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Posts posted by Haeschen02


    i remember you as christine! or maybe i remember the wrong name also.....:blink:

    and when they introduced me to you the next day...i didn't realize you were the same person! such a silly oldling....my brain is fading away!

    ....now i fear for my kids' heads............



    I am Christine. Not THE Christine but still Christine. Its a bit confusing with all the Christines. Especially among the Apples :naughty: .

    It was nice meeting you anyway. I hope your kids' heads are fine :wink2:

  2. oh apples....

    just a quick hallo to you all.


    so if you are angry with the french....mmmmmmmmmmm...actually i can see a lot of french ppl here!:wink2:


    ciao yop, i introduced myself to you in london, but i'm not sure you remember me. actually i must say not all the ppl i introduced myself to seemed too interested in meeting me or knowing me....but it's ok, i won't complain.:blush-anim-cl:


    hallo kata, it was nice of you leaving the place in second row on monday 25th...but a smelly person took your place, so i can hate you for leaving your place now! but i'm ok, i loved you anyway! :naughty:


    hi bab!

    i missed you in london....this i regret! :wub2:


    so i agree with yop...pls. can we turn page about london?

    cannot we find a new way to live and enjoy mika?


    i must tell you....i had BIG problems with italian forums, not only me...jealousy and misunderstandings...and when words are said on the internet everything can turn so bad after, so bad!

    now it's almost impossible for me and others to go on italian forum and not feel unconfortable!

    and a feeling of uneasiness and sickness that sounds so illogical when we stare at mika in his eyes.


    this is my experience i wanted to share, nothing more.

    have fun in this thread as you like, but i think it's time to turn the page.


    hi jemmalee! :wub2:


    Hi Robertina!

    I don't know if you remember ME but I got the ticket from you on the 25th. So you're my saviour :wink2: . It was nice meeting you!

  3. Hi!

    So I finally made it through the pages full of drama and was afraid in the middle that I might be the only apple left in the end. Fortunately you're all more or less back. Thanks a lot for your long posts Yop. I'm still slightly confused but it was nice to get to know your perspective. I really hope that things will be handle better in the future.


    As for myself, I'm still sitting at home with my nasty cold and trying to write my paper which was due on Friday. My cat is fine. She started to be on head (?) about one day after I got her. What fun! Now she's rolling all over the floor waiting for another cat to make her happy :blink: . I told her no one would come but she won't listen. I guess I'll have her caponised in a week or so.


    I wish you all a lovely evening. I have to get back to work. See you!

  4. Hey Allegra! Nice thread you started here :naughty: !

    As I have already said before it was a great and generous gesture of Mika and his management to invite us to this party. So again: THANK YOU TO EVERYONE INVOLVED!!!!!

    And I'd also like to thank the many many wonderful people I spent the days with. That was great and so much fun :naughty: . And above all I'd like to thank Allegra for finally remembering my name :roftl:

  5. Can anybody please help me? Someone have made pictures from Martin and me,Mikey and me,and Cherisse and me.But I don't remember who made them :blush-anim-cl: It must have been the champagne :blush-anim-cl: ( I'm the girl from Holland (with glasses) who's ID card and money were stolen from)


    Edit;just found out who has my pictures from Cherisse and me,so


    you would make me very happy!!:wink2:


    I have the one from Mickey and you. Still save on my camera :naughty:

  6. so he's not responsible for all the people being ill after meeting him (after waiting for him 3 hours in the cold after sweating like maniacs jumping like idiots during the whole 1h30 gig) ?!?!?!?! how come ??? :blink: i could have bet a hand he was the only one responsible of those cold epidemics...

    Maybe its a new virus. He is healthy and we get ill :blink: .


    Wasn't there just a post from Suzy a few seconds ago? Was it deleted or did she delete it on her own?

  7. Is is coz you're French? :mf_rosetinted::shocked:


    Are we allowed to say something like that? :mf_rosetinted:


    A little too much sugar on the forum, come on apples, where are you?


    I'm here. With a tissue stuck in my nose. Am feeling quite crappy. The only funny thing is that I got close to Mika when he wasn't ill for the first time and I get a ****ing cold :blink: . I feel something goes terribly wrong. I hope everyone got home safe. I miss you all :wub2:

  8. i'm really happy for eveyone who got to go to the afterparty.. but i must admit it's very disappointing to see faces who'd arrived HOURS after i did in those photos.. it just doesn't seem right.. i know what's done is done.. and i don't want to add to the drama.. but i can't help it.. it's very sad because i had an amazing time at this gig in i don't want the memory of not being able to go to this party ruin it for me.. but it's unfair that i travelled all the way from egypt to see mika and arrived at the queue fairly early and still didn't get to go..

    i'm sorry but i really felt that i had to say this..

    the photos are looking great tho :P


    I only read today that you weren't at the afterparty. I thought you also had a wristband. That really is not fair :thumbdown: .

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