head around how and why he acted like a ******* :blink:


    Its not helping its my Birthday next week and he had made massive plans for a huge party ...and now i have nothing

  5. im bearing up i have to say ...the ground breaking news is that he is official back with his ex girlfriend now.


    After months of hearing that guy tell me how much he loved me and how he wanted to marry me ...to have it all blown away in the space on ten minutes in a carpark and now seeing him canoodling with another girl...i wont lie to you all...it hurts.


    Ive lost all faith and trust in men what can i say when i reach 60 i will be an old spinster listening to my Mika cd on repeat with a house full of cats or something :blink:

  6. Vicky, congratulations on 1000 posts.

    Wendi, I think we may have Bexxy joining us in Amsterdam, she badly needs a Mika fix right now after what she's been through. So she's looking at flights and tickets. It would be great to have her with us.

    MM we could sneakily divert your flight around to Holland, ha ha!


    *nods her head*


    Yeah what i need right now is a mika fix :boxed:

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