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Posts posted by avoca

  1. 1 for now, robertina, maybe two but not sure about the second, i have to check the dates :wink2:


    i say and it's just my humble opinion: go colourful and funny if you had ALREADY planned to do that, otherwise if that doesn't suit your style, then don't do it. it'd be fake and it'd make you all feel uncomfortable. so I say dare if you feel like it, not case you're told.

    and this is general meant, not addressed to anyone in specific, nor mika is blaimed as the source of this, which I agree has lots to do with the publicity stunt.

  2. it workssssssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:punk: *hugs sinatrasdame* thx a lot, honey! that was very kind of you!


    I BTW managed to make work the lovely mika interview posted on our boy my space bonus link. it never worked before for me (it's been posted another thread about it). I cannot find it now: this forum is so big, I loose track of it.. LOL

    I had to modify the script slighty but it works now *grins*

  3. lovely! thx robertina and thx son too! :wink2:


    i still think we should try and meet him FIRST and then eventually after too. cause I do am worried about the after show, if there's some sort of afterparty somewhere we are not admitted to, he may have to run. shall we stick to that? we can always meet him twice *whishful thinking*

  4. i dunno, never seen him live (yet: will report about it in the next week *grins*), but come on, don't tell me one is flirting with another cause they share microphone and they pretend they are singing at each other? that's the show going on :wink2:


    and with this I don't mean to state anything about mika's sexual orientation, which I simply don't care about. he can be either way, it's absolutely fine by me. I think people is growing tired to read me writing that.. *rolls eyes* :wink2:

  5. Actually I have only one pendant, since my idea was to bring a pendant-gift for each fan from the MFC at Milano. btw, it would be great to meet him before the concert but some of us can't be there very early..:sad:


    Today i've given the badges to be printed: Avoca if yours won't arrive in time i'll give you one!:wink2:



    oooooh i love bowling! but i suck so bad :D Everytime i have fun, but i never, NEVER strike a pin! not even one!:roftl: but it would so great to have a bowling night just MIKA and MIKA-ettes!!



    thx, mirtilla, you're such a sweetheart! :wink2:

  6. i am feeling a little more relaxed now on the contrary, which is great, I really was in crappy mood today. I don't like being so, sorry personal note LOL :wink2:


    I agree, things is getting out of his hands. everything so big, esp. in italy: the organisation has made grow in the italian concert out of proportion I am afraid.. that "scares" me a little, as far as our chances to get even to talk to him.. I think his tour is long and though fun and exciting it may be a lot tiring either. we are not all in good mood 24/7, aren't we? :wink2: so it may just be an episosde.


    I have though not come all the way and not even get to say hi and hand him my present, ours as well. nope.

  7. thanks a lot, guys you are both so nice! :thumb_yello:


    esperia, I don't know yet what time I'll come. I have to book my ticks hence my question at about what time I should be there to see the concert from a decent position :)

    I have got a map and some info by friends, so I should be able to spot the place.. hehe if ya see some red haired weirdo walking lost in the streets nearby, you'll know that's me! drop me a line and point me the right direction! LMAO :biggrin2:


    robertina, I think I'll try and be there at some point in the afternoon as early as possible. maybe even by lunch time, depending on the times. I'd love to wait together for the concert, it's a long wait.. we can give each other details later on.


    one thing, to all people attending this concert: inspired by sivan's awesome idea, should we try and put together smt for our boy? doesn't even need to be a scrapbook, just some sign of our appreciation as fans! we can give it a thought here and then I can volunteer to gather up the material. maybe we can send each other by email what's possible and what's not, we can add when we meet outside the concert hall.. what do you think?

    I'll start an appropriate thread for it. :)



    that was on march 26th. page 2 and 3 of this thread.


    I've posted about the pendant thing in the other thread, just one for us two, we give him plenty of other things also.


    no, I am seldom online lately. didn't read much here. what's with the paris/us concerts? problems?

  8. I thought to sum it up in one as I was afraid the necklace'd get too heavy, so I got this thing and will give him from both of us.

    plus I had got him the other things just from us two, from when it seems no one wanted to join a common present, so I'm axctually showering him in presents.

    my daughter made some little thing of her own too. lol santa avoca :naughty:

  9. hi people...ONE, I SAY ONE, WEEK LEFT!!!


    OMG, I've got so many things left to do!!!

    I'd like to start a new thread about the necklace...so maybe HE could read it....finding it suddenly in his way to the forum...as a new title...


    ok, no answers..I'LL DO IT!!!


    I did post a thread when I firstly threw the idea of putting together a present for him especially for this concert, but everyone ignored it..

  10. hi robertina, heavily engaged these days. god, I am tired and bad mood, the concert will be some fresh air, honest. never mind.


    I have found the pendant :) I hope he'll like it, it's small and it may suit him :)


    I 100% agree to put together the necklace BEFORE concert, that's what'd be best. many of us come there early and we can gather up, assemble necklace and try and give him. I sense afterthe gig there'll be a huge crowd trying and see him and it'd be more difficult. not to mention many of us have to stick to a certain time schedule.


    today i got other things to prepare the rest of my stuff. hope he'll like it all. he'll probably laugh of it LOL


    badges have not come yet. :blink:

  11. i have ordered the badges but they have not come yet.. :shocked: I hope the postal service won't get slowed down cause of the easter. *keeps fingers crossed* I should have my own MFC 5 badges..


    good news about the panels, good girl robertina :wink2:


    yeah, show's about 45 min. way to short for what I'd wish, but there's nothing to do about it, is there? I sense the opening band will be on stage like an hr. that's the usual, but again its a shame they are on stage longer than our boy.. :shocked:


    dunno yet what # I'll use on the trip, will let ya know as soon as I know it.

  12. Avoca...do you like this one? The letters are extending into the pic a bit though. Let me know.





    looks great, girl!! thanks!! :thumb_yello: *hugs*


    BTW, it gives me some kinda error when I tried to install one for trial.. i have updated my flash player but it does the same.. ideas..? :blink:

  13. oh, I had thought about cartoon character and lollipop pendants.. *puppy eyes* LOL never mind, I'll find smt else! ;)


    oh robertina, you read there are some troups of fangirls planning to stalk him..?? sigh we won't be the only ones. but we don't wanna stalk him, just say him hello politely and not shouting I WANNNA MARRY YAAAAA.. :naughty: *so darlin, (mika) please consider our request to save for us 10 minutes of your precious time* :thumb_yello:

  14. yes, darlin (meaning mika) if you read this, please consider us who have come all the way to hear you play and sing live and to see you in person and to deliver little gifts from daughter who otherwise will slaughter me.. *gulps* :blink:


    thx for the panel, robertina! you, clever thing! :thumb_yello:

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