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Posts posted by Droopsy

  1. Thanks for translation Cam !


    Many of us had the same experience at school...I was the lucky one who never ever did. I recall my teachers and schoolmates with warm feelings .


    But Mika`s years at school have made him a bit thick-skinned. It`s essential for his current life, it was tough but a useful "lesson" after all.


    Too true, I remember my teachers from hell all to well :mf_rosetinted:

  2. ...interesting... following the convo from the gig thread, it seems to me that the 'surprise element' is something the journalist asked him about because of his previous shows and he is neither confirming or denying it but says that it won't be the same as last time - meaning the BG / LG parade, I guess.


    so 75+ is only allowed for Russia in Eurovision? :lmfao:




    Yeah, probably no more LG/BG but it's time he shakes things up a little :teehee: Anyway, I'm ready to be surprised :)

  3. Here is a little interview (in Estonian) with Mika from today http://publik.delfi.ee/news/muusika/mika-mu-ema-on-toenaoliselt-see-kel-vaike-pudel-viskit-garderoobis-peidus.d?id=64596084


    Seems like there will be probably some kind of action with audience or surprise for us... :teehee:


    Thanks for the translation!


    Here is a translation (sorry if there are many mistakes), hope it's a bit better than Google version:teehee:


    Mika: my mother is probably the one who has a little bottle of whiskey hidden in dressing room!


    On 5th July Mika will perform at Õllesummer main stage, he did it couple of years ago as well where fans made a memorable surprise to him. Today Mika is on phone while sitting on garden chair in London, he is speaking and laughing that probably his mother has got secretly a bottle with her although alcohol is not allowed on backstage at their show. It was a big surprise that Mika was really chatty and open while talking about Eurovision...

    What do you remember about the concert in Estonia few years ago?


    I remember the surprise which fans made to me, when they threw balloons in to the air (there should be “bubbles”, I think editor made a mistake whit translating). When you are on a tour and and all days are so similar, then you remember days like this. Foe example, a half year ago at Seol gig in Korea fans threw 3 000 toilet paper rolls into the air, it was like toilet-roll-firework.

    Do girls have a chance to go on stage with you this time too?


    Yes, probably. Everything is not sure yet, but we always try to do some kind of action with audience or a surprise for them. But it won't be exactly the same like last time.

    Are you planning to hang around the city after the show?


    Yes, absolutely! I didn't have any idea how beautiful Tallinn is. But last time I found many cool places where hang around and I'll go there probably this time too.

    You don't allow alcohol on backstage at all. Why?


    Where did you hear it already? Actually yes, because alcohol and drugs are the source of danger. Few years ago a team member drunk too much and I want it won't ever happen again. I don't care what those people are doing outside of tour, but when they need to set up a show which lasts two hours and do their job every night, then alcohol is not good. Backstage have to be clean and okay.

    We thought that maybe your mother is strict and it is her wish...

    (Mika has a mother with him on tour, last time she was looking from audience for the girls who could go on the stage – editor's remark)


    (Laughing.) No, no, my mother is probably the one who has a little bottle of whiskey hidden in dressing room.

    Do you watch the Eurovision?


    This year while ESC I was in studio in New York and streamed it on the Internet with those people there, because they even hadn't heard about ESC before. In their opinion it was the most terrible thing they had ever seen.


    Do you remember Estonian song and what do you think about the English song?

    Unfortunately I don't remember Estonian song, but English... Bad. Awful. Terrible. Horrible. There are two potions: whether people went there to make a joke or sing, but you stand out more with joking. In my opinion people under 75 shouldn't be allowed to participate in the ESC. Russian song was awesome! Everyone should be like this.


    Would you take a part in the Eurovision if you could have a chance?


    Never – I don't have the something that you need for it. Maybe I could make a joke and watch, but I won't attend seriously for sure.


    Mika will perform at Õllesummer at Tallinn Song Festival Grounds next Thursday, on 5th July at 11 PM!


    :Update: Second interview:


    It's ready !! Sorry for my bad English and there might be mistakes too !!!



    „On the stage, I’ve been thrown by many bras and condom packs.“ Says popstaar Mika about his fans. Mika will give a concert again in Estonia next Thursday.


    „Once someone took a bunch of naked pictures and made a book of them and threw it to the stage“, remembers mika. „It looked so innocent that I took it with me and put it on my dressing room table. There were many fan letters so I couldn’t have time to open the book. Of course my mom came there, looked the letters and found the book.“ Mika laugus:“36 pages of pornographic pics. She looked at them at she was pretty startled.“ One time audience decided to surprise Mika during „Lollipop“ with throwing lollipops to the stage. „It sounds sweet, but reality is that, lollipop is a hard candy on a stick and it someone throws you with a lollipop from 10 metres, it’s not really nice“, admits Mika, so he asked fans to stop throwing them. „And once (Mika underlines word „once“), when I threw lollipop back to the crowd, it flew into an eye of a girl!“ sighs Mika. „They took the kid away quickly, she missed big part of the concert and finally her dad wanted to sue me. Then I though, f*ck those lollipops, they only bring back luck.“


    „A boy sent a long letter, why he hates his sister“


    Fans, also fanletter and –gifts are very important to Mika. „I get Everything for gifts: once I got 10 000 folded paperbird, then I got a camera. One girl was obsessed with me that I had to take it,“ remembers Stinger and says that the price of the gift is not important to him, important is that the gift or a letter would touch him. Touching letters are ones which make Make to react. „I answer to lettrs, but not all of them. We used to thank for letters before but now we can’t do it anymore. Too many of them. From time to time I get fanletters which are very touching. For example once a young girl from the UK sent me a letter how she fell down from the swing and is paralyzed now. I sent her a video,“ says Mika.


    „A 9-year old boy sent me a long letter of why he hates his sister,“ laughs Stinger. „And then I thought why he would sendi t to me, it’s not my business but in some reason he thought it is.“ Mika says that he’ll get letters from fans in age 25-91. „It’s amazing ’cause if someone does something like that, it reminds me that the music and things I do and create, traavel very far and this inspires me.“ Some times Mika has surprised his fans with visiting them. „But if I do something like this, then I ask to keep it a secret ’cause I’m not doing it to advertise myself.“

    „Once, someone wanted to rob my dog.“

    „Fans don’t have to be afraid of that I’m throwing their letters and gifts away. We have storage for them,“ says Mika. „It’s full of every kind of things what peole have made – there are dolls, sculptures, paintings, letters, books,“ he counts. „By the way, that storage was a suitcase in the beginning. Then it was a closet where I kept things and in last 5 years i have got so many things that storage is same big as a apartment with one bedroom.“ Not all Mika fans are with good personality. „I have had some not so nice experiences.. – I’ve been threatened and people have hidden themselves near to my house,“ he says.


    „Once, someone wanted to rob my dog. It’s the weirdest thing in the world – why would someone want to rob a dog?!“, wonders Mika, admitting he doesn’t take some extreme incidents seriously. „I believe that those people just need help.“


    „I hope that Estonian fans surprise me again!“


    „When you stend on the stage and during some song thousands of people blow bubbles, you’ll remember it for the rest of your life. Since I do one concert arter another, then fans are doing those kind of things for me to remember the concert. And it helps! I hope that something like that will happen again!“, says Mika , who’ll perform on 5th of July at Õllesummer and he hopes that this time fans will do something that amazing like it was the bubble blowing two years ago.


    When Mika performed in 2010, then it was one fan’s idea on the internet to take bubbleblowers to the concert to blow those during „Happy ending“. „When people do something like that it means a lot to me,“ says Mika. „Couple of yeas ago I had a concert where people threw about 2000 paperplanes to the air and at the ohter concert about 3000 people started suddenly to throw toilet paper rolls towards the stage.“, says mika about his brighter fan actions. „These kind of moments are very special and sweet.“

  4. Is he talking about a band member or a team member? Not sure about it, I have to google translate Estonian too (lol, there are same words as in Finnish, but the meaning is different).


    Haha! I know, it's hard to tell with this translate machine :aah: I think I'm going to copy it to the news section, and hopefully a nice Estonian member can help us out with translating :blush-anim-cl:

  5. Here is a little interview (in Estonian) with Mika from today http://publik.delfi.ee/news/muusika/mika-mu-ema-on-toenaoliselt-see-kel-vaike-pudel-viskit-garderoobis-peidus.d?id=64596084


    Seems like there will be probably some kind of action with audience or surprise for us... :teehee:


    I was just reading it! Google translate sucks, but I think I like this interview! There are some interesting things mentioned! I wonder who the band member is he's talking about....

  6. A little interview, but there's really not much new info unfortunately...


    edit: wait, does he really say he hates kick-ass?? :aah: Maybe this is old news already, I didn't know it yet :lmfao:






    Mika : mon prochain album ? "De l'amour, de la tolérance et de la joie"


    Mika is back. Un an après avoir fait danser la France avec "Elle me dit", le chanteur d'origine libanaise vient de dévoiler deux titres de son prochain album "The Origin Of Love" à paraitre le 17 septembre prochain. Deux morceaux qui laissent présager une nouvelle sonorité électro-dance. Virage ou pas ? Comment a-t-il travaillé ? Pourquoi Pharrell Williams sur "Celebrate" ? Pure Charts a rencontré MIKA qui lève le voile sur son troisième opus.


    "The Origin Of Love" est le morceau qui ouvre et qui donne son nom à votre troisième et prochain album (lire notre critique)… Un titre très produit, électro-dance, à l'opposé de "Relax" ou "Rain" et qui donne un peu le ton de ce disque. (Steven Bellery, journaliste)

    MIKA : C'est le premier titre. Il présente le thème et le son de cet album. J'écoute énormément de musiques différentes. J'adore écouter de la musique sans les barrières, sans les frontières. Du jazz au classique. Alors je me suis dit pourquoi pas faire un album qui utilise un côté de la musique électro. J'avais en tête comme références la musique des années 60 quand les instruments électro ont fait leur apparition. Et en même temps la musique des années 80, la bande originale de Blade Runner, la house française et plus récent Daft Punk.


    Une électro à la sauce Mika donc… La semaine dernière, vous dévoiliez "Celebrate", votre nouveau single qui succède à "Elle me dit". Un titre produit avec Pharrell Williams. C'est tout de même très différent de vos anciens titres…


    Je voulais faire de la musique avec un côté électro mais avec beaucoup de chœurs. Je ne voulais pas quelque chose de fait sur un ordinateur. Sur "The Origin Of Love" ou "Celebrate", tout est vrai. C'est moi et des musiciens dans un studio en train de jouer. Et après on fait de la post-production, on découpe tous les morceaux pour les programmer. Mais tous les ingrédients sont acoustiques. C'était la manière de donner du cœur à quelque chose qui a tendance des fois à être trop froid, trop machine…


    On sent à l'écoute de votre album (qu'on découvrira en septembre) que vous avez digéré une grande partie des cinquante années de l'histoire de la pop… D'ailleurs, la seconde partie du disque est clairement pop et pas électro, c'est plus du Mika que l'on connaît…


    Le but de cet album c'était de parler de l'amour, de la tolérance et de la joie. Je voulais aussi représenter ce que je suis comme fan de musique. J'écoute de la musique depuis l'enfance sans savoir ce que c'est. A Paris, j'écoutais Gainsbourg, Moustaki, Nina Simone, Louis Armstrong, du reggae… Je ne sais pas ce que je fais la plupart du temps, je fais des chansons qui me plaisent, qui me font sourire, qui me font pleurer…


    Vous avez tout de même travaillé différemment que pour "The Boy Who Knew Too Much"


    Cette fois-ci c'était complètement l'inverse oui. Le dernier album j'avais travaillé seul au piano. Cette fois-ci, j'ai écrit et produit en même temps.


    Est-ce qu'on peut parler de virage alors ?


    C'est complètement dans la continuité. C'est sincère. C'est pas un virage même s'il y a beaucoup de développements. Je ne me suis pas dit tiens je vais faire un album avec Timberland, je vais lui donner 500.000 dollars et hop. Je n'avais aucune intention de faire cela. On me dit alors, pourquoi ne pas travailler avec RedOne ? J'ai répondu "j'ai déjà fait un titre avec lui et j'ai détesté ce titre"… J'aime bien ce qu'il fait pour Lady GaGa mais ça n'était pas pour moi. Je n'allais pas acheter un son !


    Vous avez tout de même appelé Pharrell Williams pour "Celebrate" ?


    Je voulais travailler avec lui sur le deuxième album. Je l'ai contacté. Il m'a dit OK c'est 100.000 dollars. Tu m'envoies 50.000 avant qu'on commence et 50.000 quand on a fini. J'ai répondu par fax au management, j'ai écrit : "Is this a joke ?" (est-ce que c'est une blague ?, NDLR). Cette fois-ci, on a travaillé ensemble sur deux titres. Aucun contrat. Pas d'échange d'argent, pas de règles. Absolument zéro problème. Il était complètement cool, il a compris que je voulais sa musicalité pas son nom. Je voulais juste m'amuser avec lui.


    --Steven BELLERY

  7. sorry, i didn't know it was released now somewhere else than in france. :wink2:i've been in mika delirium the last few days you know :mf_rosetinted::teehee:


    Haha, I totally understand :naughty:

    Yes, it was released in Belgium on saturday already. So I wonder if it's also available in other countries where they speak french too then? I still don't get it at all... Why this difference. It just makes no sense :dunno: Could have been a great song for summer.

  8. I've heard some dodgy reviews about Fujifilm but think they were referring to a DSLR.


    I have a loooovely Canon digital compact which is high quality for the build/size/price. Canon IXUS 220 HS, excellent in low lighting, so maybe good for gigs?


    Edit: It also has very good film quality, although bear in mind the battery drains much faster when filming, and you'll need a big big memory card for filming in high quality on this one.


    I have a fujifilm and I think it did well at Mika gigs :D




    But, it's so true... There can be such a massive difference between different models of the same brand. Crazy! The previous fujifilm I had sucked compared to the one I still have now.


    i've bought my camera today :excite:


    it's the canon powershot sx240 hs


    can start testing it out now before i go to Vienne :teehee:


    :yay: ! Can't wait to see test shots!

  9. Yeah but there are people in Belgium that speak French, or am I wrong?

    Me neither, I'm hopeing for the 18th because that was the original release date, but I don't know :dunno:



    Yes. (the charts are seperate though, everything is ... even eurovision, heck, even the traffic rules believe it or not!) The point I was trying to make by comparing with EMD is that I would have understand it if they had released that song only in countries where they spoke french. But that I wouldn't understand why they would do this with Celebrate since 1. it isn't in French and 2. he's still signed with island :dunno:


    So I'll just hope they release it in the other countries soon too! :thumb_yello:

  10. Let's hope, so it isn't only released in the French speaking countries.


    Belgium's multilingual. I speak Dutch. Elle me dit however was a top ten hit over here (the flemish part) as well so....


    I wouldn't understand if they didn't release celebrate in the uk... So I'm just thinking they'll release it in a few days as well :dunno: Maybe I'm naive? I just don't see a reason why they wouldn't.




    On the other hand Mika has turned into a fantastic performer. The first time I saw him I could have never imagined the amazing energy and extraordinary charisma he would put into his later shows. For me it's a fair tradeoff and I can't believe that anyone who has seen Mika's show at a festival or wherever doesn't walk away impressed.


    True story. Someone once told me they never understood what I liked about Mika... Until they were at a festival where he happened to be playing... They totally got it then :thumb_yello:

  11. I do think it odd that it is this French record label (Barclay) releasing it. I wonder if he is still signed with Island Records at all....




    I fear I'll feel your pain about one now :roftl: Let's see / hear. :teehee:


    This is from the Belgian charts site:





    Jaar: 2012

    Muziek/Tekst: Pharrell Williams - Mika - Ben Garrett

    Producer: Peter Hayes - Nick Littlemore




    Promo - Digital Island 00602537098538 (UMG) / EAN 0602537098538 11/06/2012



    So I think it's safe to say he's still with Island... :thumb_yello:


    AND what's even better... Celebrate is now for sale in the Belgian version of Itunes as well!!!!!!! :yay:http://itunes.apple.com/be/album/celebrate-feat.-pharrell-williams/id535706462?i=535706463&ign-mpt=uo%3D4


    So maybe it's available for other countries too already, and if not it won't be long I guess :D

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