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Posts posted by poohsticks

  1. Think I will call it a night ladies and weealx. My hip refuses to let me sit

    any longer!!! :sneaky2:

    May be on later tomorrow night - depends how tired I am.


    Have fun tomorrow Deb - and you are doing a great job!! :wink2:


    Vicky - keep drinking - it makes your posts very colourful!!! :roftl:


    MM - hope to catch you again soon xxxx


    Sweet dreams to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


    goodnight wendi :biggrin2: hope the hip is better tomorrow


    Oh no, not again!! What started it off this time??


    Hi Pooh, Robi and Leonita!


    Night Wendy xxx


    hi sarah, robi, leona, hope i haven't missed anyone

  2. Hi Leona - sounds like you got quite a bit done!!! :thumb_yello:


    Pooh - not sure if you are going or not - if you are then sweet dreams,

    if not, then great!!!! :D


    i'm not going yet :biggrin2: i hope not anyway, gary has just arrived home, slightly pickled, may have to hold his hand whilst he yodles


    Awe, Leonita gets my 4000th post! :naughty: Well, those hunt-down facts on the internet are pretty popular with some of the Oldlings too. :wink2: Yes, I'm lazy. :naughty:


    well done charlotte :yay:

  3. Hi Pooh:wink2:

    How are you?

    I'm ok ...quite pleased it is the weekend !!!! Having a day off study tomorrow!!!

    Will probably take the boys to see Horton, Here's a Who!

    Anyone seen it?


    hi vicky i'm good thanks.

    i havn't seen it but it looks good


    Haven't been yet -- it's been rainy this week. Maybe on Sunday --

    along with the rest of the tourists! :naughty: We do try to go at

    least once every spring, though :thumb_yello:




    Carri! LTNS! :)


    And hi Pooh! I see you snuck in!




    hi deb you can relax here this WE with no news due till next week :original:


    I won't be here next weekend with y'all! I'm heading to Las Vegas to help celebrate a Birthday. One of the girls that I met at the Mika gig in Salt Lake is having her 21st B-day in Vegas and we are going to celebrate it Mika style. Can't wait. We are going to have so much fun!! I just wish she was on here...y'all would love her. They don't have a home computer. :(


    sounds like you'll have a great time :biggrin2:

  4. hi Pooh, how are you today? :thumb_yello:


    Hey Ricki, long time no see. How are you?


    And Pooh, what are your plans for the weekend?


    i'm good thanks :thumb_yello:


    i plan to be here all evening tonight, i havn't been here on a friday night for a while. last week all the fighting talk crashed the site :wink2:


    gary is out tonight and tomorrow afternoon so i will be doing whatever i want (which will probably involve being here :biggrin2:)


    i have 'school' tomorrow morning :original:

  5. Hey All,

    Back for another quickie...heheh :naughty:

    Haven't had time to read back much, but thanks for your well-wishes and concern - the knee surgery in 2 weeks is only exploratory day surgery. I have already had one done on my other knee which, I am not proud to say, resembles that of someone in their 70's (doc's words) and needs to be replaced, but I am told I have to wait til I am 60 years old (how old will my knee be then?) :shocked: (a mere 14 years away) :boxed: .... so, in the meantime, I will while away the hours, the days, the.... *shakes head* I will spend time with you my lovely MFC friends.:wub2:


    So, no news yet, right?:thumbdown:


    hi mamacatt :thumb_yello:

  6. You can see a picture of my puppy on my myspace profile! That was taken a month ago but she looks pretty much the same now.:thumb_yello:


    she's sweet :original:


    hubby's plane from Barcelona has landed now....i'd better welcome him!


    goodnight my ladies...see you tomorrow! :wub2:


    goodnight robi :biggrin2:

  7. What meaning? I don't know that one.:blink:




    She is a Malamute and they don't really bark, they "woo woo" and howl (like wolves). She sounds like Chewbaca in Star Wars. Actually, Chewbaca's voice was recorded Malamute sounds.


    Good night, Laurel. Rose, maybe I'll see you later if I am still here.


    Well, I don't know the alternative meaning :blink:

    Though I am guessing its rude!!! :sneaky2:


    let's just say it's not something you would normally say about a blokie it's the women's curse

  8. Ruth, what a close call! How scary. :shocked:




    Haha, we were testing because it seems she does it EVERYTIME Love Today is on. She is named "Love Love Me" afterall!:naughty:




    That's too bad. Who is the dog in your avatar? Our family is very allergic to cats too.


    So, no news, I take it?


    hi candboys, her name is jess, she is my uncle's dog and is completely mad :punk:

  9. Oh no are you? I'm alergic to cats !! Lester makes me sneeze too if i touch him too much !!!:blink:


    i'm alergic to all animals, fur or feathers. i don't even have to touch them, i start sneezing and my eyes puff up so much i cant see :thumbdown:


    it's a shame because i love cats but i can't be near them too long

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